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Go to bed now. I'll see you in the morning tomorrow! But make sure to leave your window open or unlocked, so you don't get cold~

Xoxo Sehun

Your phone buzzed and you put down your pen to read the message. It was from your boyfriend and in the middle of the night too. You realised that you should be sleeping right now and put away your notes and books you had been reviewing, even though it was Christmas Eve or technically, almost Christmas Day.

You smiled a little at his message and yawned, your mouth opening wide as you stretched your back from sitting for so long. "Whatever he is planning, better be good," you mumbled, going over to unlock your window then started climbing into bed. It wasn't long before you fell asleep, falling into a deep slumber of happy dreams.


You woke up refreshed and rubbed your eyes, still slightly sleepy. But the thought of Sehun's surprise had you up and ready in minutes. You checked your phone again but saw no new messages, so you went over to your window to check. There was a gift wrapped box, its shining red ribbon ruffling in the breeze. A card was attached to the ribbon and you squealed a little, opening it so quickly that you nearly ripped it in half. You loved surprises.

Inside the card was a simple message. Good morning, babe~ Merry Christmas! So, guess what? Open the box and find out! It's going to be a great day today! SEHnta~ Kekeke. You nearly died of laughter from the way he wrote the message as well as a badly drawn doodle of what you guessed was Santa at the bottom. You put the card on your desk and hurriedly tore off the wrapping paper, excited with what might lie inside.

The item inside was not what you had expected. It was another card. You frowned and opened it slowly, holding it gingerly away from your face in case it might have something strange inside. It was only instructions. You sighed and read it over slowly.

1. Read this well, okay?

2. No skipping to the end! It wouldn't be fun otherwise!

3. Wear warm clothes!

4. Follow everything precisely!

5. Find the next hint outside! I'll see you soon, I promise~

You rolled your eyes at his typical behaviour but followed the written instructions anyways. You just hoped it was all worth spending your day on what seemed like a crazy scavenger hunt, and that he wasn't trolling you. "If this is some prank of his, I'm going to prank him right back," you tutted, and put the note into your pocket. Picking your phone, wallet and keys, you left the house and looked around the front gate and the mailbox, trying to find the next hint.

Something caught your eye on the branch of a tree and you went over, only to realise that the envelope was a bit too high. "Damn you, Sehun. Can't you realise that I'm too short?" You muttered, looking for the ladder you kept at the side of the house. After going through the trouble of getting the enveloped, you sat on a step of the ladder and read it.

Jagiya! YAY! You found it! Sorry, if it was a little too high... haha. Now, to get you some breakfast! Go to the shop next to the library! They have excellent drinks and food! Go go~

Of course, he would be thinking about you first before making you go through the rest of the hunt. You put this note away as well and headed to the coffee shop he was talking about. You often frequented the place after going to the library to study and he would meet you there as well.

The scent of food made your stomach grumble loudly and you hurried inside. You went to the counter and looked at the selection, deciding on a blueberry muffin and green tea. You paid for your order and sat in one of the booths, your favourite one by the window where you could look out and watch people walk past. You sipped the tea, took a bite of the muffin when you saw a note scribbled on the side of the paper cup. You held it at eye level and read it, Go to the library. You know where, as well as a book reference number.

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