The Time Traveler

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Hope you like what I have so far sorry its not much but its a start! Please leave me any comments you have about the story and I promise I'll read them! Follow please if you like what I have!!!!!


I was carried along the wet cement, I could feel pain going through my leg as the blood came spilling out from my body. The only thing I could see at this moment was Able telling me that i would be OK and he would protect me. But you could tell that he was unsure of himself. The only thing I could think about at this moment for some reason was "I wonder how the hell I got in this mess".

Wait I should probably start from the beginning where everything was normal least a little.

Chapter 1: The Dream

Suddenly, a door appeared right in front of me. I opened the door, inside the door you could see two paths a path that was broken down and you could barely see with darkness surrounding it and a path with all kinds of flowers surrounding it. I had felt unsettled for a moment, wondering what path I should take. Then *BANG!* a whole bunch of rocks fell on top of the path full of flowers and I was forced to follow the broken down path.

As I stepped on to the path my foot started to sink in. As this happened a silhouette came closer slowly forming the form of a little boy. My heart started to beat rapidly, and I started to sink down faster. The boy was trying to tell me something. No matter how hard I tried to understand him I couldn't.

All of a sudden I could hear words starting to come from no where they said "beware of what lies in the future for there will be consequences!" it kept on repeating these words only each time the voices would get louder.

*Click* a bright light suddenly came and I awoke, I saw my father standing there in his business suit over by the light switch. He was turning the light on and off but as soon as he saw my eyes open he stopped. "Get up and dressed," My father said as his bright blue eyes stared at me for a moment then he left the room. I groaned and laid there for a moment thinking about the dream I just had, then slowly slid off my bed and onto the wight carpet floor.

I slowly walked toward the bathroom, as soon as I got in there and I turned on the shower, I quickly got in. After that I got dressed quickly now that I'm fully awake. I had just put on black skinny jeans and a blue T-shirt (really nothing new), then simply put my wet hair up and left the room. I didn't bother with putting on makeup because it makes my skin irritated.

I walked down stairs, I started to smell something almost smelled like burnt waffles. and to my surprise mom was cooking waffles I looked over at the big plate that was holding burnt waffles the smell as I got closer worsened, but just for my mom I put a smile on my face and said "smells and looks great mom," she then turned her head and smiled back as she said "sorry but I might have burned some of them!" the fire alarm started to go off and she quickly turned her head back to what she was doing and flipped the waffles onto the big plate on the counter and turned off the stove.

"Are you sure your going to school without your jacket?" My mom asked as she sat down beside me and took a waffle. "Oh thanks I almost forgot!" I then quickly jumped out of the chair and ran into my room searching for my favorite hoodie.

"Mom!" I shouted while desperately trying to find my hoodie."yes dear?!?" she shouted back in a sweet tone. While I was about to shout back and ask if she had it I turned to see it right on top of my bed, looks like I had set it there before I took a shower thinking I had picked it up but didn't. I quickly picked it up and put it on while shouting back at my mother "never mind I found it!"

I quickly ran out of my room and into the kitchen and kissed my mothers cheek. Then put on my black sneakers and started to head for the door.

"Bye mom love ya!" I shouted as I dashed though the door and got into my red slug bug that I got for my sixteenth birthday last year. When I got in I quickly left my house and got to school.

I quickly parked my car and sprinted to my locker and got out my AP Physics book, I was surprised that I made it five minutes before the first bell rang. I let out a sigh as I walked toward my class, I hated calculus it was my least favorite class.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder as I was walking. I turned to see my best friend Wade walking right beside me, I smiled and said "hey buddy!" he quickly returned his smile "I can see your in a good mood today!" Wade said while hugging me tightly. I sighed and then said "well it sure looks like it," my face then turned from a smile into a straight tired looking face. "oh what's wrong Nika are you sick?" Wade then put his hand on my forehead and I pushed it away "no I'm just tired," I said while smiling.

I then entered my class and took my seat in the back. Wade and I had the same class for first period and so he always sat next to me, even though the girl he liked (Arica) sat in the front of the class texting secretly to her friends that are in other class rooms.

I don't know why he is too nervous to ask her out, sure she is one of the populars but Wade was good looking he had a great sense of humor, he was sweet. His eyes were a really dark shinny brown that when you looked into them your heart could melt, he was tan and had chocolaty brown hair, he was vary slim and strong and had a sexy smile what girl (other than me) wouldn't want him to date them.

Actually, they all pretty much wanted Wade to be with them. But Wade decided to wait for when the right time comes even though she has given him so many signs that she liked him.

As I was doodling little pictures of animals on my paper instead of listening to the teacher for about an hour the teacher finally looked at the time and said it was time to leave. I quickly sprang out of my seat and left the class room with Wade following closely behind, "Nika why were you in such a rush to get out of that room!?!" Wade asked with a worried look on his face and held onto my shoulders so that he could stop me from walking and make sure I had heard him.

"i-i just had a weird dream and needed some fresh air because I started to feel light headed," I said while slowly making eye contact with Wade. "Oh OK, so are you feeling better now that your out?" Wade asked as her let go of me, buy he still looked deeply inside my eyes. "Yah," I said while I stopped starring and sat on the grass. "That's good just don't think about it and you'll be fine" Wade said as he sat next to me and started to stare at Arica while she talked to her friends.

hope you guys liked this chapter the next chapter will come out soon! thanks!!!! please follow too if you liked it!!!

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