Winter the cat X (MALE) funtime foxy

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"The new one?"

"Yeah arrived this morning"

"Let have a look then"

Funtime foxy glanced out of the vent cautiously. The two technicians where opening a large box with "this side up" on the side. They reached into the box and pulled out the new addition

She was beautiful. Eyes closed head slightly down her fur was pure white from her toes to the tips of her rounded  ears.

One of the "techies" was tugging at her eyes trying to open them

"Aww dang!"

"What?" the other one was looking around the control module.

"The eyes are wrong!"


"Yep. Blue and purple"

"Ah well. Boss won't know he's never out of the-"


"What? Nobody's here"

"Still! We're not supposed to know that!"

"Whatever. Let get this cat unit in Funtime autotorium (haha I can't spell (cries))

"Yeah yeah okay"

Foxy darted back to the stage hurriedly pretending to be powered down as he heard the Tecs setting up the new cat.

"What's it called?"

"Uhh... it says winter on the box she was in"

"What? Not "Funtime winter"?"

"Dunno lets go anyways, this place gives me the creeps..."

"Yeah you're not the only one!"

As soon as they where gone foxy loomed up. Winter was standing directly in front of him her eyes open her face an inch from his. Instinctively he yelped and a fist collied with his face.

"Ow!" Foxy sat up in the floor

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! You made me jump"

"I made you jump?!"

"Again I'm sorry... here" she extended a paw. Foxy took it and smiled at her. She was pretty as they go. Sweet heart shaped face soft smooth fur big eyes...

"You're looking at my eyes right?"

She turned away sighing.

"They got the colours wrong and of corse it's the one I get put in when I died!"

(Btw I just say that they where kids stuffed in suits to make life easy XP)

"H-hey I think it's good... interesting"

She raised an eyebrow

"Really? You don't this'll it's weird? Like odd?" Foxy shook his head

"I like it"

She smiled warmly

"I'm Funtime foxy by the way" foxy smiled sheepishly

"But just call me foxy"

"I'm winter. Winter the cat. But just call me winter"

She smiled back at him and touched the side of his face.

"Sorry about that"

"It's okay" foxy grinned.

"You throw a good punch for a girl"

"You take it pretty well... for a boy"


Foxy laughed. Winter giggled her fur turning a light pink as foxy took her hand.

"I'm surprised you didn't break your hand... hey can you go into human form by the way?"

"Huh? Oh yeah sure"

Winter screwed up her face before switching. She was tall pale skinny wearing a blue skirt and a matching white flannel top. She ran a hand through her light blond hair smiling at him her bright blue eyes sparkling as he switched too.

You already know what he looks like so let's skip to the shipping

Foxy blushed slightly smiling at her. She smiled at him before they both looked away blushing.

"The shows gonna start soon" foxy was surprised when winters face dropped

"Awe dangit" winter sighed

"Don't you like preforming?"

"Well it's the first time y'know?"

"You'll do great"


Foxys face glowed scarlet as winter kissed his cheek. She giggled

"Your face is red"



She kissed his other cheek laughing as his face went redder

"S-stop that!"
He covered his face blushing.

"That can't honestly be the first time you've been kissed on the cheek"

"Heh... to be honest over never been kissed in any way"

Winter moved a little closer smiling. Foxy blushed. He wanted nothing more then to run away yet at the same time his shoes seemed to have been glued to the floor.

"We should remedy that..." she whispered.

"Before the programming kicks in"

And she gave him a small innocent kiss on the lips.


They switched back to normal winters fur a pretty pink and foxys face more magenta.

"See you when the performance is over"

winter winked before the programming kicked in and all went black.

Explanation: they have their own conscious until they have to preform which is when the actual robot part takes over and they basically die for the amount of time the performance lasts like from 12-6 they won't see hear feel taste anything

Just wanted to explain that

Also sorry this took ages •~•

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