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Taehyung's POV

"Wooh! That was some crowd." Namjoon hyung exclaimed.

"Ya, Yoongi hyung, I can't believe you really did that. Hahaha I mean, that was my thing back when I still had abs but really?! Showing your stomach to our fans?" Jimin hyung said.

"Shut up Chim, it was a spur of the moment kind of thing." Suga hyung defensively said, rolling his eyes at the younger. "Besides, they didn't even see clearly because I lifted my shirt for like a second only."

"Nah Yoongi hyung, they didn't see clearly because of your milky white skin." I teased him, Hobi hyung laughing along.

"Quit it kids. Let's go now, we need to see Bang Pd-nim before going home to the dorm." Jin hyung said.

"Yes eomma." The 5 of us said.

"Shut up." Jin hyung replied.

We all giggled at Jin hyung. He pretends like he doesn't want to be called eomma but we know he secretly likes it deep inside.

We hurried to the van, afraid that some of the fans might see and our path will be blocked.

Namjoon hyung Jin hyung sat at the farthest seats in the van, as usual. Tch, they really can't wait 'till we get to the dorm. Hobi hyung sat with me at the second row, and Jimin hyung and Suga hyung sat behind the driver and our manager.

"Jin hyung, what are we gonna talk about with Bang Sihyuk sunbaenim?" I asked.

"Dunno, our schedule for this month most likely. " Jin hyung answered lazily, then went back to whatever he was doing with Namjoon hyung.

When we reached the building, we directly went to our dance room since Pd-nim said he was going to meet us there.

"He's not going to make us practice, right?" Hobi hyung said.

"Aigoo, as if you don't like practicing, Hoseok." Sleepy Suga said.

We arrived at the room and Bang Pd was already there.

"Congrats on the successful concert, boys!" Bang Pd greeted us.

"Kamsahamnida sunbaenim." We all replied.

"So boys, here are your schedules. Your photoshoots, shootings and guestings are already there. Your practice time is 4:30-6:30 pm, and you are free to go out whenever you have free time as long as your manager approves." Producer-nim explained.

"Ne, thank you pd-sunbaenim." Our leader said.

"Okay boys, you can go home now. Goodnight and Stay safe." Pd-nim exited the room as we bowed at him.

"Our practice time is 2 hours only, OMO." Suga hyung said.

"Natural for Suga, he's only happy whenever he has time to rest. C'mon guys, let's go home." Jin hyung said.

"Wait guys, I left my earring here yesterday. Did any of you see it?" I asked, remembering that I left it somewhere here yesterday.

"Maybe it's in your locker, Tae. Go check it out quickly, I wanna go home now." Namjoon hyung said.

I hurriedly went to my locker and opened it. Omo, thank God it's here! I thought as I found my earring inside. But I noticed something else. There was a note inside my locker.

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