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A/N: Requested by  Coradixon_7

Before Negan.
Rick was sprawled across the couch, with Michonne lazily laying next to him, her head on his chest.
"This is odd. Nothing bad has happened today, there's nothing to do for once." Rick said, slight concern in his voice. "I don't understand. I feel like somethings not right."
"Oh don't jinx it. You need to relax Rick, everythings fine at the moment. Enjoy it." Michonne said half serious/half kidding.
"Harder then it sounds, with me. Maybe I should check on Carl and Judith."
"No, Judiths with Carol and Daryl, and Carl's at physical therapy. He mentioned going to see Enid after. Rosita and Eugene are in the Bell tower on watch, and we aren't even low on supplies. We have the whole afternoon to ourselves."
"I can't help worrying."
"Then we need to do something to get your mind off everything. And I have the perfect idea." Michonne said slightly smirked, sitting up.
"Oh really?" Rick asked chuckling.
"Yup." Michonne got up, getting her katana down from above the mantle.
"Thought you never wanted to use that again." Rick reminded, getting up and going next to her
"I don't want to use it to kill people, while we're fighting for our lives. Nows just for fun. I'm going to teach you how to use it."
Rick raised an eyebrow.
"I'd rather stick to guns and knives."
"Too bad Grimes." Michonne slipped on her long skinny holester, then slid her katana in. They walked to the gates, hand in hand and told Rosita and Eugene they were going for a walk.
They did walk for awhile until they came across a clearing and Michonne stopped. Michonne pulled her katana out and whistled shrilly. Her plan worked and a walker emerged from the trees.
"Watch. It isn't as hard as it seems." She demonstrated how to decapitate the walker in multiple ways, explaining each step thoroughly.
However, Rick hardly listened. She was just so beautiful, that he was easily distracted by her. He had been caught by Daryl and Glenn, even Carl who smirked while giving him a knowing look, a few times while he stared at the lower part of her body longer then he probably should. She wasn't just beautiful, she was smart, brave, loyal, and being a mother figure to Carl and Judith. Perfect. Just perfect.
Even now, as she decapitated the walker, with fresh walker blood splattered on her. Perfect.
"Got it?" She asked, as she finished explaining.
"Huh? Oh yeah. I got it. It'll be easy."
She whistled again. And, not 1, but 2 walkers came out and Rick was completely oblivious of what to do.
Well..... How hard can it be?
Rick, faking confidence, walked right up to the closet walker, and swung.
And missed the walker completely.
"I'm guessing you weren't good at baseball as a child." She teased.
"Shut up." He said jokingly.
"Remember what I said. You can do this Rick."
"I will."
This time he tried a different approach.
He tried to impale it, holding the katana with only one hand, but ended up nearly slicing his finger off. But fortunately, he was only cut and still had his thumb.
Michonne took the katana and instantly slashed the two walkers then slid it into it's holster and rushed Rick back to Alexandria.
"Mich, it's fine. This isn't the worst that's happened." Rick said calmly. Michonne ignored him, marching him straight to the infirmary, where Denise cleaned and stitched it. When she left to get bandages Michonne exclaimed, "Why the hell did you do that?! You did it like you were fencing, I told you not to do that!"
Rick knew he was on thin ice, so he had to be careful about what he said next. He remained silent before finally saying,
"I got so distracted by how gorgeous you are, that I got lost thinking about it. I mean, who can blame me?" with a slight smirk.
Michonne almost smiled at her adorable boyfriend, but held strong.
"Well it almost cost you your finger and now our little date is ruined."
"It was actually pretty fun." Rick promised. "We can go home, and find something else to do."
She sighed.
"Like what?"
"Like this." With his unhurt hand, he cupped her cheek, pulling her closer for a kiss. It was a long, passionate kiss, but not a lustful one that always led to something more. Michonne gave in closing her eyes, and untensed as she ran her hands through his hair.
That moment Denise returned, eyes widening.
"Oh, um, I-I'm sorry. I'll... I'll just leave this right here." The doctor nervously stuttered before quickly walking out, setting the bandages on the counter. Rick and Michonne pulled away, both bursting into a fit of laughter. Michonne got up, then wrapped the bandage around his finger.
They went home and layed in bed together, playing with each other's hair while murmuring nice things.
"Best date ever." Rick said half asleep.
"Mhm. Definitely." Michonne whispered back. "But ya, you'll have to stick with guns."
They soon fell asleep, with Rick spooning Michonne his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Michonne was as close to him as she could possibly be, and they both fell asleep smiling.
"Dad, Michonne, we're home!" Carl called, carrying Judith. He peeked into their bedroom and smiled taking Judith to her room. Setting her in her crib Carl whispered,
"I'm pretty sure she'll be Momchonne now Judy." he joked with a smirk.
Judith giggled in agreement, bouncing around in her crib.
"The Grimes family is complete again."

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