The story of my life

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--------flash back------

age 4

"But Louis I want the last cookie" I said to my best friend Louis Tomlinson "no it mine Aliya" he protested "your mean Loubear" "no your mean alicat" he said back "kids kids kids there is a soliton to this problem" my dad said "what" me and Louis screamed at the same time "this" he said and he broke the cookie in half "oh" we both said and took a half "u the best daddy" i said as I walked up the stairs to my room Louis followed me but on the way I dropped my cookie "here u can have mine" I heard Lou say, I looked up at him and took the cookie that had three little bite marks in it from where he took bites out of it with his little teeth

-----------end of flashback----------

I quickly sat up in my bed it was just a dream he isn't my best friend any more I haven't seen him since that night

Night of fight ...

"Loubear you will always be special to me babe but you have to go so go we will keep in touch" I said to him he was leaving to bond with the other boys of his new band I'm happy for him but he's leaving... But I will have to live with video chat and phone calls and text but he is going to be in the most farmhouse boy band in the world!!!!!!!!!! I can't keep him from that that is his dream


He never Called me he never texted me he never facetimed me he completely forgot about me I will never forgive him........ I wiped my tears and got out of bed "only half a blue sky kinda there but not quiet and walking round with just one shoe I'm half a heart with-" I answered my phone "WHAT" I scream into my phone "HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE" my best friend Katrina scream back. What it's New Year's Eve 2014 it can't be 4 years ago I Lost my best friend and the guy I promised to share a New Years kiss with at 1200 at Times Square on New Years but that's not going to happen any more I thought to my self "hello Ali u there" Katrina said through the phone I realized that I dropped my phone " aren't you excited" she asked "we are going to be in Times Square for 2014. OH yah Stan is coming at 400 so we can be together like we all promised each other we would be" she said excitedly "no we won't" I said sadly "yah oh" she said "yah no loubear" I said sadly "I'm sorry" she started "just forget it I'm not going out tonight you and Stan have fun"

Louis POV

"Hey Stan wasssssuuuuuuppppp" I said over the phone very drunk like most days for 4 years I have been drinking because I miss my Alicat "Lou are u drunk" he asked

"Maybe" I replied "well guess what" he asked "whaaaaaa" I slurred "I'm going to Times Square to see kat and Ali" "WHAT" I screamed at him "you heard me" I know you guys are going to be in New York and I know what hotel you are staying in an it right beside Times Square why don't you come Aliya will love it"he said "NO" "why" he replied "she hates me" I said back "fine what ever" and he hung up

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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