Chapter One

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Hello everyone before we begin I would just like to say that I am going to upload this every day this month. But some day I may not be able to make so anyway let's get on with a story.

Everyone had been gathered in the living room just finishing a movie. Zatanna and Artemis took up the love seat. Conner, M'gann took the other love seat. Robin and Wally managed to take up the whole couch lying down. While Kaulder and Roy ended up on the floor not that they seemed to mind

"So what are you doing this year?"

Robin looked up to see Artemis waiting for him to answer the question.


"What are you doing for Christmas this year?" Artemis asked again.

"Oh well, I'm gonna do the same thing I do every year, make sure my family knows how much I love them," Robin responded.

Artemis had gone back to looking at her phone. Robin could that she was disappointed with his answer. He had found about her criminal family and he understood where she was coming from.

"What about you what are you doing this year?" Robin asked.

"It's probably going to be my mom and I like every year. I doubt that anything will change," Artemis replied with a sort of bitterness in her voice but it was quickly replaced with a small smile. "So what are you going this year Baywatch?"

"Well like every year Aunt Iris is trying catch Uncle Barry under the mistletoe. Maybe this year she'll actually catch him well with my help of course," Wally said smiling.

Everybody had looked at him confused.

"Why?" Zatanna asked.

"Well being a speedster he normally speeds away last minute," Wally said.

Zatanna facepalms well Robin bust out laughing at his boyfriend's long explanation.

"Wally that's not what she meant. She meant why are you trying to catch the Flash under a mistletoe," Roy said.

"Ohhhh. Well, I don't know why actually I've been wondering that myself," Wally said.

"It's cute how she's trying to catch him under the mistletoe. How long has she been at?" M'gann asked.

"Probably six or seven years give or take," Wally responded.

"What about you Conner, what are you doing?" Robin asked.

"Um," Conner said starting to play with his hands. "What is Christmas?"

Everyone looked at the clone in shock well Conner winced. He knew it was bad because even M'gann and Kaulder looked taken aback.

"You don't know what Christmas is?!" Wally asked in complete shock.

Conner's face started to burn as he looked away. "All I know is that it's a day."

"Of course the genomes didn't program you with it. Cadmus only programmed you with things they thought were important Christmas not being on that list," Robin realized.

Conner nodded well silence fell over the room again. Roblin looked down feeling bad.

"I'm sorry Conner I didn't realize that they wouldn't program you without knowing about Christmas. Totally not asterous," Robin replied.

"It's ok Robin you couldn't have known," Conner said trying to make the teen feel better but he wouldn't even look up. "Would one of you guys mind telling me what it is."

"It's only the best holiday ever!" Wally said getting really excited.

"You say that about every holiday," Artemis replied smacking him.

"Do not! You could not get me to say Valentine's Day even comes close to Christmas, or Thanks Giving or even Halloween," Wally said.

"Dude those are all food based holidays," Robin said smiling slightly.

"Ok since you're so smart why don't you explain it," Artemis snapped at him clearly annoyed.

"Ok," Wally opened his mouth then closed it and opened it again looking like a fish. "Crap. Um well, Christmas is celebrated on the twenty-fifth of this month. Ummmm. How do you explain Christmas? Rob, you're from another country you wanna try?"

The team gave Wally a confused look. How did he know that Robin was from another country? They all looked towards Robin to see his reaction. Robin looked at Wally and rolled his eyes but it being wasted being hissed behind his shades.

"I'm rolling my eyes at you Walls," Robin said getting up and stretching his stiff muscles. (Bet you would like to see him shirtless right now wouldn't you Wally? *Gets a hard slap on the back of the head. OW! Wally that was rude now is that anyway treat me. Ugh anyway back to the story.) "Well, there is a lot to do during Christmas like Santa and his reindeer, the Christmas tree, gifts, and stockings. There are angels, shepherds, and carolers. Some people also think of it as a new hope and I guess their right. Christmas has different meanings to everyone." Robin paused for a moment looking thoughtful. "Well I guess when it comes down to the basics Christmas is the season of giving and spending time with family and friends and the people closest to you. Letting your family know how much you love them." A sad look then crossed his face. "You'll never know if there's going to be a next year." Wally stood up and wrapped an arm around Robin. Robin then looked up to meet the eyes of the half-Kryptonian clone. The sad look was either gone or hidden. It was gone as soon as it came. "It's also a lot of fun."

"You bet it is," Wally beamed.

A sad look crossed the Conner's face.

"But I don't have any family to spend it with," Conner said quietly leaving the room.

The team was silent after that they hadn't thought of that. M'gann looked as if she was in deep thought then came up with an idea. M'gann the opened up a Physik link.

"Hello M'gann," She said mentally facepalming while the team was confused. "We could spend Christmas here. We could get a tree and decorate the cave and teach Conner more about Christmas."

"Yeah that's a good idea M'gann," Kauder said.

"I could probably convince Batman to let us hang lights up and decorate the cave. I did convince him to let me hang lights up in the Batcave," Robin said smirking.

"Really dude you couldn't have convinced Batman to let you hang lights up in the Batcave," Wally said crossing his arms.

"Of course I did I have the power of persuasion," Robin said.

"Sure," Wally replied.

"Anyway we could watch some Christmas movies to teach him more about Christmas," Zatanna suggested.

The team all smiled.

"So we are all agreed that we will spend Christmas here and decorate the cave?" Aqualad asked. The team all agreed. "Very well I shall go speak with Superboy."

Well guys that was a pretty long first chapter 1118 words to be exact. Anyway I hoped you all enjoyed this first chapter. If you guys could I would love to hear your feed back about how this fist chapter was. I'll see you all tomorrow. Bye.


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