after I finished talking to Tyler, i got up and said "I'll be upstairs packing if you need me"
"ok" they responded
"Jocelynn lets go upstairs" i yell
"Coming" Jocelynn said
so we get upstairs and Jocey(Jocelynn) and i went to my room,
"I'm gonna pack, you can do whatever you want..if you need a charger for your phone, check on my nightstand there should be one right there" I say
"Ok, thanks bestfran" Jocey says
"No problem bestfran" I say while giggling
So I grab my luggage and start looking for clothes/shoes/accessories that I wanna take with me.
*2 hours later*
"I'm done packing" I tell Jocey
"Finally" Jocelynn says while laughing
"I want some icecream" I say
"Same" Jocey says
"What time is it?" I ask
"7:20" Jocey says
I get up and go sit on the bed next to Jocey and I take my phone out of my pocket
"Let me see what time the icecream shop closes" I say
"They close at 9" I say
"Yessssssssssss" Jocey says
I laugh and say "lets go downstairs"
So we both get up and go down stairs
"Aye guys, we should go to the icecream shop..can we Mark" I ask
"Sure..why not" Mark replies
"Yayyyyy" I say while looking at Jocey
So everyone gets up and we all walk outside..I grab Ashton's hand and I start walking next to Jocey and Weston..Mario,Mark,Hunter,and Brandon are all behind us
*skip walk*
"What flavor icecream would you like?" The lady asked
"I'll take chocolate icecream please" I say
"Of course" the lady says
So we all ordered our flavors then we paid
We asked the lady if she can take a picture of us and she did...I posted it on Instagram with the caption "Who's ready for tour?👀💗We love you guys so much and we can't wait to meet pyou all🤞🏻💕" so then we all walk out and start walking home..
"Tomorrow is our last day here, we should do something fun" I say
"We should go skating" Mario suggests
"Oh yeah that'll be fun" I say
Then everyone else agrees..
"Tomorrow like at 7?" Mark says
"Sure" Hunter says
We were on our street "lets race to my house" I say
"Ok" everyone says
"But let's let Ashton have a head start" I say
So Ashton runs "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" I say
"Ok ready set go" I say we all run
I was 4th too make it to the door
"Are you done packing Jocey?" I ask
"No" she replies
"Can I go to your house and help you pack or something?" I ask her
" Yeah of course" she says
"Ight" I say
So I go to Jocey's house and I help her pack, I check my phone and it was 8:45pm.
"You should ask your mom if you can spend the night at my house" I say
"Oh yeah" she says
So we both go downstairs
"Mom" Jocey says
"Yes sweetie?" Mama Rowland replies
"Can I spend the night at Alexa's?" She asks
"Yeah, are your brothers staying too?" Mama Rowland asks
"Idk and I left my phone upstairs" Jocey says
"I'll call Hunter" I say
So I scroll through my contacts and look for "Hunner🙄😂💙" , I finally found it and I call him
"Hunter" I question
"What's up" he replies
"Jocey is gonna stay at my house and Mama is wondering if you and your brothers gonna stay too" I say
"Hang on let me ask them" Hunter says
"They said yeah" hunter says
"Did y'all finish packing" I ask
"I did but idk about Brandon" Hunter says
"You should ask him please" I say
"He said no but he'll finish tomorrow" Hunter says
"Ight, well do y'all need clothes" I ask
"Ask mom if she can get our clothes" Hunter says
"Ok bud well I'll see you in a few" I say
"Ight bud" hunter laughs
"Lol, well adios" I say
"Adios" hunter says
Then I hang up
"They said yeah but he asked if you can get them clothes so me and Jocey can take for them to change tomorrow" I tell mama
"Ok" mama says
"Ok mom we'll be down here if you need help with anything" I say
"Ok hun" Mama R says while going upstairs
Jocey and I sat down on the couch and we just watched tv until Mama had called us
"Girls" Mama said
"Yeah mom" Jocey asks
"Come here please" Mama says
"We're coming" Jocey says
"Ok so this is Hunters bag, this is Brandons and this is Ashtons" Mama said
"Ok mom, thanks" Jocey says
So we walk downstairs and I called Mark so he can have the door opened so me and Jocey can just walk in
"Mark" I say
"What's up" he asks
"Jocey and I are gonna go to the house already, so can you unlock the door please" I say
"Yeah of course" Mark says
"Ight thanks" I say
"Yeah no problem" Mark says
"Bye" I say
"Bye" Mark says then I hang up
So I open the door and peek out a little bit "lesss runnnn" I say then we start running
"Why what's wrong" Jocey asked
"Nun I'm just scared to walk in the dark by myself lmao" I say
"Ohhhh" she laughs
So we made it inside and I locked the door, we go upstairs and Jocey and I handed the things to the boys.
"So what are we gonna do?" I pause
"Movies or video games" I ask
"Movies" everyone yelled in unison
"Okay shhh" I say while laughing
So we picked a movie and everyone decided with "The human Centipede"
"Is this a scary movie" I ask
"No" Mark says
"Ighty" I we all go downstairs and walk into the movie room, "wait..we forgot our pillows and blankets" I say
So the boys except Ashton went upstairs to grab some things while Jocey Ashton and I went to the kitchen to grab some snacks
So we all go back inside of the movie theater and I sit by Ashton and Jocelynn
*30 minutes have passed*
"Awww Ashton fell asleep" I tell Jocelynn
Then I look up at the screen "ewwwwww that's gross" I say while covering my eyes, Mario just laughs at me "shut up Mario" I say while laughing
*20 mins later*
"Goodnight" I say while picking up Ashton and taking him to my room, I lay him on my bed and I lay next to him and I fall to sleepTHIS PROBABLY DIDN'T MAKE SENSE, BUT HEY, I UPDATED LMAO. WELL YEAH, HAVE A GOOD DAY!💗

My Life As Mark Thomas's Sister
FanfictionHi my name is Alexa Thomas and I'm 14 years old. I have a brother named, Mark Thomas aka DuhitzMark and I grew a little on Social Media.