Chapter 14

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Arnold pov:

I am so happy Helga's back

Helga: What happened?

Me: Well, it started out 3 years ago-

Helga jumped up

Helga: 3 years ago!, How old am I?

Me: Your 12

Helga: That Explains your new Clothes

She looked at me in my Red Hoodie and jeans with High Tops.

Me: yeah

Helga: I remember that lady placing me in a car, and When we arrive in Nowhere-Ville she Gave me a needle and everything went black.

Me: Helga, everyone thinks your dead. Even your parents. They Cried everyday for you. When a therapist said that They needs to give up they Had to. It was so much pain, for them... and me

Helga looked down and she wipes her tear

Helga: Wow my hair is Brunette and I don't have a uni-Brow anymore... guess I'm Finally beautiful

Me: Helga don't ever say that!. You were Beautiful 3 Years ago, ans you still are. And i love you

Helga Pov:

Did Arnold say he loves me!!. Wow!!

[Helga's phone rings]

Me: It's March Bender

Arnold checked his watch

Arnold: Oh no, it's 4:37

Me: What do I do!?

Arnold: Answer it

Me: I don't wanna answer that sick Lady!!

Arnold: Helga you have to.. please

I sighed and answer the phone

Me (From Phone): Hello?

March (from phone): Marcy, Baby where are you!!?

Me (From Phone): My name is Helga Geraldine Pataki!!

I heard a loud thump on the ground

March (From Phone): Marcy I am coming and i know where you are!!

I gasped and hanged up

Me: Arnold she's coming what do I do!!??

Arnold: Run!!

We ran down the stairs of the Boarding House.

Me: where are we going!!

I Yelled while running

Arnold: To Your House I hope Mr. And Mrs. Pataki could help us!!

We arrived at my House.

Me: wow it looks really Whoa!

It looked different. It looks Dirty and run downed.

Arnold Pressed the door bell

Dad: What!!!???

Me: D-Dad?

Dad: Look kids we don't sell Cookies

Me: Don't you remember me!!?, It's me Helga

Dad: Who!?

Me: Dad it's me... Olga!!

He gasped and touched my cheek that was Wet. Probably because I'm crying

Dad: Helga!!

He pulled me into a hug. I cried in his shoulders

Dad: I am never letting you go again

Me: Where's Mom?

Dad: MIRIAM!!!

Mom Came out

Mom: Yes Bob?

Dad: Helga's Back, Our babies back!!

Mom: Oh Helga, Baby I missed you

Me: Mommy, I miss you too

I heard a crash and we jumped.
When I looked I see March Bender carrying her gun looking mad

Helga's Disappearance: Hey ArnoldWhere stories live. Discover now