Part 1

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Hey guys, I'm pretty much new to this app, so I don't really know what's going on but I'm currently writing a novel, as you can tell. This novel is based on a teen fiction and this is the first thing I posted on here. I hope you enjoy this story and give a thumbs up on it! At first the story might seem a little boring, but once you keep reading, it gets better. Trust me. Anyway, thanks for reading the novel Our Secret and I hope you enjoy the first thing I posted!   

***DISCLAIMER*** I accidentally deleted this story, so here is the first 10 chapters I've turned into part 1 of Our Secret. This first part is divided up by "-----" (where the chapter would end before I deleted it accidentally!)

Without further adieu, enjoy!
I awoke to the sound of my mom sweetly saying, "Laura, it's time to wake up on your first day in a new school!"     I groaned a little and told her, "Nooo, I don't think I'm ready to go into a new school."     She flicked on the light and sat on my bed next to where I was laying. "Today, you'll do great. I know it will be tough into going to a new school, but it'll be worth it. You're starting in your sophomore year, it'd be great."     I actually opened my eyes and sat up in bed with her. "I know, but just, I don't know." I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "I guess I better get ready."     I watch her smile and walk out of the room while closing my door.     "I think I'm going to puke," I say to myself loudly. But then I managed to get up and get dressed. As soon as I stood up, my legs were really shaky and my bones were really weak. I almost fell face plant on the ground.     Today I'm wearing the outfit I picked out last night; a pair of nice skinny jeans with my black fashioned boots, with a navy - blue colored shirt filled with pink and red flowers all over it.     After my mom had just announced I had ten minutes before she was driving me to school, I had to still eat breakfast and do my hair.     First I did what's imprtant and rushed downstairs for a quick bowl of Special - K and ate within two minutes. I then ran up the stairs to curl the ends of hair quickly.     That was when I began curling the last piece of strand in my hair and rushed a little too quickly that I accidentally burnt my arm. It had a huge red mark on it.     "Great..." I shout, as I try to find my mom's cover up acne makeup to use for the burn mark on my arm.     "Laura, you have two minutes left!" She yells from downstairs.       "I know!" I reply as I finally found it hidden in the cabinets and I spread it across the mark. And ta-da, it worked. My arm was so flawless now. I wish that could be my face, though.     One more glampse through the mirror I made. I saw myself shimmering as ever. A tall and skinny girl with her dark and long brown hair curled down to her ribs and her brown chocolaty eyes staring at my own reflection.     I hope this will be good enough.     I rushed downstairs as I hear my mom saying it was time to leave. I quickly yanked my book bag from off of the counter and swung it behind my back. And before you know it, we were off to my first day of school in a new school.     On our way there, I literally felt like I was about to puke. I was so nervous, it wasn't even funny.     We finally arrived within five minutes. My mom parked by the curb to drop me off. She pulled her engine to 'park' and stopped and mumbled, "Ah."     I looked out from the window and saw this huge building with a gigantic bell ringer over the roof and saw a bunch of kids, kids my age or older walking in with their groups of friends.     I gasp.     Today was going to be... well, um... it was going to be a little complicated and nerve racking.     I looked at my mom, scared, and she chuckled a little. "Oh, honey. You'll do fine. It'll get better once you get in there and get settled. School's about to start, you might want to get in there fast."     I felt a nervous attack as she said that. "Okay, mom." I say opening the door and swinging my backpack behind me again. "Just promise me it'll be okay. I don't want to be here."     "I know you don't. But there's places in life you don't want to be, but you'll just have to bare with it. Once you hit the second day, you'll be happy you're here. Anyway, the bells going to ring in two minutes and you have no idea where your class is, so I would get scurrying," she says.     "Alright mom, see you after school," I say as I slammed the door shut and start waving to her as I made my way towards to school.     And before you know it, right when I got out of the car she started the engine right away and sped right off from here. This was it. I was alone and I was going into a new school. There was no turning back now.
As I walk in, I see so many kids scrambling to get to their locker. I had no idea which class I go to, and heck, I don't even have my schedule yet. Where do I go to, to get my schedule at? I was ready confused the second I stepped in the building.  Then, as I start to walk off and find a teacher, I feel a warm hand pat the back of my shoulder. When I turned around, I see it was an old man, which I'm guessing who was a teacher. Yes, and indeed he was. His name tag read, Mr. Collins.  "Are you a new student?" He asks me. I stutter a little. "Um, yeah."  He gave a little smile, a crooked one and told me to follow him. He walked so fast, I was still trailing behind him as he was leading me somewhere. He had big steps, while I had little ones. "Okay," he stops to a room near the cafeteria. "You can head right in."  As I walked in, it looked like an office. It had two teachers behind a desk and about ten students sitting in the waiting room next to them.  Mr. Collins led me to the waiting room as well.  As he sat in his chair, he placed me by a kid my age with red and long-ish hair and brown eyes. He was sort of chubby.  The bell rang.  I still had no idea what I was doing here but I'm guessing this is where on the first day when you're new, they give you you're schedule and give you a tour of where you need to go everyday.  After a few moments of silence while Mr. Collins filled out a few applications, he put his paperwork aside and folded his hands to look at us all. "Okay, well. For those of you who don't know why you're here is because you're all new and you're all in types of different grades. Now as I call you're name, please say 'here'."  He pulls out another paper from underneath his paperwork and starts doing attendance.  As he did, we all were here, so he started passing out the schedules.  "Okay, now that you've got your schedules, Mrs. Barrels will give a tour to 7th grade, Ms. Catia will give a tour to 8th grade... and Mr. Burns will give a tour to 10th grade."  Well my tour guider was Mr. Burns, so we had to get up and get moving.  After the tour, Mr. Burns points to where we will be heading for our first period, and it was science.  As awkward as it was for all three of us to walk in, Mr. Burns announces we're all new.  And what made it even more awkward was it was only new boys, and I was the only girl.  As we all walk in, everyone immidiately turned their heads to stare at us.  Our science teacher, which name tag read, Mrs. Sullivan greeted us and told us to sit anywhere.  And of course, as good as it gets, the boys had taken up the last two seats left and I was just standing there awkwardly in front of the room, praying there's still a seat somewhere I just got to find.  