I Kissed My Best Friend

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Miles and I both had dumb founded faces on as we kept staring at one another in shock. I felt like I should say something but no words would come out. So we both just sat there in silence. Finally, as I was about to say something Miles cut me off. "This is a lot more awkward then I intended it being....but at least you stopped crying? right?" Miles looked at me, he looked a little let down and broken. was it how I reacted to the kiss after we finished? "Yeah I guess your right, I just needed a booster!" a tried to say it cheerfully hoping he would buy my act. He seemed not to as he sighed and looked down at his hands sheepishly "sorry, I was just hoping you'd smile after that, but it looks like I failed"

I looked at Miles, my best friend sad and down I tried to think of something quickly but nothing came to mind other than to sit there in sorrow at the fact that my family and now miles was broken. I finally said "well the kiss wasn't that bad," i looked at him with a smile so that he would smile too "In fact, the kiss was great it defiantly got my mind off of things," that was a lie that kiss had just brought me more trouble than my day had began with. I took Miles hands in mine and kissed Miles scared that if i didn't it would bring him more pain than he needed. Once I finished 'cheering him up' we looked into each others eyes as I got up from his bed and walked out his front door, what was i thinking that kiss would just hurt Miles not make him feel better but lead him on I'm such an ass.

I started for home, I didn't care if my house was far away enough bad things had happened all ready what more could possibly happen? I asked myself as I walked through an alleyway to my street. For some reason something felt wrong as I walked I felt like I was being followed. I turned to see if anyone was there to only see two big men with scars all over there faces and strange glowing clothing that almost seemed welcoming but I knew what would happen if I didn't run and I was not looking forward to it.

As the men drew closer I ran for the nearest street exit I wanted to get out of this alleyway if it was the last thing I did, but as soon as I got close to the end of the ally one of the men grabbed me by my hair and pinned me against a building. I screamed, punched, and kicked as much as I could before the men managed to tie me up and shove me in there black limo.

The men seemed to glare at me as I watched the limo drive off with me in it. I stared at the men thinking of what they were going to do to me maybe rape me and bury my body in the dump, that's what usually happens to girls who walk on the streets alone, but out of all the girls why me? I kept on asking myself this question as I saw the limo stop and the men pull me out I fought against them as much as I could to try and get free and out of the ropes but it didn't work they started to carry me into a run down building that looked like it could collapse at any moment.

As I struggled, a boy in a black cloak covering his face leaped out from the roof of the building and landed perfectly on his feet I was amazed at how the boy wasn't hurt or killed by the fall it was like magic. The boy looked at me and grabbed me from the men I was shocked he had pulled me away and held me in his arms like I was nothing I was astonished as he managed to kick the the two men to the floor in just five seconds of time its like I was being saved by a super hero. Was there really such thing as a super hero?

I was being carried by a strange boy probably to a strange place now im really confused on who the bad guy is in this situation. I felt safe in this boys arms though as he ran through the streets. He ran to what seemed to be a big mansion, he climbed to the second floor bedroom window and where he climbed into the room and sat me on the bed. My eyes widened when I was sat on the bed I started to try and shuffle out of the ropes, did I get the whole hero thing mixed up?

As the boy sat on the floor and started to untied my ropes I thought he was going to try and tie me to the bed. This is the perfect time to run out as soon as he's finished untying me i'll run for the door.

When I felt the ropes loosen I jumped up from the bed and ran at the door but as I grabbed the door knob and tried to turn it, but the boy managed to grabbed me from my waste and throw me onto the bed, I kept on searching for the boy's eyes but I couldn't see anything under his black hood. "Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you," he said in a calm whisper "see?" He took off his hood to show who he was. I couldn't believe my eyes it was Able. The new boy that I had strong feelings for suddenly I felt safe again knowing that I would not be raped. I looked into his calm and soothing green eyes that perfectly complemented his jet black hair. He seemed too perfect to be real. I snapped out of my daze and finnaly tell him what was on my mind "H-how did you survive t-the fall?" Able looked at me and chuckled "Nika, you just got saved by me and thats the first thing you say?" he loosens his grip from my arms and sat up from the bed.

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