Plane Crashed

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It was in the evening time and there was a plane flying over the sea and there destination is Viridian City, Kanto.

There was a boy about 16 years old with raven black hair, brown eyes, and have tan skin. With a Pikachu on his lap and the both of them were looking out there aisle window and look at the sea.

"Wow Pikachu look at the ocean, its beautiful" Ash said to his partner Pokemon.

"Pika Pikachu" Pikachu said

Ash turn from the window to the flight attendant and ask her a question. "Excuse me ma'am".

"Yes can I help you sir?" The flight attendant said to Ash.

"When are we gonna arrive to Kanto" Ash said

"Probably for another couple hours" she said

"Thank you" Ash said, he turn back to the window with Pikachu and keep starring at the ocean, that's when he and Pikachu spotted something in the distance in the sky.

It got a little closer to the plane, they realized it was a Jet, the jet got a little closer to the plane. At first they fought it was just a ordinary military jet, that's when they realized the color of the jet and emblem.

It was black all over and has red R's on the wings and tail, then he saw five more jets revealed themselves with different colors and emblem on each jet.

One was dark red with a mountain emblem, one was  dark blue with a bone like emblem, one was white and grey with a G emblem, one was light blue and white with a shield and P emblem, and the last jet was red orange with a fire emblem.

Ash and Pikachu recognize each emblem from each jet, they can't believe what they were seeing, there arch enemy team rocket is working together with other criminal organizations, but he fought those other five organizations were disbanded.

Three of the jets were going on the other side of the plane getting into a position, all the passengers, flight attendants, and pilots were confuse and scared what's going to happen.

That's when it happen, all of the jets beginning to fire caliber rounds into the planes engines, next thing all of the engines were on fire and the plane started to go down.

Everyone on the plane were in panic and screaming, one of the flight attendants told everyone to fasten there safety belts and put on there oxygen mask.

Ash fasten his safety belt and put on his oxygen mask, as for Pikachu he got into his short sleeved jacket and hold on tight.

"Hold on Pikachu!" Ash shouted

"PIKA!" Pikachu shouted

The jets weren't done yet, two of them went down towards the going down plane and the two fired missiles at one of the planes engines  and then it blew up making the plane go sideways,

The pilot on the intercom shouted, "Everyone Hold On!"

The plane crashed into the ocean and started to sink. The plane was starting to take on water and everybody started panic, most of people on the plane were injured or dead, and then there was another explosion and more water started to come in filling up the entire plane.

Ash and Pikachu swim over to help the other people, but then water filled in the plane and they went underwater, they were underwater and they saw people and non water type pokemon having a hard time to swim, Ash and Pikachu tried go over and help, but then another explosion happen and pieces of the plane went flying in the water and hitting Ash and Pikachu.

A few made cuts on Ash's thigh, chest, and one hit him across the eye. Pikachu got cut across the the back making them scream in pain, but they are trying to hold back there screams to save some oxygen.

They saw the floating bodies in the water and they have no choice is to swim to the surface. They were still in pain with all the cuts they have, but they swam there way to the surface.

Once they got to the surface, they found a floating piece of the plane and swim over to it. They got on the piece of the plane and laid there.

Ash and Pikachu realized the jets were gone, that's when they noticed the cuts on there bodies and they were pain, especially ash with the most cuts, even the one across his eye.

"I can't believe they would do something like this Pikachu, ugh." Ash said in pain

"Pika" Pikachu said in pain

"I know they would do very bad things in the past, but this is worse, they kill those people and pokemon on the plane, just to kill me" Ash said in pain once again.

"Pika, piiiii" Pikachu before fainting

"Pikachu" Ash said before he fainted as well

They both fainted and the piece of the plane started drifting away from the crash.

Somewhere else......

It was nighttime in another region and a women was walking down the beach looking at the vast beauty of the ocean at night. The women was looking around the beach, until she saw two characters laying on the sand, one was a person and the other a Pokemon. The women ran over to them.

"Hey are two alright!" She said

She knelt down and saw there cuts, they weren't deep, but they lost some blood. She was scared if they were dead, but lucky she felt pulses in both the person and the Pokemon.

She gave a breath of relief, but now what she's going to do, the hospital and Pokemon center are pretty far and by time the paramedics get here they could be dead.

"I'll have to take them back to my house and I have to treat them myself" she said

She let out a Pokémon and carry the little injured Pokémon , while she carry the person back to there house.

Author note:

So that was my first chapter of Pokémon revenge part 1. Chapter 2 will come out shortly and if you have any questions about the chapter, ask me.

So have a wonderful day everyone...

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