Mrs. Sullivan nor Mr. Burns was paying attention to me, they were too busy discussing how they're going to handle us, as new students at a new school.  But I finally saw a desk located in the back of the room, not sitting by anyone. It was the only desk left open. It was almost like an outlier, it was left out in the open while everybody's else's was scrambled in a tiny area.  So I silently walked to that seat, while everybody stared at me coming down the walkway.  I wasn't even used to this big of a classroom. In my old school, in a small country, my school name was The Glenn Hawks District and there was only about five to ten people in each classroom. Well. Not this school clearly, as seeing thirty people in this classroom. And plus, as my mom told me last night, this school was going to be much bigger because it was a city school located by City Hall.  After Mr. Burns left, Mrs. Sullivan made us go in front of the classroom and introduce ourselves.  I was the first one to be called to the front of the classroom.  As my name was being called, everybody looked at me instantly.  Ugh. Why me?  So, I gently put my binder down on on my desk and found my way to the front of the classroom. My eyes sprinted down the rows of people sitting at each desk and everyone looked pretty casual. They all stared at me. The only sound I heard was a pencil dropping on the ground.  "You can start whenever you would like, Laura," Mrs. Sullivan smiles.  Wow. At first I thought I'd like her as a teacher because she seemed so nice, but now that she's making the new students introduce themselves in a classroom full of thirty people? This was drastic. And it's not like the new students are not nervous, because they are way more nervous than anyone could possibly imagine.  "Um, okay. So, hey guys, my name is Laura Frances. Um, I am currently from a small country in Louisburg, but moved here in August because my parents needed a job. So, um, yeah... that happened..." I tried to scan my brain for anymore useful words I could say to help make the class feel that I'm a very smart person, especially when it comes to speaking in public. Before I began speaking again, I looked over and saw everybody looked desperate enough to hear more, and plus I couldn't handle the silence, so I said, "Um, I'm just going to start off by saying what I like to do... well I've realized I take a total talent in writing. It's my favorite thing to do and I've been doing it for so long now, I can't even remember when I started. And, I guess, I just don't know, writing has always been a talent of mine and I just see it as so inspirational." Then I thought I should stop there and so I completely stopped talking and looked at Mrs. Sullivan.  She nodded and smiled. She began to clap and a big relief came to my stomach when everyone else was clapping in the room, also.  Before I made an attempt to walk away, I remained to stand there until Mrs. Sullivan would say something. After everybody finished clapping, she looked at me and told me, "That was a brilliant way of introducing yourself. We're all glad you love writing, especially Mrs. Zanders, your English teacher, would love to hear this! Thank you, Laura. Now you may take a seat."  When I smiled and replied a thank you, I carefully walked back to my seat. But when I was heading over, this really cute boy with caramel skin and his short and dark brown hair, and his chocolaty brown eyes just like mine... well, he stopped me from walking and gave me a high five. And in a low and firm voice, he says, "Good job, Laura." Which really made my stomach feel like it was weakening inside, barely even believing this was real.  He was so cute, I even stuttered of what to say.  Then, I finally managed to blurt out a thank you again, and the touch of his hand made me think of it a million times once I sit down at my own desk.
In class I was really beginning to enjoy things until the bell rang and I realized it was lunch. I had no idea who I'd sit with during lunch.  In English, I managed to sit by that same boy that was super cute, in which he told me his name was Evan. We were partners because he was a little late into coming to class and no one was sitting by me, so he decided he would.  It wasn't awkward at all. Okay, well maybe a few times it was. He'd ask me a question and I didn't hear him clearly because I was too buzzed out that he chose to sit by me rather than his friends he sat by during science. But I figured out he was asking me what page number in our textbooks we were supposed to read. And we read, together.  After English, we had math. I'm super horrible at math, so while I saw him walk ahead of me in the hallway to math, I caught up to him and said, "I'm super horrible at math. I don't think I could make it through a whole class period without giving out."  He replies that he will sit next to me, just to help me, especially with my first day. I wanted to make a great impression on the teachers. And him.  And now, we're heading to lunch. He was walking with his friends behind me and I was too afraid to stop and talk to him because I didn't want to annoy him. He already sat with me for most classes today.  I arrived to lunch, with Evan behind me. I moved out of the way of them for them to pass. I stopped near the teacher who was standing by the hallway passes for a second to realize and to sink in that this was the cafeteria I'll be sitting at everyday.  I saw all of Evan's friends pass me, but just not him. I look to see where he was and that's when I felt heavy breathing behind my back. When I turned around it was Evan straight behind me, and very close to me. But he was looking away, probably waiting for the huge crowd of people to disappear, too.  When he finally saw me approaching  him, he smiles. "Oh hey, Laura. You waiting for these crap ton of people too?" He laughs.  I smile. "No, actually I was just waiting for you and your friends to pass me on the way, while I still figure out where I'll be sitting today."  "Oh..." He continues to smile, but looks down at his shoes this time. "You're more welcome to sit with us today if you want." He looks back up to me.  "If you may. Thank you so much, Evan," I say, smiling.  He nods his head and pleads me to follow him. Oh, how handsome he was. I know I've already mentioned how he looks like before but this time from a different view that I had earlier, he actually looks a lot older and cuter. His structure in his face made him like he was nineteen, which he was only about my age, 15 or 16. I was fifteen, but almost sixteen.  He introduced myself to others sitting at the table, and he pleaded me to sit by him. He was sitting by a really pretty girl. She had black hair with a strand of purple in it. She was very tall and skinny. It looked like she had a nose ring in the side of her nose, and it probably was. I just couldn't tell if it was real or fake. Either way, she was really pretty and looked much older like all of these kids do. She had the perfect coffee - brown eyes too.  And then Evan introduced me to her and her name was Sarah.  Once she saw me by Evan, she smiles and gives a little sweet gesture to me that I'm guessing means, "Welcome."  I waved at her back and smiled.  "Hi, I'm Sarah," she says to me. I was confused, I thought Evan already established her name.  "Nice to meet you, Sarah. I'm Laura," I reply.  While the boys were talking, Sarah and I decide to have a little separate coversation.  "So," she tries to yell over the loud talking boys. "I hear you're new."  "Yep. I'm from Louisburg. I wish today could be less complicated," I say to her.  She chuckles a little. "What do you mean? This school is the least to think it's complicated. It's pretty simple, if you ask me."  I didn't know where she was going at, so I just smile at her and try to agree. "I mean yeah, I guess, but it's just when you're new in a big school you're not used to.'  "It's just like any other school you could imagine. What are you trying to say?" She questions me, taking a bite of her fry and not giving up on my eyes.  "Nevermind," I say, while taking a huge bite out of my turkey wrapped snadwhich. "You'll only understand if you were new."  She huffs. "Whatever then."  She seemed nice at first, but now I'm not so sure anymore.  Lunch period was over; thank gosh. There's no way in hell tomorrow I'm sitting there ever again. Evan was too busy chatting off to his friends, and Sarah I think was trying to pluck some common sense put at me at the table, which I could see why because she was Evan's girlfriend after he'd just announced me his partner from now on because I was 'smart'. Yes, he called me smart in front of his friends and even his girlfriend.  I had no idea where this was going to, but I could absolutely feel as if I'm already starting to like Evan.
It was dismissal and I rushed out of the building ready to brag to my mom about how good my day was.  Well, partly.  When I saw her in her little white mini van by the curb in the same exact spot she dropped me off this morning, I sped to her car real fast with a huge smile on my face.  Today was an awesome first day. After lunch we had gym, which Sarah and I were partners for some odd reason. Maybe she is wanting to make a friend but her personality can't let her. Or maybe she's wanting to get to know me better since I hangout with her boyfriend and she wants to do something bad to me. Or, who knows? She was pretty rough to me at gym, though. We were playing tennis and when she hit the tennis ball, it would sprint to my side so fast, it would be impossible to hit back. Then she'd say, "Oh, c'mon, Laura. I thought you said you were good at this game." And things like that.  Then after gym, I had study hall. I'm glad Sarah wasn't in my study hall to pluck even more common sense out at me and try to play it sneaky when I know what type of deal she is trying to play. I hate girls like that, the ones who think once they're dating a guy at school, no girl can talk to him without them hating on them and trying to find a way for them to stop talking. I have a feeling this is Sarah right now.  And I changed my mind on how I first thought she was trying to make a new friend. This situation is getting to the point where it's obvious of what she's trying to do. She's jealous because I'm Evan's partner for the first class periods and the fact he had called me smart in front of everybody at the lunch table.  My mom looked surprised at me for smiling my way towards her van. When I finally got there and opened the door, she smiles and asks, "Well, how was your first day in this big school?" But I could tell she already realized how it went with how big my smile was.  I jumped right into the seat next to her and slammed the car door shut and looked at her. "Mom, it couldn't get any better. By the end of the day and the first period of classes, I'd say it was splendid. But the part of lunch, eh."  She smiles and started to drive off. "Well, I'm glad your first day was wonderful! My day at work was splendid as well. I got promoted!" She says, waving her arm in the air. "Whoop, whoop."  "You got promoted aleady?" I ask.  "Yes, before I left to pick you up, they said I was already on a roll. So they gave me the red suit instead of the white and told me congratulations!" She brags, clearly never has she been so excited in her life.  When I got home, I took my dog Charlotte out to go to the bathroom. As I did, I managed to get a message from... my cousin Serenity back in my old hometown! Back when I lived in Louisburg, Serenity and I would spend all our weekends together and even when we had off from school, we'd found a way to attract each other and spend another night. Though she was my cousin, I still counted her as my #1 best friend. We did everything together. Told everything together. I loved her as much as she loved me.  Her text message read, "Well. How'd today go? Thumbs down? Up? What?" She always managed to make my smile appear on my face, even when I wasn't in the mood.  I replied back with, "Call me."  And that's what filled my night up. Serenity and I talking on phone til 4:00 to 10pm talking about our first day back at a new school, well for me anyway. She was still in the same school we went to last year.  I told her all about Evan, the cute caramel skin boy who was very manly and a mix between both muscular and scrawny. I told her that he had a girlfriend named Sarah, unfortunately, and that she tries to pick cold arguments with me because of him and I hanging out in first period classes.  She replies with, "Well, there's the sign. Evan must be the jock who every girl loves. Do you know if she's popular? Because that'd explain a lot, then?"  I say, "Yeah, she seems pretty up there in our grade. She has a lot of friends I see from classes, and a lot of boys that try to flirt with her. But she just reacts like 'leave-me-the-fudge-alone' type of deal. She must be really into Evan, but I'm still really curious how long they've been a thing and why they're dating."  "Well, that's another sign. They've probably been together for a long time, if she's that targeting around you already, or worst comes to worst, she's just that type of person. Maybe you should ask Evan tomorrow, but just don't do it in a way that would make him think you like him, too, you know?" She answers.  "Good idea, but I still have absolutely no way of how to ask him without messing up. You know me, Serenity, all I do is mess up anymore," I snarl. "You're the one who's better at playing this game."  "Okay. Fine. I have a better plan. Okay, so tomorrow go to class and spend more time with him in your first period classes, and then you can ask him about it when you guys know each other more. That'd make the situation less awkward other than asking him right away," Serenity advises me.  "Good idea, Serenity, but I-" I hear my mom yelling to me from downstairs.  I couldn't hear what she said.  "Just a sec, Serenity," I say into the phone as I make my way downstairs to where my mother was shouting my name.  "Yeah, mom?" I ask.  "I can hear you from all the way down here. If you'll excuse me and do me a favor and save that boy talk for tomorrow after school, it'd make it much easier for me to actually fall asleep. It's 10:30," My mom snaps. She never snaps to me, so maybe this is a sign of actually being quiet. She needs her sleep.  "Oh okay, sorry mom. It's just that Serenity and I, well, we're a different story. And we're loud. You should know us by now," I tease.  "I know but sometimes it's time to learn that an hour before midnight means to settle down. Thanks, honey. Have a goodnight."  I rushed up the stairs and told Serenity.  She said, "Don't even explain this to me. I've already heard you and your mom's conversation down there. Just get off the phone and go to sleep." She laughs.  I laugh, too. "Bye, buttface."  And off to bed I went.
