Chapter 1-The three boys who meet

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This story version starts after Hagrid leaves and Harry is looking for platform 9 3/4

           Harry looked around in alarm. You see, this is Harry's first year at Hogwarts. Seeing as it's his first year, he has absolutely no idea where to go. Whenever he asked for directions, he'd get a look that made it seem like he was crazy! He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up more than usual.

  "Do you need help sweetie?" Harry looked over his shoulder to see the lady that was in robe shop. She had the boy that insulted him in the robe shop next to her and a man with long silver hair with a fancy cane in hand. They all wore what looked like rich wizard clothes.

"Are you going to Hogwarts?" Asked the man in a snotty voice. The woman slapped him. "Shush! Do you need help finding Platform 9 and 3/4? Draco can show you." The nice lady gestured to the boy who appeared to be her son. The boy, Draco, hesitated looking at his mother. The lady gently shoved her boy towards Harry. "Um, Draco Malfoy, and, um, sorry for the, um, robe shop." "It's no worries. Harry Potter." Harry said as he shook the boys hand.

The father looked taken aback, muttering something under his breath which is wife heard and slapped him on the shoulder, muttering something back. She gestured at her son. "Draco. Go on show Mr. Potter how to do it!" "Just Harry please mam." Harry said as he collected his things.

Draco looked at him. "Ready?" Harry nodded his head as the blond boy took his cart and ran at the pillar deprecating the platforms. Harry thought he was going to hit it but instead he just disappeared. "It's better and faster if you run darling." Said the nice lady. "We will be in right after you." Harry just nodded. He then took off with his cart full of luggage at the pillar disappearing from the muggle world.

Harry came out and saw a large platform bustling with people. Kids and adults alike, some adults crying at how excited they were that their children were going to a magical school. Some older kids were talking with what to seem friends, girlfriend, or boyfriends. Harry also saw many pets, owls, cats, and even a few toads.

"Harry? Are you ready to get on the train sweetie? You need to get on early if you want a compartment." The nice lady said. "Of course mother. Well then we should get going." Draco said trying to sound formal.

"Owl us if you have any questions sweetie!" Draco's mother yelled over all over the noise. "Thank you!" Harry yelled over his shoulder "Are you coming or not Potter?" Draco snapped him out of his thoughts by grappling his hands and dragging him along with him to the train, quite fast. Harry looked at their hands in confusion. Why hadn't he let go? He was already following him, why would Draco keep holding his hand? "Draco slow down! You still have my hand!"

Draco stopped for a split second to look at Harry not saying anything but with a look in his eye that seemed to say 'Does it look like I will let go any time soon?' Then started hurrying again towards the train, still with Harry's hand in his, yet he did slow down bit.

They got the the nearest train car after dodging many couples, groups of friends and crying parents and hopped on. Draco let go of Harry's hand and started to walk confidently down the train hallway which was just as packed as the station. Harry followed Draco with a hand hanging onto his wizard like robes trying to stay close to him.

Draco started to walk a little faster. Harry noticed that he was trying to get to the compartment that looked empty at the end of the hallway. When they got there they sat down a little out of breath. There blew a whistle signifying it was about to move.

As the train started to move they heard a knock on the door. It was a boy with disheveled red haired and freckles. His clothes looked a little worn and his cheeks were red due to little breath, like he was running. Draco started to sneer, when the boy started talking. "Can I sit here? All the others are full." Draco started to say something when Harry interrupted him. "Sure of course you can!" Draco looked surprised and taken aback by Harry's answer but then he started to smile as the boy took a seat across from him and Harry.

"The names Ron Weasly." The boy, Ron said as he placed a trunk above the seats. Harry was the first to answer "My name is Harry Potter and this is-" "My name is Draco Malfoy." Draco finished. "Do... Do you really have the...?" Ron asked Harry as he pointed to his forehead. "Oh the scar?" Harry then pulled up his bangs to show Ron his scar. "Merlins Beard!" "Its fantastic isn't it?" Draco said with a smile. "Do you remember how you got it?" Ron asked in a quiet voice. Draco looked at Harry wanting to know the answer too.

"Well not much. All I remember is a green flash of light." Harry said and he wasn't lying. He did see a flash of light and it was a green color. "Well that sounds 'bout right. I heard from my brothers that's what a killing curse looks like." Ron stated looking at Harry then at Draco. "Yes, that is what my father says too. Yet I have never seen a curse like that myself." Ron nodded in agreement to what Draco had said.

"Hey Ron you said that you had brothers? How many?" Harry asked wanting to get the conversation off of him. "Well, I have five older brothers and one younger sister. There's Bill who was the head boy, Charlie was the head of the Quidditch team, and Percys a prefect this year. Then there are the twins, Fred and George who like to mess around a lot. Since they all did great things my parents think I'll be fantastic too but I think otherwise. Then me and Ginny who is my little sis by one year. She has quite the obsession with you Harry." Upon hearing this Draco gets a little rigid like he was protective.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" Asked a sweet lady from to compartment door. "Sorry mum packed a snack." Ron said with a sad look as he pulled out a smudged up sandwich from his jacket pocket. "Nonsense! Harry, I'd it correct that since you were raised by muggles you never have tasted a wizard candy or treat?" Draco asked as he unbuttoned his jacket and reached inside. He had a point to get to and Harry knew it. He was kinda scared of what the point was. "Well, yes." Harry said a little scarred.

Draco pulled out what looked like a large coin bag from his inside robe pocket. "We'll take three of everything please. Oh! And double the order of chocolate frogs and Barts every flavored beans."

Draco started counting his money when the sweet lady told him the amount that bought him the sweets. They got the boat load of candy into the trolley as the train steamed on to their first year of Hogwarts.

YO ITS ME KATIE! The writer of this chapter! I think I will write most of the chapters but of course Mayo will edit and put in parts of her own. I hope you all like this first chapter, and we hope to update weekly! Have fun reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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