Legion of Demon

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Kumo is lead to the base, Cara lives. She takes the man to meet her team, and to be used as a tool for the power. They walk to a van... Kumo watches the vehicle, Cara turns toward him "You're curious? We keep weapons in there, and use it only for emergencies: it's too easy to steal to use for any serious use...". A huge man with a pony tail, suddeny holds a gun to Kumo's head "Why is he in here?". She replied "I found another pawn, if you kill him now, I'll just use another...", the man glares "I could... we don't need 'em... but.". He puts back in the holster... "I don't want to waste any time, what can he do?", she glares "He's good at melee, I think...". Kumo glares "This fatass... his arrogance makes me want to kill him now, but they need this retard. If I did, I'll be murdered, or forced to find another dumbass.", the man leered "Alright, bony fuck. You're a killer too? We all can do it, so why should you draw breath now?". Kumo glared "You need more people, if you want this power she told me about: then you should have others to use, supposedly you guys are... "close" to getting it.", the fat man glares "She told you, I'm assuming there's a reason you told me you know, it'll be easier to kill everyone who knows are progress. But your too calm... you can come for the moment, don't fuck with my crap though.". Cara sighs as the rest of the team steps outside, another man yells "That's what you found Cara?!!! This bitch can't even murder a baby!", the swordsman looks at the fat one "We need material more, Zoro, take him to the flesh grinder...". Zoro glares at the swordsman "I'm NOT risking my self for your stupid paranoia! We can easily get rid of this at any moment, wich would better to in a trap the others set.", he stomps to him "Plus Chained, you DON'T tell me what to do ya bony fucker!". Chained unsheathes his sword "I AM the strongest here, even if your standing in my face: You CAN'T touch me before I swing my blade.", another thin man walks between them "Stop buttholes, the power is more important than us all... Would you rather slaughter yourselves because of dribble?". Chained walks back into the van "Call me when we're moving... If you leave me behind, I'll find you.", the thin man pushes his own eye, it turns blue. A strange noise came from his head... Kumo watched in surprise to see his head turn mechanical! "We need all the idiots we can get, but I must give you the exact same warning: I am the one who already killed everyone here: the second you try to betray my order, remember the name of the man who mudered you: Andra". Kumo glares "Already killed everyone? I assume he knows everyone's weakness, if I'm right: his head is a scanner, he can see any flaw in our bodies, and has already found a way to murder anyone he sees... I won't need to be cautious: what he can't know, what he can't see: is that my silver stick is made especially for...". A woman walks to him "Alright gay, I'm the reason we'll get close to the power, don't fight with the researcher... alright? I'm sure killing or pissing me off, would screw up the entire hunt.", Kumo watches her walk into the van "She must be scared: she right away told me her specialty and said she was important. Then left without a introduction: the only over confident bastard here: Andra, mentioned his name and that he could easily kill everyone. Everybody else either, isn't worried, or thinks nothing of me existing here... They already have everything ready, but still think I could be a threat. Even Cara assumes I could be, and used a ultimatum for me joining them. I could follow, or try to run then find the item myself. But they could find me, they would easily kill me... I have to give a reason for them to be afraid, a reason to let me live. If I could control thier minds, I could force them to lead me to the power without worrying about being grinded into food...". Meanwhile Zoro was talking with Chained "You think it's in this shit?", Chained answers "Yes... the clues were scattered everywhere: while we're closest to finding the power, I don't want to risk anyone else finding it. Go and find the cell.". Zoro suddenly screamed "WHY SHOULD I!!!? WHY DON'T YOU GO: YOU PRISSY FUCK!!!?", Chained glares "If I did, there's nothing that assures me or you idiots that: You fools won't sneak away by yourselves or that I DON'T have enough to guess were the power is. If I went, you know just as well I know if the last clue I needs on the cell phone:I won! And the 1st thing I'll do, is torture your fattass until your chewing yourself to numb the pain!". Zoro glares then stomps out, Andra stares at the swordsman "You really like to piss off Zoro, does his face make you sick too?". Chained glares as Andra scans him "He is REALLY arrogant, the fact he thinks he should live: makes me so sick...", Andra looks surprised at him... "His level shot up once more, how could he get strong so fast?". Meanwhile Zoro stomped to the super center, he looks at the GPS on his phone "There it is, hiding in the cow crap...". He walks to the garden "Dumb bitch, Cara didn't even see how this is piled up, we should've killed her...", he thought as he brushed the fertilizer away "Long ago, I could've did it before she got so...". He sees a wall!? "They're in here, IF the owner's here, this'll be...", Zoro's suddenly surrounded by a team! "Fire!!!". They all shoot at the fat man! Zoro tucks his head in! The bullets hit something metallic, and fall...? They look pissed off as he uncurled "Have a little trouble fighting a badass huh?", one of the member shouts "He's using fake skin! tear...". Zoro shoved a bat through his ribs!!! "Doesn't matter if I am wearing anything, ya going to all die!!!", he starts beating the people! One jumped back from the fight, "I'll use the flamethrower: he'll be welded to his armor then. While he's writhing, we'll stab his eyeholes: the only exposed area on his body...". The man shoots hot flames at the fat one, Zoro brushes them back!!! "The bat's a metal/fireproofed bat!" melting the armor's goingto be kinda hard!", he throws the bat into the man's neck! He falls down, his body completely limp from the hit! The last living team member glares "I have a gun, I know your orifices are still exposed, I'll", he glares "Do it girl, try it you shit!!!!". She fires, he bounces the bullets back by holding his arm over his face... "Now give me that cell...", she runs and continues shooting "No! I can get the pow...". She trips over the bat, as he laughs "Cornered ya, so you'll do something retarded. Like fall at the worst... possible... moment!", he sits on her then snatches the cell out of her hands, breaking her wrist! "Now I'm a little stressed from fighting, I'll need to relieve myself...", Zoro rapes then kills her. He abuses another still arm body, then drags everything back to the van. "I got us crap and food!" he shouts, Chained and Andro glare at him "You didn't shove your dick into the body did you?" Andro asks. Chained unsheathes his sword "We CAN find another wall of meat: if seamen spills out of my food, that's the last thing you'll ever see!". Zoro glares "I'll keep those, cook the rest of them!", he throws the bodies on the ground. Chained glares at him "Where's the cell?", Zoro slams it into the swordsman open hand! Chained grabs his collar "You FAT FUCKER!!!! STOP YOUR FUCKING ATTITUDE OR I'LL GRIND YOU INTO CRAP! YOUR LOWER THAN FOOD NOW, YOUR NOT EVEN WORTH WASTING BREATH ON, SO STOP THINKING YOUR WORTH ANYTHING BEFORE I SHOW YOU YOUR EVEN LESS THAN SHIT SCRAPED OFF MY SHOES!", he knocks him through the ground and stomps away! Zoro glares at him "I'll rape that arrogant bastard, once he feels my power, he'll know who's in charge!", Andro glared "You didn't need to drop everything in the dirt". The cyborg picks up the bodies and walks into the van... Zoro walks in behind him, then notices Kumo... he glared at him "Why the fuck did Cara chose such a small fucker? He must have something, I hope he isn't as quickthat another piece of crap...". Kumo glares at his cell "I have to record this, IF something happens, I can have a reference in case I forget something. I got everyone's names, weapons, and personalities... I need to find strenths and weaknesses too, then I'll have a advantage... If this power's real: It'll be easy to play on thier shit to kill them from afar...". He walks into the van, Andro stops him "You should've came in as soon as Zoro brought the clue... Which means there's something important on that cell, is there?", he scans the phone "Oh... I see, being prepared. I'll show you how weak and behind you really are..." He shows a hologram of the team through his eye!