It was day two and I was ready for action.  Today I was wearing a pink - mini skirt with a black gymnastic top, tucked in between the pink - mini skirt.  I looked like a ballerina, but I didn't care. It looked cute. Cute enough to impress Evan, but maybe not Sarah.  That's when I just remembered, Evan and I still have to set up a tutoring time before finals. Maybe today we can set up a tutoring plan.  As my mom drove me to school, she reassured me, "Just in case I haven't told you this morning, you look beautiful in that outfit."  I smile. "Thanks, mom. And you look beautiful in any other outfit you're in. Especially your red suit, resembling a doctor!"  We finally get to school and she pulls beside the curb. "Thank you, baby. Now give me a kiss goodbye."  *Kiss on cheek*  And I was out of the car before anything, chomping toward this school in a positive way already.  As I was walking in, I saw Sarah come in from a red mini van also. She waved to me and I waved to her.  She came up to me and walked with me. Today it looked like she put a little more makeup on, and she was a lot prettier for some reason.  She laughs at something when we walked. As she did, she looked down at her shoes.  I look at her. "What?"  When we got in the building, she laughed again. "I just don't know how you can manage and try to sneak Evan away from me. You know that, right? I know what you're trying to do." Then I watch her wipe part of her arm into her nose to cover it with snot, and she says again, "Don't you know I'm his girlfriend?"  I instantly felt a shot of regret shoot up my stomach. But I tried not to let her get to me because I know it's not my fault she's like this.  I snap at her before we went opposite directions in the hallway. "Just because he's your boyfriend doesn't mean he has to be there for you only. He's allowed to have friends, you know. Oh, and by the way..." I was about to tease her that Evan's my tutoring counsel, but I realized it was just between the both of us. She didn't need to know to try to ruin it, Evan and I had a perfect shot at this. I laughed like she did before, and walked away.  I hear her mumble something before I walked off, but I didn't care and I didn't want to know what she said. All I heard were the words, "'re a rat...bye."  I laughed some more as I walked down the hallway to my English class while she walked down to her hallway to science. She was officially the worst person I hate now, in this whole school.  I finally caught up to my locker and I grabbed the materials I needed for English. I forcefully grabbed my binder, my pencil pouch, my English folder, and lastly a full water bottle sitting just above a shelf on my locker. Before I headed out, I quickly grabbed the water bottle because I know how thirsty I get, and I soon slam my locker shut to run the hell to my class to see Evan before the bell rings.  I don't want to make a bad impression on him, or my English teacher.   Just before the bell rang, I succeeded to get there just on time. As I walked in with my dark brown hair all in messy curls and with my huffy breath huffing all over the place, I finally see Evan sitting there, in a desk where nobody sat next to him, because he's refused to sit with one of his buddies for me. Which was literally heart racing.  I walked over to where he was, and he just continued to wave me over next to him as he saw me.  I plopped down into the seat next to him and that's when our conversation already started.  "Out of breath?" he asks, looking up to my boots to my forehead, which I'm just going to assume he was checking me out like any other guy does.  "My gosh," I grabbed the folder from the pile of English materials in front of me and started flipping through the pages Ms. Zanders had assigned us with today. Then I looked at him again, "Uh, yeah. I would say so."  He chuckled as I turned around to see his chocolatey brown eyes scatter my clothes. "Oh, by the way I like your Nikes. They're my favorite kind of shoes."  I felt a huge relief in my stomach again for some odd reason. Maybe I was uncomfortable when talking to Evan, but I thought I was really doing okay. But I have anxiety too, so that could be the case, but I take medicine for it, so.  "Thanks, Evan," I say while looking into his eyes. "I really love them, too."  We laugh and we start English class together. It was the best morning ever and it couldn't get any better.
