Chapter Six

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Son of a bitch. He'd wondered...and had known that the vampires gave in too easily to his demands. "Let me guess—Devon's plan?"

"Devon hates wolves." A faint shrug lifted your shoulders. "He told the others I would go in as an assassin. Fool you, take your blood, and get strong enough to close the door."

His claws were out. "So why are you confessing to me? Seems like one fine plan."

And he'd been such a blind fool. Wanting you, needing you so much, and you would have just—

"Because it was never my plan." Your gaze locked on him. "But maybe those memories haven't come to you yet."

What? "I only saw you change Paul." He'd seen it, like a living nightmare in his head. You, running into that alley Finding the bloody mess that was Paul, with stab wounds all over his body and a knife shoved into his throat.

He'd wanted to live...

"When we find that doorway," you told him, voice calm, "I am going in with you—and we're both coming out. That's the new deal."

He swallowed. "Why?"

"Because I won't let you face hell alone." Now your expression changed. Softened.

"And if I need to, I'll haul your ass out myself. I just found you, wolf, and I'm not about to lose you."His fingers slid under the thick weight of your hair as he tilted your head back.

"You won't." He kissed you. Long, hard, hot. Kissed you and wanted you again. Soon...soon he'd have you forever. If he managed to survive the night.

The vampires and the wolves hadn't killed each other. You thought that was a good sign. Well, mostly good.

When you and Jace re-entered the great room, the wolves were still lined up on the left, and the vampires were glaring on the right. The vampires seemed a bit cockier now, probably because they were gaining strength from the setting sun.

Two of the wolves held the now conscious demon. The guy's face was broken and bloody, so it looked like the wolves had been enjoying some play time. Louis raised a brow. "All better now?" he worked toward you two. Jace growled at him.

But, actually, yes, you were better. One hundred percent better. Power seemed to pulse in your veins. If this rush would come to you each time that you and Jace exchanged blood, then you'd make sure they exchanged every day for the rest of your life. Since you planned to spend all of your days and nights with him, an exchange wouldn't be a hardship at all.

Your blood would enable him to live longer. Human mates who sipped from their vampire lovers could stay young and strong as long as they had that blood supply.

You'd make sure Jace fed well and often. "You're feeding a dog?" The demon spat blood on the ground at Jace's feet. "Vampire, don't you know better than to—" Jace lunged and grabbed the demon around his throat. "I'm going to slice you open."

The demon just laughed. "I've been in hell, asshole. You can't do anything to me that hasn't already been done."
You hesitated. The demon had a point.

"We'l see." Jace didn't seem worried. "Once I slice off your hands and crack open your rib cage, we'l find out if you feel like talking then."

But the demon shook his head. "Been there, done that. Why do you think we're all coming out? This world..." His red eyes flew around the room. "It's life. We're coming, and we're taking it over, and you can't stop us."

"We'll shut your damn door," Jace promised, "and you'll stay in your cage." More laughter. "Not if you can't find it."

"You'll talk," Jace promised. Then he glanced back at you. "You don't...want to see this." But you read his eyes and understood. Don't watch me do this. He would torture. He would push and push and push...because he wanted to save you. Save his people.

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