Chapter 1

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As the plane descended from the brilliant light of the horizon to the dark blackness of the airport blacktop, my heart sank further down my chest within each treacherous second as the ground loomed into sight of the human eye. I rested my head on the window and looked out onto the sky. The sky looked as if the sun was being pushed away into the depths of the dark, damp clouds. I looked away and looked towards the city surrounding me. It was nothing to be too excited about. Just a plain, old boring town in Virginia. I rolled my eyes. Why couldn't I just stay in Cali and live with my friends. I mean like who wants to move to a boring old town where nothing exciting ever happens. The over head intercom on the airplane beeped. "We will now begin our decent. Please fasten your seat belts. We hope you enjoyed flying with Delta airlines. Thank you and have a nice day." I strapped in my seat belt and pulled out my phone and my earbuds and blasted Ariana Grande. When the plane landed, I got up and made my way to the front of the plane. I exited the plane and my this point I know you'll think that I'm by myself, but I'm not. I'm with my mom since I am an only child. I made my way to the baggage claim and met up with my mom there. I grabbed my stuff and my mom grabbed hers. We both left the airport and rented a car. It was a Lexus ES. The car was SUPER comfy and luxurious. I smiled to myself as I put my suitcases in the trunk. While we're in the car I might as well tell you my backstory. I was born in San Francisco, California. My mom, my dad, and I moved to LA when I was 3. Soon y dad started coming home later, smelling like alcohol and weed. Some nights he never came home at all. Then one night while my mom was working late, he brought home a 16 year old prostitute and they did it on my mom's bed. I was at home, doing my homework in my room. When I heard him come, I quickly locked my door so he wouldn't do anything to me too. I texted my mom and told what was going on and she came right away. She kicked my dad out of the house and slapped the girl. They both left and later my dad sent a letter saying that he was marrying the prostitute he banged. My mom I both cried. Not for him, but for the pain he caused us over the years. Eventually, my mom forgot about him and we continued our normal lives. Well, that's enough of my emotional backstory. But the good thing now is that you know how my life was. So back to reality. We were currently driving down my new street. All the houses looked so big and over top, sort of like mini-mansions. Most of them had two of three stories with a big wrap-around driveway. Some of them were made with brick and some of them I didn't know what material made the houses. All I know that they were all really nice. Oh did I mention, that I could see a BIG modern pool in each of the backyards. Kind of like this.

I looked around in awe as we stopped in front of one of the houses

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I looked around in awe as we stopped in front of one of the houses. "Here we are!" my mom said. I nodded not being able to comprehend any words. The house was a 2 story white house with a wrap around driveway. In the middle of the driveway was a cool fountain with flowers surrounding the fountain. There was really cool lanterns and a really cool glass front door.

 There was really cool lanterns and a really cool glass front door

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I walked inside with my bags and looked around. My mouth fell open in awe. i looked around and I felt like I was in a dream. All the furniture had already arrived, making the empty house seem...unempty. Is unempty even a word? Well, it is now. I walked up the staircase and found my room. It was painted with white paint. There were big windows with teal curtains. The bed had teal sheets and a couple white pillows. I had a bookshelf in the wall and a bedside table on the left side of my bed. I saw two doors, each on the other side of my room.
There were two doors on opposite sides of my room. I entered the door on my left. It was a huge walk in closet. There were aisles like in a store. All the aisles were filled with my clothes. The back wall was lined with all my shoes, and I have a lot of them. At the beginning of each aisle, there were little cabinets for my bags and accessories. There were crystal chandeliers for lights. I ran around, touching all my clothes. I saw clothes that I have never seen before and I look at them confused. Then I realize that the house came with clothes that another teenage girl didn't want anymore. I exited my closet and made my way to the other door. (Imagine that the closet is a light blue)I turned around on my back and looked at the ceiling which I may remind you were light mint blue tiles. I smiled to myself and thought, "I think I may like it here.."


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