We arrived to science, and some reason Mrs. Sullivan didn't make us sit anywhere this time, she made us all stand by the wall and wait for her announcement she was going to make. This was unusual.  A few seconds after the bell rang, she grabbed a paper that sat on her desk and stood in the middle of the room while scanning us all and smiling. "Well, good morning everybody? How was your day so far?"  Everyone shouted, "Boo!" Or, "Horrible!" But I just stood there, historically laughing inside.  "Well, that's great. Because I have even better news!" She winks at us all and laughs at a joke a homie boy said in the front, something about race.  I watched Evan turn around and mildly whisper in my ear, "Great God, please don't tell us we have assigned seats."  I softly gave a little laugh and patted his shoulder. "I really don't want to be sitting anywhere without you."  He laughs, too. He seems to agree too.  And that's what it turned out to be. It turned out she was giving us assigned seats. I was seated by a girl named Megan, apparently. She had light brown, straight and smooth hair all the way to the end of her ribs, wearing a light violet t-shirt with a black and white scarf topping it all off. She also had long skinny jeans with rips below her knee, wearing black fashioned boots like I wore yesterday. She seemed pretty high fashion, and she was pretty too.  And then to the left of me sat a girl named Tegan. Every time I turned my head around, she would pick her nose and eat it, without even caring. She seemed like the type who everybody hated and the type with no friends. I see she was bullied a lot, pretty much by everybody but Evan and I. But I could partly see why, with the way she wears a brown sweater filled with dog hair on it, and with black sweatpants that surprised me they haven't ripped yet. (No offense, but I'm really surprised since they seem a little too tight and she's a big lady). Her sweatpants looked too small and tight on her, because every time she sat you could see her white socks. Her hair was medium sized, and she wore it up in a messy and staticky ponytail with loose pieces of hair dangling down her shoulders. She was a mess, I could tell you that, but I slightly feel bad for her.  Mrs. Sullivan assigned us to work to the person on our right, thank gosh, to analyze our prediction on what we think acid will do once we put harmful chemicals into them.  Megan and I were partners. But once I looked back to Evan, I saw him and one of his buddies were partners.  Once we started, Megan turned around and pulled out the packet we were supposed to analyze. Then she fiddled with her pencil a little, and then looked confused. "Aren't you sure we're supposed to skip number one? That's what Jone said."  Jone was the kid by her who kept her attention.  I shook my head. "Nope, we're supposed to do every number. At least that's what I think."  "Okay, we'll just roll with that then," she says, as she begins writing down answers. I wasn't going to lie, I had some trouble on number one, so I looked over on her sheet to cheat. I wasn't bad at science, but I wasn't entirely great at it either.  She looks up and smiles when we finish. "I heard you're the new girl. Sorry we haven't met yet, I'm too busy keeping up with college data classes because I'm hoping to require into an AP class for my science majors. So, just to let you know early, I'm a pro at science," she says, and we both laugh a little. She seemed nice right off the bat.  "Well, as you can tell..." I point to my first answer to number one and laughs because we had the same answer since I secretly copied off from her. "That explains it. I couldn't figure the answer. I'm not great at science, but I'm okay at it."  She laughs. "It's okay. I don't get offended by that. Do that as you want, I couldn't care less."  Then I secretly pull a snicker bar hidden in my jean pocket and Megan saw and literally almost about screamed.  "Oh my God, Laura, you have to give me a piece!" She screams in my ear, enough for everybody in the classroom to look at us.  "Shh," I told her and then under the table I ripped half a snicker bar and handed it to her. "It's a secret."  She carefully took it and bit a little piece into it and her face shaped an 'O'. "I never tasted anything better," she says, enjoying the snicker bar like I never saw a human do before.  We laugh into her silliness, and we were distracted by Tegan beside me who was picking her nose at the moment to hear her slob clear enough in her nose. It sounded wet and juicy. Everyone by her looked disgusted and were saying, "Ew, Tegan. Can't you ever go pick your nose at home or something?" "Disgusting!" "What was Mrs. Sullivan thinking to place me here by this nose picker machine?"  Megan and I just start burst out laughing and laughing so hard, our faces hit each other's while we were leaning in together. "Oh my Gosh, Laura. I just can't," and she continues to laugh historically, as well as some other people by us.  The bell rang, and it was lunch. This time Evan wasn't the only one walking with me, but so was Megan and her friend, Amanda. Amanda was one of her closest friends, and she had a fancy black dress with a black scarf on, and she wore boots just like Megan's up to her knees. She had long blonde and wavy hair and light brown eyes that sparked no matter the light you saw her in. She was really pretty, just like Megan. She sort of remind me of the blonde chicks from movies always stealing some guy. But I'm not surprised if she does either way, because she's extremely pretty.  Evan was walking beside me to lunch, until Sara shows up.  She forcefully walks up to us and pulls Evan's hand and pulls him to the girls bathroom with her. Megan, Amanda, and I were close enough to puke.  "Holy crap, who does she think she is?" Amanda says, looking thoroughly disgusted.  Megan just looked about ready to go in there too, as she could barely hold her throat tight enough before puking.  Then when we arrived to lunch, I was too nervous to ask Megan and Amanda if I could sit there, so I let them ahead of me while I stood by the cafeteria door. But when Amanda went ahead, Megan did too but grabbed my hand and pulled me with them. She lead me to a table where they plopped down each beside me.  I never felt so relaxed in my life, two people crowding around me that I really liked. But then I started to worry about Evan. I haven't seen him come back to his table after the incident where Sarah pulled him into the girls bathroom. I see that there's his normal buddies at his table, but just not him.  Megan started pulling on my sleeve to make sure I was awake. "Hello to Earth, Laura are you awake?"  I suddenly blinked out of my zone, and I looked right at her. "Sorry, just worried about Evan."  "I wouldn't worry about him. Just wait a few minutes, he should be back by then. I'm sure she just pulled him in the girls bathroom to have a talk that he shouldn't be able to see you. Sarah's always been that way, a snappy little shit head who thinks she's perfect and a shit head who thinks no one can look, talk, or even make one glimpse at her boyfriend. To be honest, I still have no idea why he would pick that loser out of all the girls here in Micks Saint High School," she says, unwrapping her sandwich and offering me half of it. "There's no way I'd be able to eat this whole thing. Look at it, it's like the size of my whole head."  I laugh and I took the piece of her sandwich, even though I wasn't hungry. Before I could reply, Amanda jumps in saying, "Laura, where's your lunch? You didn't buy anything?"  "No," I say. "I'm just not that hungry, maybe just a little worried. That's all."  "Oh, about Evan?" She takes a bite off of her Nutella sandwich. "He has muscles and a smart enough mind and head. He'll sure be the first to knock her out even before she tries."  Then I saw a few other pretty, preppy looking girls sit with us. Megan and Amanda seemed to know them like their close friends. They introduced me to them, and they were nice. Just not nice enough to pull me away from thinking about Evan.
