Chapter 1: The Dream

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" Ma! Pa! Sandy!" As I step out from the tricycle, calling them.

" Sebbie, what is it. What is wrong?"

My father who was running coming from our mini store.

" Ate, what is going on?"

My little sister carrying a book went to me as well, and my mother holding a laddle rushed to where we are.

" Approved!"

With all the excitement, I showed them my visa application with the aeal "APPROVED" on it. I saw them excited as they took the paper from me and look at it closely.

" Oh my God! It is, really it is! Yehey! Sebbie is going to London!"

Well, it has been a dream. I finished my course as a Nurse five years ago and been regular in a government hospital for three years already, after graduation, few months got my license and got a job. My friend who went to London five years ago encouraged me to apply to the institution he worked at. His my best friend actually, my buddy. And now, that dream is right in my hands. I don't want to waste it. That I have list down all my plans already, my father is a tricycle driver and my mother owns a mini store right infront of our house. Simple living, there's just four of us. Goodness, me and my little sister was given a brain to use so we can avail a scholarship. If not with the scholarship, it could be very hard for us. My sister is a second year student in College of Architecture, and I really want to help provide everything for her. It went through a long talk with my parents, they actually do not want me to go that far. But I told them, I want to make my dream for them come true. Earn at least a little more to do it, and is going to come true.

With my dream with me, I give my family the tightest hug I can give as they send me to the airport. Well, it will be long before I could see them. A two year contract it is, and it is London. Maybe it will take more than two years before I can come home for a vacation, teary eyed my mother handed me a rosary. Told me to always have faith and never let trials bring me down, my father trying to be brave..and my sister?

" Sebbie, whose going to pick me up after school?"

" Papa can do that. Take care of them, and your studies."

" Are you not going to boyfriend til you're done with school?"

" Silly you, you know that already. Besides, since I am away. You should be more responsible now, you to take care of our parents as well."

" I got that."

Got my heavy heart, this is the first time to be that far from them. Honestly, I am not use to it...but I have to live with soon as I step my feet inside the Airplane that will take me to London. For now, I have to say goodbye. I only have one simple dream, actually..not just me. Sandy designed a house, and she showed it to me. She told me, she wanted to build it as soon as she earns money and give it to our parents as gift to them. And that pushed me to do this, I want our parents to enjoy that house and become our new will be done. For now, I have to look back and take one more glance to them before the door shuts down. I wave my hand, a tear fell down on my cheek. How will it be without them? I have no idea, but I have them in here...inside my heart....with that dream.

A long flight, and a stop over. And as I open my eyes to take a peak at the window as the flight crew announces our approach to the London Airport. My heart is beating fast, I don't know of whether it is by fear or by excitement. Then, I took a deep breath as I pass through the immigration counter. Collect my luggage and went to the arrival lobby, and yeah. Who would not notice him? Wide smile, waving at me. He run towards me and greeted me with a bump on my shoulder.

" Damn you look great!"

He said with a grin.

" Shut up Marc."

" What, how many already?"

" Crazy, treat me for a meal will you? I am hungry really."

" As usual, food first before anything else. Well, mom and my girlfriend prepared food for our special guest. So, we have to hurry home so you can taste them all and you will know why..I fell inlove with that woman."

" Okay, I am excited."

" I am warning you chic magnet, she is my girlfriend."

" Crazy!"

And he laugh, well. This man did a lot for me, his mother went here in London when their father left the three of them. His mother, and his younger sister. His mother found new love, and brought them here after he graduated. This is what he wanted for me, try the life they have in here. Saying it is never easy, but surely it pays off everu hardships. He took my luggage from me and put his other arm on my shoulder, he talks a lot and I am enjoying it. From the taxi to the place where they live, and apartment. It is quite huge. He lives here with his mother, sister and their step father. Uncle Beynard is quite a good man, I have been talking with him everytime Marc calls me on their sunday family day. As he open the door, I can here foot steps nearing.

" Welcome to London!"

With their smiles, I at least feel better. Aunt Agnes greeted me with a warm hug, and so as Uncle Byenard. With Lucy his sister and he introduce me to his girlfriend Erica. A british filipino he met in the gym where he work as a part time trainor. All set, the table and the foods. They lead me there and we dig in to every dish on the table. The weather is a little cold, it's mid autumn already. I will be living in with them, sharin a room with Marc. He won't allow me to sleep on the othe other room. It is just eleven thirty in the morning and since I will be reporting to the home for the aged the next day, Uncle Beynard will be taking me around for a tour with the whole family of course. I called my family after I have eaten to tell them I am with them already, and as a mother. Aunt Agnes eases my mother's worry assuring her that she will take good care of me for her. I am now happy, thanks to these people.

" I wonder how many girls would drool for you Seb, ladies..beware..the heartbreaker is finally here."

" Stop that Marco, they might fall for it."

I hissed, hitting him. Well I am as tall as him, he stands 5'11" and I am on the 5'9". It is easy to hit him with a fist, and they all laugh. What I am so grateful of is him accepting me for who I am, and so as his family. We even becane best friends on my second year in college, I joined him and his friends..all boys. He loves to stay at our home, and when Lucy left for London he was left alone. He spent his three years with my family, we shared room.

I can feel the cold wind on my face as we step out from Uncle Beynard's car, thanks to Marco's gift for me. A jacket enough to make me feel warm, and he knows I love he gave me one too. He seemed to be so inlove with his girlfriend for two years, good for him. We walk, we ride, we buy and they take photos with me in every places they introduce me in. I feel not too far from my family with the warmth of this family I am with. It feels like I am home. Finally, a dinner in a restaurant. Marco send his girlfriend to her house as he promise to have dinner with her family.
The city lights amazed me, the beauty of each places and buildings and landmarks. So beautiful...we head back to the apartment after dinner, it was ten in the evening so we decided to rest. Aunt Agnes and Uncle Beynard made sure I've got enough clothes and sheets to sleep and wished me a good luck with my journey...and I am feeling good at it.

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