Short:Mike River Imagine"if your girl only knew"

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"If your girl only knew,that you was trying to get with me,what would she do? If your girl only knew that you was dissing her to talk to me"

Mike,well in the short time of the new MB We had all got to know Mike River pretty well,we knew by now that he was very flirtatious and very unholy at times. Mike had a girlfriend but he also had feelings for you too.

You had to admit,Mike was pretty fine but not fine enough for you to become a "side chick" while he still had a girl.

Mike claimed he wanted you more than her but his actions showed something way different. If he wanted you as bad as he said he did.. Why was he still with her?

You were at a coffee shop down the street from your favorite clothing store. You and all your friends were there,it was 6 of you at a booth laughing and talking,you weren't a big fan of coffee so even though it was cold outside you still got a iced tea lemonade.

You were sitting on the side where you could see all the costumers come in and low and behold look what the wind drags in,Mike River.

You instantly groan and slide down a little bit to try and not get noticed and your friends don't notice a thing.

A little later his little girlfriend walks in you can hear her fake red bottoms clacking across the marble floor, you watch her as she heads over to Mike and raps her arm around his to get his attention,and he turns around, a little bit too much and you end up catching his eye. You make eye contact but you quickly break the glance and turn towards the window of the booth.

You can still can feel his glare on you. You try to ignore it.

"Uhh,babe I will be right back I gotta go to the restroom" you hear
Mike Say.

You look and see the bathrooms are over by your booth you Groan.
"Please don't say anything to me" you mumbled with your eyes shut tight.

Just then someone grabs your arm and drags you out of the booth you yelp. You turn to see that its Mike.
"Oh my god Mike I should kill you for that" you hit his shoulder.

"Why? You thought I was a random stranger or something?" Mike chuckled.

"Ugh,forget it what I'm more worried about is the fact that my friends didn't notice I was randomly pulled away". You sighed.

"Let me go Mike" you whined.

"But I went through all this trouble to see you" he said.

"All of what trouble?" You replied.

"Well I told my girl I was going to the restrooms, then I had to make sure she wasn't looking,then I had to pull you away from your friends without them noticing, so yeah that trouble" he smiled.

"Well sorry it has to go to waist" you said and rolled your eyes walking away. Mike pulled you back.

"No it doesn't" he said. "Oh yeah and why not?" You asked him.

"You could give me a kiss you know" he smirked.

That made you laugh "ugh as if, Mike here's a news flash, your not single so I don't think your girl would Like you kissing me" you said.

"Mm probably not,But I would like you kissing me" he said leaning in but you stopped him by putting your hand over his face.

"Ehh no,I'm not a mistress nor side bitch, I wait on no nigga to drop a hoe for me,I'm not anyone's second choice either" you said softly.

"Oh baby,You  were never a second choice" he smiled.

"This right here" you said pointing to yourself "ain't for free,you work and earn my love its very expensive cause its,one of a kind" you said.

Mike and you up and down lustfully "mm,I bet" he said biting his lip.

You rolled your eyes then smirked, you wrapped your arms around his neck and and brought him closer, he got excited and his eyes got big.

"You know I wonder if your girl knows about you hitting on me and flirting,and if she doesn't know would she like to? Because I gladly would tell her" you said smirking then letting him go. You started to walk away again.

He pulled you back once more "no she's good she doesn't want to know anything" he said clearly still in a trance over you.

You scoffed and looked away then looked back towards him enough was enough. "Look now Mike just because your attractive and flirtatious doesn't mean every girl instantly will fall for you especially a girl with common sense. I'm not that dumb bimbo your currently with I know my worth and it ain't being somebody's side chick, its becoming someone's wife. If you want me ,work for my love,drop her and show me you can be loyal, until then don't talk to me or else your little girl will know about all these private little run ins ,but don't worry I'll be sure to classify that nothing ever happened between us" you said and smiled.

You walked away leaving mike to rethink all his approaches towards women, you felt great walking back to your table. Maybe you and Mike would be together soon but you think you finally got the message through to him, that you will not be a fool and that it isn't easy to get with you either.

A/N I apologize for any spelling errors but what'd you think of it? Also most of the time I say "short imagine" because I don't know how long these stories will turn out but usually they come out decently long but just in case I just say "short imagine".

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