After lunch that period, I didn't see Evan at all. My mind is really started to buzz through all negatives as possible that might've happened to him. I hate to think of it that way, but that's a sign I just really do care about him. I didn't want anything to happen to him, especially with his jealous girlfriend, but I just needed to sign out during study hall this period to go in the girls bathroom just to see if he's there.  In study hall, I was seated in the back with Megan, Amanda, and a couple more girls who sat at our lunch table. When I was introduced at the table, apparently their names were Kennedy and Sheila. But I still had no idea how they were so pretty.  I told Megan and Amanda I'm going to go in the girls bathroom to check and see if Evan was there, and they were okay with it.  Megan says, "Okay, but I just don't really trust you to go by yourself. You want one of us to go with you?"  Kennedy behind her hears her and looks at me.  "Um, no. I think I can manage this one by myself," I answered while getting up.  "Okay, just be back in ten. Ms. Zen is super strict," Megan replies with, as she points to the study hall teacher.  I nod and get my pass signed and headed right out of there quickly and glad I could finally make it out to the hallway where I could finally breathe and find Evan on my own.  As I just shut the door behind me gently as I walked out, I flipped my dark brown hair and took a deep breath, easing myself it was all going to be okay and that I will most definitely find Evan in less than ten minutes if he's not in class.  I walked into the girls bathroom, and I found myself dizzy at the scene of seeing a group of girls standing there, making out with a boy in middle school.  Then as the door shut behind me, all eyes immediately turned around to see me. These girls looked easily my age or a little younger. I couldn't tell.  My face quickly vanished from a plain face, to a disgusted one. And I then immediately decided to quickly walked around the girls to check if each stall was empty, with no images of Evan in them.  They all looked at me as if I was a creeper, but really it was none of their business even if I was or not.  Then I rushed out of the bathroom and realized its already been five minutes. I better be getting back to study hall if I don't want to be in trouble by Ms. Zen.  As I walked in, Ms. Zen embarrassingly shouts from her desk all the way to the door for everyone to hear, "What took you so long?"  Oh crap. It was time to not let her make a fool out of myself. "I was only gone for five minutes, not ten. Please get your facts right."  Everyone then started to chuckle or laugh. When I glanced over to Megan and Amanda, it looked like they were choking on their spot because it was so funny. Oops.  But she just shook her head and said, "Go take a seat, you're written up for detention tomorrow morning."  "Cool. Good luck on that. I'm not going to detention tomorrow after I..." Thought of a lie, "desperately needed to go to the bathroom. I have no idea what you're trying to pull against me, but whatever it is, I suggest you should highly stuff your mouth with toilet paper to solve the problem. Thanks."  She immediately sat up from her desk and comes over to me and yells, "Follow me!" And lead me in the hallway by the door. She shouts in my ear, "Why would you do such a thing?"  "Do what?" I snarl.  "You know what you did. You talked back to a teacher, and in this school, that retreats into detention for a whole week!"  "No, honey. I'm sorry, but first it was detention for a day and now it's detention for a week? I think if you can't make much sense, maybe you should reconsider being a teacher. I'm not going to detention for a whole week for going to the bathroom for five minutes! Maybe I really needed to go. Maybe I really had a bad stomach ache and didn't feel well. But the second I walked in, you had to make it worse by embarrassing me in front of thirty to forty people! So, of course I had to snap back, no one disrespects me in a way to not defend myself, even for something I didn't do!" I shouted back.  She opened and closed her mouth, as if trying to think of something to say back to me. The bell rang just before she began to speak, I started to walk away and say, "Catch ya later." And laugh.  Megan and Amanda eventually found a way to catch up to me in the hallway and they both put their heads on my shoulder and laughing like they were dying.  "Oh my God, Laura. I almost just about peed my pants when that happened. Told ya Ms. Zen was strict. She's a bitch," Megan yelps, still uncontrollably laughing.  Amanda said, "Now everyone knows who not to mess with! I wish Sarah would be there to know, too!"  I laugh at Amanda's statement. "I know right, after that, she'd literally be too scared to even fight with me for Evan. She would hand him right off to me and she'll find another guy to do the same thing upon."  Megan says, "I didn't know you liked Evan that way. I thought you just liked him as a friend?"  "Nope," I say. "Starting yesterday, I couldn't stop spilling my heart out at him. I was always thinking about him, even when I got home."  Megan finally turns to her AP class to study for college and she says, "Wait, did you find him or what?"  I shook my head, feeling down.  Amanda shrugs and says, "I wouldn't worry. He has to be close. He has French with me next period, I will try to find him. And if he's not there, I guess I would have no idea where he would be. Everyone keep an eye out at him. Even if you see Sarah, ask her."  We all nod and walked in opposite directions where our classes are. I had biology next, so once I got there, I couldn't stop thinking of Evan.  What if something really did happen and I wasn't there to save him?