Chained Hiro Age: in his 20s Height:6ft Weight:170 Race:Amercian

Zoro Alexio Age: also in his 20s Height:5'8 Weight:240 Race:American

Andro Age:29 Height:5'9 Weight:150 Race:European

Mara Edwards Age:in her 30s Height:6ft Weight:100 Race:Arabian

Cara Ai Age:18 Height: 5'6 Weight:107 Race:Welshman

Kumo Lord Age:18 Height 5'6 Weight:115 Race:??? 

"I know everything, the only reason it's not perfectly accurate for everyone is because: I haven't asked for anyone else's info, except Cara, who's quite a honest, confident, bimbo... I could guess this much about you, from my probability engine! As you see, it's a waste to keep records of everyone. Stop wasting the teams time, and look at the clue with everybody." Andro laughs as he walks back in the van, Kumo glared "He was mostly right... the only thing that machine didn't find out was my weight and race... He must really know all of our weaknesses, he must've kept them secret so I couldn't kill them when I needed later: if I need to for any reason, he could easily stop me. He needs them all alive until the end, if he assumes he's close tothe power, he'll muder us all... Him, Zoro and... no Chained, Cara and Mara seem to be a little more calm about it. I should focus on, Andra and Chained... but I hate Zoro, if something DID happen, I can easily assume that he'll attack first, he 's the type to kill off anyone he sees as weaker. Meanwhile the other 2 seem to think calmly: Chained seemed to think more about the power, he wants to kill the fatass but stopped himself, in case they DO need him, and can't get a replacement for whatever he actually does... Andra can murder everyone at any moment, but is also patient, he's able to wait too, instead of slaughtering everybody and searching by himself... They will be the last one's to murder anyone, I should concentrate on everyone who seems pissed or desperate... I'll make a trap for that bastard, and watch the rest, I'll plan as they start changing.". They all look at the picture, the background shows off a familiar area... The team starts toward the place, Andra says to go next.

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