Meeting new peoples

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*Dani's POV*

There was squid everywhere. I didn't know what to do. I killed them. There was too many. One kicked me from behind and put me in a sack.

*Paige's POV*

NO!!! I screamed as my sister was kidnapped by a bunch of squid. Let me introduce myself. I'm Paige. I love girly stuff unlike my sister who isn't girly or a tomboy. I try not to dislike or hate anything. I am cheerful and happy all the time. I just need to get my sister back. So I followed the squid that kidnapped her. It lead me to a giant prison, underwater. Yah, I can't swim. That's bad. I grabbed onto a squid and held my breath. They also smell bad. Really bad. Have they ever heard of taking a shower or makeup at least. I mean come on I do it like twice a day. It's not that hard. I need to talk to the squid King and/or Queen about this.

*Jerome's POV*

I was right by the door when I heard crying. I told everyone to go without me but Mitch stayed with me. He's a good friend. I looked around and saw a girl. Mitch motioned me to go for

it YOLO right?

*Dani's POV*

I was crying in a corner. I don't know why but it's probably the fact that I got kidnapped by squids. SQUIDS, the stupidest mobs in minecraft. Maybe they're getting stronger. My thoughts got interrupted from a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and we a bacca holding out his hand. "I hate to interrupt your crying, but we are escaping now and want to know if you want to come with us." The bacca said. "O-ok" I said as I gladly accepted his hand. He's such a gentleman. I don't like gentlemen, I'll spend a few more hours with him to see if he's fun and awesome. Just like me! :) Once we were running and out of breath, we stopped at a doorway. There was 8 people Apperently they're names were Adam, Jerome, Ian, Mitch, Nightshade, Crystal, Jason, some dead guy named Quentin, and Ty. Ok I need to remember that.

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