I walked out of the building and saw my mom parked by the curb again. Today, I wasn't so energetic to run up to her and smile, I just walked over to her with a frown on my face.  When I opened the car door, she smiles at me and asks how was my second day.  I shook my head and shut the door. "I'm a nervous reck right now."  "Why is that? What could possibly go wrong on your second day?" She tries to cheer me up.  "Well, let's see, first I made a few friends, so that's good. Um, well. There's this boy named Evan..." She cut me off.  "Yeah, I know I think who you're talking about; the boy on the phone with Serenity," she thinks.  "Yes..." I pleaded, and I told her the whole story between Ms. Zen and I, and to how Sara took Evan away to the girls bathroom.  She shrugs and shakes her head, leaving a cheesy grin on her face. "What can I tell ya, days in high school nowadays really get confusing. Tomorrow is Friday, maybe you should invite friends over. It's going to be nice out this weekend. Oh, plus before I forget, I got a call you need tutoring from Evan before this Thursday. I have his moms cell, so I can call her and set up a plan for your guys's tutoring counsel."  I felt my breath gasp and let out a bunch of air I had no idea I was even holding in. "Yes, mom. That's actually perfect. We can see if Evan is okay, also. How'd you get his moms number?"  "Oh..." She says, pulling the engine to 'forward' and starts slowly moving out of the driveway and into the road. "Just because we've actually been going to the same school in our high school years. We were pretty close."  I thought that was personally awesome. "Really? Jeez. No wonder Evan and I are already pretty much close, it's almost like we're connected through our hearts. Genetics, man." I hear my mom laugh after saying that.  "Possibly," she laughs.  **** We got home a few hours ago, and my mom has already touched base with Evan's mother, whose name was Miranda. But professionalisms say her name as Ms. Rodgers for being a medical examiner, the toughest job you could have in this area. It was their last name, even Evan's.  My mom asked Ms. Rodgers if Evan was home after the incident where I couldn't find him anywhere to ask him about tutoring (I told mom not to state the fact that Sarah pulled him in the girls bathroom ever since) and Ms. Rodgers was shocked and told her he was home and studying for finals in his room. She told my mom that he seemed perfectly fine when he arrived home, even when I couldn't find him at lunch.  He's coming tomorrow to tutor me, is what Ms. Rodgers said. I'm just beginning to think that Evan doesn't really want anything to do with me, as not being at lunch to see me and after not trying to communicate with me. But then again, he probably had no choice since she literally dragged him out of my way and into hers.
The next morning, I awoke to my mom flicking on the light and barging into my room.  She says, "Time to wake up, honey! It's Friday."  That's what made me get up, the use of the word 'Friday'. This weekend is going to be full of happiness and memories, as I hope Megan and Amanda can come over, that's when, of course, after Evan comes to tutor me.  When I rushed up out of my bed, I noticed I was wearing a white tank-top with black really short shorts that stopped right before my thighs. Hm. It was probably one of those moments I woke up in the middle of the night to change.  I quickly rushed to where my closet had clothes dangling all over the hangers from my existence being too lazy to sort through them and actually fold them the way they're supposed to. My mom's been scolding me about this for half of the summer, and I still don't seem to learn soon enough.  I yank a pink sweater that read, "Aero" all across it in cursive, and I threw on a pair of jeans from two days ago. Who cares what I wear anyway, it's just another day I have to get through.  I pulled open my bag to search for my mini makeup mirror and once I found it, I sat crossed-legged on my bed and started to smear blush and eyeshadow on my face.  I have no idea how my mind drifted off of the thought of my father who secretly went missing after last year. He left my mom last year, without an explanatory definite reason of explaining why. My mom just figured he left her for class status: high class, middle class, or low class. My mom was a mixture between middle class and low class. She was in the middle between them two. My father left and moved to an island closer to China than closer to where we were. That meant he had to take several classes and learn Chinese.  I never understood my father, honestly. I still had no idea what his name was until I turned ten five years ago. I just knew that he was a hard-working man who always seemed to have an excuse of leaving home for work all the time, even on the weekends. So, I wasn't that close to him. It was just my mom and I who were a close family member.  My dad left my mom only when he had a job, and my mom didn't. He didn't want him to take me with him, and so he left my mom when he had a job just so she could get poor and have no job.  Meanwhile in the summertime, my mother auditioned for a doctor and she passed her application, thankfully.  Now she has a higher paying job than my dad. Blames on him.  Now a year has passed and he's trying to get back with my mom by messaging and calling her, but she already blocked him so she doesn't hear much nonsense from him. He wants her back since he hates being in China and having to learn Chinese, he just wants to be back home with his family and have an upper paying class.  My mom wasn't going to fall for it again, which I super proud for.  I ate cereal before leaving for school, and my mom was doing dishes.  As she rinsed the bottom of a plate, she tried multi-tasking and she glanced at me before saying something, but as soon as she did the plate fell into the sink, luckily didn't smash.  "Mom..." I say, not trying to burst out laughing. "That's why multi-tasking is not for you." I dug my spoon around in my cereal, thinking I've had enough. The front loops were all soggy and barely even circles anymore. They were big globs of soggy chunks of them.  She put both hands over her face for a second to lean against the kitchen counter and rubs her hands on her eyes as if noting she's exhausted. "I'm sorry, I just barely had any sleep last night, and that's what makes concentrating harder for me. But anyway, what I was going to say is we'll leave in five. Evan is coming tonight for tutoring."  **** Ten minutes later, I was in my first class period, casually sitting by Evan in English. Megan and Amanda were sitting together.  Megan had offered me to sit by them, but I told them just for this class I wanted to sit by Evan to make arrangements for tonight.  Evan was casually flipping through our science notebook and we were sort of mumbling at each other.  Finally, without taking enough of his mumbling, I asked what was wrong.  "Really, it's nothing to pull you through. It's just that, yesterday you know how Sarah pulled me in the girls bathroom?" He asks, what I kind of hoped he'd do.  I nodded. "Yeah, anyway, what was that all about? I really began to worry about you after that."  He looks down at his jeans and back up to me and smiles. "At least someone was worried about me."  I fought the urge of looking away and blushing, but that's exactly what I did. Every time I looked at Evan, he looked more handsome. Like today he was wearing a Yankee's fan t-shirt with jeans and red Nikes. He was a few more inches taller than me and he had the perfect face structure and looked older than what he really is. He looked like a hot nineteen year old.  I tried not to make it obvious I was blushing, but obviously I can't control my moods. "Well, I'll always care and worry about you, though I barely know you."  "Yet," he informs. "I really hope we can get closer once I tutor you. Especially tonight." He looked so sweet and cute by saying that.  "Oh, yeah. And before you forget, why did Sarah pull you to girls bathroom?" I ask.  He shook his head and looked down all after asking that. "She told me you were all kinds of names first. As said that, she told me not to talk to you. But I defended myself and told her I can talk to whoever I please. After that, I haven't heard much from her. She's practically ignoring me."  "And you're mad about that? Who really cares? She treats you like dump anyways, and the only time she treats you like you're worth it is when you talk to other girls. Are you two still dating?" I ask, not shy at all.  He just itches the back of his head firmly and shrugged. "I don't know. We've been dating for almost a month now."  I chuckled. "Oh, okay."  "What?" He asks.  "Nothing. Just do what you want actually and don't mind me. I don't think who I am trying to control your life and-" I started to get up pull my materials together to head to the bathroom while in science still. We were supposed to study the hall the whole time, but instead we were chatting the whole time. He interrupted me.  His dark bronze colored long arms reached out to touch my hand as I was getting up, but I missed him just before time. He sat there, looking so small, and his chocolate brown eyes looking up to me, softly.  "Where are you going? We still have a few minutes before the bell," he asks me, still looking up at me. Those eyes I just could not resist to leave.  And that's when I actually began to think he liked me back, too.
