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I was right there, in front of your gravestone not on your death anniversary but on Valentine's day. The day when it all started. The day after I got to know you left me. The day after I was unsure even if you were alive.

This past year was something I would never want to recall in my life. The anxiety of living without you, having your kid and dating Mitch. Mitch was the most sweet, caring guy and he helped me through the most difficult times. But he reminded me of you, so I left him.

I left him to move on.

One year had been a long time to help me move on. But honestly I didn't. I still didn't fulfil your last wish to move on. And today, I would finally start working towards it. I left Mitch, this town and I was going to move into the city to launch my new bakery.

Our baby boy was the only reason I was pushing myself to become somebody. He was my new protector, my little warrior.

I realized that I didn't need any man to support me nor did all the women in the world. We needn't wait for our Prince Charming because we were already the Queens.

I should go now, start my new life. Wish me luck.

And oh yes, I named our baby boy after you, Hope.


Hello guys, I truly wish you all get the message and essence of this story. #Staystrong.

The irony of his name, lol. You all wanted to know his name, so hope you are satisfied with it. [pun intended]

Also, questions regarding any mystery unsolved [did I miss, any?] can be dropped in the comment section.

Questions regarding the characters can be dropped in the inline comments below. I would post the answers in the next chapter :

- Eva

- Hope [him]

- Mitch

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