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Stampy's POV:
The sky is a grim shade of grey ever. Suddenly, dark clouds cover the sky. The air grows cold and teardrops come down from the sky. I sit there waiting.

I see her. Her crystal eyes are red and puffy. There are dark tears coming down her face. He long hair flows down her face, covering one of her eyes.

She see's me and starts running. Lightning strikes from behind her. She gets closer and closer. She eventually meets me on my porch.

She throws me into a hug crying.

"I knew you'd come back," I say softly.

I lift her chin so she meets my gaze. I stare into her beautiful eyes, but all I can see is emptiness. I look deeper, and see a world of sadness and despair.

She hugs me tight and I hug her back. We stay like that, none of us wanting to let go. Suddenly there was a loud ringing noise.


I shot up from my bed. My alarm on my phone was going off in sharp rings. Who was that girl in my dreams?

I've never seen her, let alone met her. Is she real, or is she made up? I flooded myself with questions.

Eventually, I decide to drag myself out of bed. I feel worthless. I had a flashback of last night.


"JOESEPH!" A cold voice calls. I limp down the stairs.

"Yes?" I ask.

"We need to talk," she states bluntly. I look up to face Melanie. Those are the words you never want to hear if your in a relationship.

"This isn't working out, I'm through with you!" She screamed and she slapped me and walked out.


If you don't know me, I'm Joseph Garret, I also run the YouTube channel Stampylonghead. I've been struggling with depression ever since my mother died, and I was left with my abusive father.

The fact my girlfriend, Melanie Candy, just broke up with me makes matters a whole lot worse.

I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I grabbed my blades. To think, I stopped this for her...

I pressed the cold, metal blade against my skin and slowly dragged it across. "Your a worthless idiot and you deserve this," I said to myself.

The pain felt so good.

A few specks of red appeared on my arm before I felt it drenched in a warm, red liquid. I grabbed some toilet paper and pressed it against my wrist.

Once the blood stopped flowing I put my arm under the sink, and ran cold water over my fresh cut. It stung, by it helped. I made the mistake of screaming.

"Stamps, are you okay in there?" My roommate David, aka Squid asked me. Crap.

"Yeah I'm fine," I lied.

"Stamps, I know your not fine! Open up before I break down the door!" He yelled from the other side.

I gulped. I knew he was strong and could possibly break down the crappy door, so I decided my best bet was to just open it.

I sighed as I slowly pulled the door open. He saw the blood coming from my arm.

"Stamps, I thought you stopped this," he said in a calm voice.

I burst into tears and he pulled me into a hug. "Mate, what happened?" He asked sympathetically.

"M-my... girlfriend...Mel-Melanie... B-b-broke up with me!" I said between sobs.

"Awwe! Stamps, let's calm down," he said. He spoke to me in a calming voice until I finally calmed down.

"Let's just have a quiet day here!" He suggested, "I know what will make you feel better. I'll make some tea for us, and then we can watch fan videos on the Xbox so it's on the TV okay?"

"Okay, sounds good," I said.

"Good, Stamps, I just want you to know, you make thousands of people smile a day and your not worthless," he soothed.

"Thanks mate!" I said.

I'm so lucky to have friends like Squid who will help me through tough times, and be with me through thick and thin.

We chilled out for the day in our pajamas watching fan videos and drinking tea.

Best day I could have asked for.

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