After a couple of hours at home, today I sat with Megan and Amanda as usual for lunch, but afterward I spent my afternoon classes with Evan and we discussed the Sarah incident.  He told me that Sarah pulled him in the bathroom because it turns out she didn't want him to talk to me, apparently. And he also told me the names Sarah called me, which I'm not going to specifically tell. He told me we need to keep this tutoring thing a secret, before she finds out. It's the best way to keep going as friends without having her ruin it like she ruins everything else.  I was at home, helping my mom dust clean the house before Evan arrives to tutor me.  Megan and Amanda are coming over tomorrow as I asked them today because tonight Evan tutors me and I don't even tell them or anyone. Evan and I had agreed to keep the tutoring secret only to ourselves and not anyone, ANYONE, but only our parents.  We both told our parents not to tell anybody also, because it was a secret we didn't want Sarah to end up knowing. They agreed too.  6:00 was right around the corner, and my mom told me Ms. Rodgers was on her way with my tutoring teacher, Evan.  I helped mom dust clean the wooden floor downstairs, and within a couple seconds of that, we hear our door bell ring. That was the first time I saw mom sprint to grab my dust cleanser and put it up with the rest of the cleaning tools and sprint to the door to open it. It was Ms. Rodgers following along behind her was Evan, wearing a orange baseball t-shirt, noting on big black and bold letters that he was number '63'.  Ms. Rodgers had on a fancy red dress, with a red scruffy scarf and red gloves. She had black high heels on and her hair was curled and part of her light brown hair was parted to the side, leaving her absolutely stunning. She looked like she was a rockstar.  My mother looked plain as always; she wore grey sweatpants with a black and grey sweater above. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had no makeup on, which she never does. She's that type of mother who hates makeup and dressing up. She prefers to throw something comfy on and head out the door right when they wake up.  My mother stepped aside, allowing them to come in.  "Lovely place you have, Aya. I love the decoration and the comforting feeling," Ms. Rodgers says as she and Evan stepped inside. She walked in as if she was walking into a small amusement park, her smile was bigger than a smile I've ever seen in my life. She had that warm and soothing smile that made everything better. Now I know where Evan got his from.  Aya was my moms name. She was part Italian, that's why. "Thank you. We actually do take the time and effort to decorate it all in one sitting, or at least try to anyway. Home is where we feel comforted and relaxed at," my mom said, embarrassing me a little.  As I stood by my mother, I saw that once Ms. Rodgers came in, Evan took his sweet little time and arrived in here, finally. I could finally see his whole face now that he was in my house. I don't know why, if it's the lighting or what, but he looks much different from when I see him at school. He looks much hotter and just... older.  As he came in and my mom and his mom were striking a conversation on candles now we had set on the dining room table that was scented Coffee Cream, Evan came in slowly and he had a sweater on over his orange baseball shirt, and his hood was over his head. He gently comes in and looks at me while he slowly drops his hoodie on his head down. That image would haunt me forever. He looked so hot when he did it.  "Hi, Evan," I waved over to him. I came so close to him, I could eventually smell his cologne it smelt like he'd been spraying all over his body.  "Hey, Laura," he waves back and looked me in the eyes with those big and puffy brown eyes I tried not stare at but I just couldn't help it.  "Well..." I clapped my hands accidentally and looked down a little. "Why don't you say we get started on studying math for this quiz Thursday?"  "Sure," he says, and he follows me where the parents were, in the kitchen. They were both trying out different types of avocado now.  "Oh, hey, little cuties!" Ms. Rodgers laughed. "Are you going to go study and help her with the quiz, right?"  Evan nodded, looking disgusted. "Yeah, mom. What else?"  "I don't know, I was just wandering what you both would do!" She winks at him, leaving my face completely hot and red like somebody had just made a fool out of myself in front of thousands of people. "Get studying then! Where you both planning to go?"  He didn't know where we were going to go to study, so I knew this was the sign I had to answer. "Um..." I said, thinking about my words before I speak them, "I was planning we could go to my treehouse and study, that way there's peace and quiet and it has a decent enough sized place, where we can sort through all of our papers."  I got a little nudge from behind, and I turned around and it was Evan poking me purposely. I was going to ask later.  The parents had no problem with that whatsoever, so Evan and I went to the treehouse for him to tutor me in math.  I can't believe he's actually at my house and into my treehouse.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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