Chapter 20: Love wins

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Sometimes it takes long to nurture love and grow it into a more mature one, yet..there's a chance for love to be nurtured in an instant. Love comes in so many faces, and my Love for Claire is that kind of love that had brought me pain and a broken heart...the kind of love that heals own pain..Love hurts, trully it is...and now it healed all my pain and so as her pain.

" Where are you taking me?"

She asks as I blindfolded her when I took her out from out hotel room.

" Ssshhh..wait til you see it."

She grip into my hand as I lead her to a place.

" Hmm...okay."

Everything is set, our loved ones...her parents are here without her knowing it. I took a three day leave for this. I hope this is enough to make all my plans be meaningful.

" Okay, we're here. And ahm...please take a sit. Wait til I say remove the blindfold."

" You are making me so nervous."

I give her a passionate kiss on the lips, and she smile. It is her birthday, and I want her to remember this birthday as the best birthday she ever had as an adult. I hold the cake after the waiter lit the candles, and I joined everyone as we face the blindfolded celebrant.

" You can remove the blindfold now babe."

She then remove it, her eyes widened and seems want to cry. Then we started singing her a birthday song, up to the last word of it. I went closer to her so she can blow the candle, instead of blowing it. She circled her arms around my neck as I bend down with the cake, Marco took the cake from my hand quickly. She kiss me, passionately, sweetly and warmly.

" Ehem..we are still here guys. At least blow the candles and so you kiss all you want while we have our meals...will you?"

I give her one long smack on the lips, and pull away. Marco is holding his laugh as we look at him.

" Please?"

" Make a wish sweetheart."

Her mom told her. She smile and nod then close her eyes and then blow the candles off.

" Okay! Now you do what you want. Come on guys, let's sit and have our meals..leave the love birds alone. Give your gifts and birthday messages later."

I elbowed Marco and he run to the table and put the cake down and went back to us giving us both a tight hug.
Then they all sat down and started eating, since they follow what Marco told them. Might as well we do ours too...I pull her closer, hold her face.

" I love you much."

" I love you more Seb, and I will love you forever."

I reach for her lips and she welcome mine, having her this close to me, kissing her sweetly, with all my heart...what more can someone like me ask for? I have the most beautiful woman in the world, then we joined the rest of them as we celebrate her birthday.

We got married in London two years ago, and we again did a simple symbolic wedding here at this very same place. Not everyone was able to attend the wedding in London that we have to do it here, and since it is her birthday and just on time for Marco and his family to move back in for good...I planned this surprise for her birthday.

There's more to love than just pain..

To Claire:

No matter how this love of ours turn to as years pass by, no matter how much pain I have to bear, no matter how much tears I have to shed. No matter how many times you push me away...always remember that I am certain of just one thing. I will always love you, and will never get tired of loving you. Your love has taught me to appreciate both love and pain...yes indeed..Love heals.


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