Kenny x Reader - Party

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(Author's note) Hello to whoever is reading this, I wanted to let you know that this is my first time writing something and posting it online. Also incase this is your first time reading this kind of story or if I do something different then what you're used to
(Y/n) = your name
(H/c) = hair color
(H/l) = hair length
'  ' = thoughts
"   " = Things being said
Alright I think that's about it, if you have any questions feel free to ask I'll answer as best I can. Happy reading :)

You're new to South Park, you had to move due to your dad getting a job offer.

In an attempt to make more friends, you decided to go to a party that Bebe was having at her place. Her parents were away for the weekend and invited you....more like bribed you.

"Come on (y/n) you have to come! There's going to be hot guys, booze and a DJ!"

"I don't know Bebe, I'm not really a party person."

"Kenny's going to be there too." She said as she winked. He'd usually flirt with you and she's known you've had a crush on him for awhile and was not afraid to use it against you.

"Fine." You groaned.

"Great! The party starts at 8:00 tonight, make sure you wear something sexy!" She yelled as she ran off to go tell more people about the party.

"Something sexy huh?" You mumbled to yourself, walking down the hall to your next class.

*Time skip to you arriving at Bebe's*

There was loud pop music blaring from the house that could be heard from outside. You walked up to the front door passing a few drunk teens making out, throwing up, etc. on the the way, making a mental note to stay away from the punch.

As you raise your hand to ring the bell, the door was suddenly opened by Bebe, who was wearing a crop top and mini skirt.

'How is she not freezing?' She looked over you disappointingly.

"(Y/n), I thought I said something sexy." She whined.

" A sweater and jeans are not sexy!" You shrugged as she pulled you inside.

"I don't know Bebe, I think she looks pretty sexy." Kenny comments as he pops up out of nowhere. You blush but laugh it off. He was just playing, it's not like he meant it...right?

"So the dancefloor and DJ are outside, but the punch and booze are in the kitchen with snacks. Make sure you're in the living room in 15 minutes, there's a game starting and I signed you both up for the next round." Bebe explained while showing you around. She then went off to go greet more guest, leaving you with Kenny in the kitchen.

"So, what made you want to come to the party?"

"No reason in particular." You answer his question calmly despite the blush covering your cheeks.

"Really? You mean there's no reason at all? Sayyy a guy you like is here?"

You cough on the chip you had just started eating. Your eyes now wide and blush reaching your ears due to the question and the fact he leaned closer to get a better look at your face.

'How did he find out?!'

"I knew it, your reaction tells all."

'Why did he seem sad while saying that?' You where about to ask when your names where called.

"(Y/n)! Kenny! Come to the living room!" You turn back to Kenny to see him heading towards Stan's voice, you follow him slightly confused. As you walk into the living room you notice a group of teens sitting in a circle and realize what 'game' Bebe meant......spin the bottle.

South Park x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now