Friends & Family

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Limerence ~41

•Charlotte Carpenter•

"Kayla! Zach!" I call out as soon as I am in the house. Hayes is right behind me with a bag. He closes the door and follows me into the kitchen when I find it empty. I walk over to the kitchen table to find a note from Mrs.Frig. I take the note to read.


Kayla and Zach should be in the house when you are there. I wasn't sure what time you would be getting in, but I really appreciate you coming tonight. I hope you had a great practice and there is money left on the counter for takeout for you if you get hungry.

Want to wish you the best of luck in Massachusetts next Tuesday in your meet and can't wait to watch you from the big screen. We'll see you and celebrate when you get back!


I smile tiredly at the note and look at the cash she left for take out. I look towards Hayes who looks innocent and stands behind me waiting for me to say something.

"Are you hungry?" He nods and I take my phone out. "Is Chinese takeout alright?"

"Sure," he smiles and I gave him a quick peck on the lips before I make my way to the living room to sit him down. I then make my way upstairs to check on Kayla and Zach. I make a quick order for Hayes and I before I knock on Zach's door to find him already asleep. I find him surrounded by books, under the covers.

I smile before turning the light off and walking over to Kayla's room, just across the hall. I knock gently and a moment later I hear a 'come in'. I open the door to see books spread across her rug. Laptop in front of her and music playing in the background.

"Hey Char!" She greets. She smiles up at me because she is on her stomach on the rug.

"Hey Kayla, doing some studying I see?"

"Yeah," she sighs. "Trying my best to avoid last minute procrastination."

"I know what you mean. If you need any help, I'll be downstairs."

"You're the best Char, do you mind if I come down and do the rest of my homework down there with you?"

"No, problem. I uh, actually brought company with me today."

"Jacobs back?" She asks. I shake my head. She quickly gets up and takes my hand before we make our way down the stairs. I smile and as she enters the living room, she abruptly stops. "I don't see anyone. We walk into the living room and I find Hayes's bag beside the table, but no Hayes.

"Hi Kayla," Hayes says from behind me and I turn to see him with two bottles of waters. Kayla turns around and her eyes widens. One minute I'm standing and the next Hayes is being attacked with a hug.

"Hayes!" She beams. "You're here!"

"I'm here," he chuckles. "How have you been?" The two immediately hit it off and I smile as the doorbell rings. The Chinese food didn't take too long to get here. There only a few streets over. I quickly walk to the kitchen to take the money and make my way to the front door.

I say a hello to the guy and pay him before shutting the door. I bring the food into the kitchen and take out two plates and two sets of silverware. I divide the food between Hayes and I. Hayes having a larger portion than me. I make sure to clean the mess up when Hayes comes into the kitchen and wraps his arms around my waist.

I turn around in his embrace and wrap my arms around him as he looks down at me with a happy expression.

"Kayla is very happy to see me again," he says.

Limerence • Hayes Grier and Jacob WhitesidesWhere stories live. Discover now