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"Hi thaere beautiful did it hurt when you fell from heaven" ask this absolute greek god from across the bar. I gave him this 'cocky much' look and he gave me a smirk  I couldn't help but smile and blush. As I opened my mouth to speak I heard but all that came out was beep-beep-beep...

What the hell could that be as I turned around I saw what every teenager fears my ALARM CLOCK MY VERY EMBARRASSING ALARM CLOCK COVERED IN BARBIE STICKERS FROM WHEN I WAS EIGHT.

"WAKE THE HELL UP SKYLAR!!!! You are gonna miss the bus then what you gonna do, its already five to eight!"  Screamed my older sister Marge.

Marge is three years older than me, I am gonna be sixteen in two weeks, Marge takes care of us, mom and dad died in a car and train collision since then its always only been Marge and I.

Oh my goodies! Its five to eight I am so getting a tardy again that will be two in one week my teacher is gonna kill me, i get dressed its warm out so I wear a black tank with black high waist denim skinny jeans with my leather jacket and black pumps, what can I say black is the new white.

I just caught the bus luckily but the only available space was next to Martin a guy who has been obsessed with me since the third grade I keep trying to tell him to leave the hell alone but he just won't hear it, he doesn't even know me.

The ride next to Martin was quite entertaining actually today he was trying to speak french to me but failed, he told me that my skin was as beautiful as a grasshopper and my hair smelled of cheese, I merely translated what he had just told me to him he was so embarrassed and apologized the whole way to school.

Being a junior is tuff, hopefully its better than my bus ride over...

Got my new roster most of my subject's are science related, but my lit class was quite interesting there was this new guy who was assigned to me for the whole day his name is Jackson Micheals, so rude and cocky but hot as hell, a greek god in other words, I feel like I know him.

In English Lit he kept bugging me, poking me, taking my stuff like a two year old but his looks are good until you meet him. So the bell rang signalling lunch time.

He ask to meet my friends, I didn't see the harm in it so it was fine I guess,  but goodies was that a bad idea he hit on every girl at the table, it made me furious I pulled him one side.

"Hey Jackson listen and get this through your thick skull, my friends and I don't get involved with players or jerks so back off before I back you off or even worse put you out! No go I will see you in class, goodbye Jackson!" I practically got all up in his face and immediately backed up. Feeling really bad and horrible for my actions.

Lunch went by so slow and the last class was terrible Jackson sat with his new friend my ex-boyfriend, absolutely fantastic now what...

School really sucked, cheer practice was cancelled so I had a lot of time on my hands. I was so tired life was getting to me I decided to go to the most amazing place on the planet, Starbucks, for a mega Caramel Frappuccino its amazing. My day went while after that.

Thanks to y/n for reading my first chapter please vote and comment tell me if its good or needs some work remember i love you all... XP

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