We need to be happy

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"No, Ashlie. You know I do not like dresses."
  "But you'll look so cuuuttteee in it!"
"As Your older Sister, Your gonna wear that dress to meet my friends."
"Fine but I'm gonna wear those legging you love~."
"Child! You better Not!"
  "Hey, guys." said Ashlie or on YouTube Ashlie9596. She was meeting up with her other YouTube friends and She wanted them to meet her younger Sister. "Ashlie!" said Uni before Look up from his drawing to See Ashlie and a child hiding behind wearing a light blue dress and blue jeans underneath. "Uni, this is my younger Sister. Ansley this Uni, one of my YouTube friends you follow." said Ashley, who was trying to get Ansley to say something. 'She can be so shy sometimes.' thought Ashlie. "Well it's always nice to meet a fan." said Uni.

  "Your Welcome." said Ansley quickly as it came. "She shy." said Ashlie and Uni nodded. "Well dear, you have nothing to be afraid. We are all humans here. Well Tommy may not be..." said Uni, who earn a smile from Ansley."He is kinda strange but he is so funny." said Ansley. "Ashlie!" said someone else making Ansley hide behind Ashlie again. "Cory! You made the poor child hide again!" Uni yelled at Cory. "Sorry! I didn't know Ashlie was a.... Sister?" said Cory, who was confused.

  "Correct." said Uni. "She a big fan of yours Cory." said Ashlie. "Ashlie! You said you wouldn't tell himmmm." wined Ansley. "I said I might." said Ashlie. "Well it's nice to meet you." said Cory. "Did you just copy Uni?" asked Ansley. "What? No I didn't." said Cory. "But Uni said that right before you showed up." said Ashlie. "Well it's Nice to know your a better fan to me than Uni." said Cory. "Bloody Hell! She likes me more!" said Uni before realizing what he said. "Bloody hell?" said Ansley, who was clueless as Ashlie was trying to kill Uni.
  "That's not a good thing to say." said Cory. "Oh! Sorry!" said Ansley. "Oh it's fine just that Ashlie Maybe the death of Uni by now." said Cory before Ansley ran off to stop the death of Uni. "Never say that again Ansley! And Uni! Never say that in front of her ever again or I will finish what I started." said Ashlie. Ansley and Uni both shook their head.
Ansley sat beside Uni and Ashlie at the little park they were in. "I'm a fan of both of y'all but I love Uni Hardcore Adventure right now." said Ansley. "Oh Ya! She sits beside me and ask me what gonna happen next at dinner all the time until I told her 'No Minecraft at the table'." said Ashlie. "But that effect her more than me." said Ansley. "Yes sadly." said Ashlie. They talked Like this in till someone new sat at the table. Mousie. Ansley hides under the table. "Can someone explain why there is a child hiding under the table?" asked Mousie, who then looked at Ansley and Ansley only squealed and back into the corner of the table."Sorry! She just Shy. She is my Sister, Ansley." said Ashlie. "Oh my goodness. I didn't know you had a sister." said Mousie. "No one does well they just learned today. She does watch your channel." said Ashlie.

  "Darling Child will you please come out?" said Mousie before Ansley came out. "Aww! Ashlie, you didn't tell me your related to something so adorable~!" said Mousie making Ansley blush in embarrassment. "She is adorable, Ashlie." said Uni. Ansley then turned red. "You're killing her with compliments, guys." said Ashlie. "Nope. I'm perfectly fine. Slowly dying but good." said Ansley, who was still lightly blushing. Ashlie smiled, seeing that her friends and her sister are getting along.

   "Hi Guys!" shouted Tommy, who scared everyone and making Ansley jumping to the closest person, Who was Ashlie then held Ansley before giving Tommy a look. "What?" said Tommy, who was clueless about who the girl was and why Ashlie was giving him a look. "Why does everyone scares the poor child?!" said Uni. When Uni is Mad, He is Mad and he is angry that everyone that meet Ansley has scared her beside Mousie, who Ansley just hide from. "Hey Tommy but you might want to stay away from Ashlie and Uni for right now." said Cory who made sure Tommy sat away from Ashlie and Uni but close enough to meet Ansley.

    Tommy and Ansley stared at each other for awhile. "Are you the Child, Uni was yelling about?" asked Tommy. "Yes." answered Ansley. "I have a feeling you're related to Ashlie from how much I can see." said Tommy. " I am her Sister." said Ansley. "Younger?" said Tommy. "Yes." said Ansley. Though their question and ask they never broke eye contacted even when Cory tried to stop them. "Ashlie. Your sister is better." said Tommy looking at Ashlie smiling. "HE- You know what? You're right." said Ashlie.



  Hi Darling, just to ask what you want me to write cause I'm on winter break for 2 weeks so ask! 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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