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"What's the name of that girl who Tomlinson got his hands on at the moment?" I asked out of curiosity. The girl had brown hair, but I just couldn't remember her name.

"Eleanor Calder? Didn't you have an art class with her one year?" Jaden asked, as if that was an excuse to remember her name. He loved gossip, was the kind of guy who looked good without knowing it and who would probably end up as a professor in history in the future.

We made our way through the crowded hall, as several students around us made their way through the school. You just had to know your way around here or you could easily get lost in the crowd. 

"Just because you got a brain capable of remembering every single name of the students in this school, doesn't mean mine works the same way!" I smiled at him as we finally walked through the classroom entrance. The room was buzzing with light chatting and several seats were already taken. I could still hear how the rain made that constant steady rythm against the glass, but by now I didn't take notice - too used to the sound just being there.

"Maybe, in a different life you were Raymond and I was Charlie Babbitt and I would take advantage of your brain to win money in a casino," I said thoughtfully, as we reached two free seats. I threw my bag over the back of the chair and took a seat on the table - resting my feet on the chair. This time it was Jaden's turn to roll his eyes at me, as he started unpacking his bag.

"Just because I'm good at names, doesn't mean I know every single movie and its title. That's your odd speciality Layla," he pulled out the chair next to mine and placed the books in a neat pile on the table.

"Jeez Jaden, this is a classic though! Rainman staring Tom Cruise and the legendary Dustin Hoffman! If that doesn't ring a bell..." I couldn't think of a suitable threat. How could he not know these damn movies. It had always been a mystery to me - if it hadn't been for Jaden and movies I would probably not be here today. They had gotten me through. And Aaron too.

"And besides, it's much more useful to remember epic movies than the names of random people from your high school," I argued in a better knowing way. Just as I had finished my sentence I noticed the book Jaden was opening and my heart immediately dropped to the pit of my stomach. We had history, which meant we had the test about the French revolution. The test I hadn't studied for. I probably shouldn't be surprised by how my day had just managed to turn even more crappy. I mean that was my life after all. If there was anything there could go wrong - it did. 

"Oh shoot," I murmured under my breath and let myself fall heavily down into the chair next to Jaden, instead of my place on the table. I put my head in my hands. Too overwhelmed with every bloody thing I couldn't get done because of my absolute horrible home situation. It wasn't because I didn't want to study - to graduate - to do my homework. But i just rarely had the time when I had to work, and work - and oh yeah. Work even more. 

As Jaden tried giving me a turbo explanation of the events of the French revolution, shortening it down to a four-minute speech, Niall Horan must have entered the classroom. I tried remembering as much of Jaden's words as I could, as my classmates started finding their seats. At some point even my teacher arrived, but I was too occupied with attempting to memorise what the hell Jaden was saying.

After my teacher had handed out the test paper and the only remaining noise was the scribbling sound of pen against paper, I sighed in frustration and leaned back into my seat. This was impossible. Even with Jaden's quick turbo guide-tour through the topic I had absolutely no clue about this. My eyes searched through the room hoping that the right answer would appear out of the blue before my eyes. It didn't. And I had absolutely no idea what role the French aristocracy had had in the revolution, which was just the second question out of fifty on the damn paper.

As the minutes ticked by I gave up trying to answer. I was going to fail. The sound of the rain was my only comfort, as I let my eyes scan the room in a bored manner. As my eyes settled on the guy in the front with blonde dyed hair, I thought about Tomlinson and Calder. Niall Horan - was the guy's name. He had those same strange tattoos running up his arms and neck as the three others. His blue eyes were charming - but he rarely had eyes for any of the sighing girls at this school. Only occasionally would he 'choose' someone who then would disappear from the school a few months after. Just like Eleanore probably would sooner or later.

I wasn't too surprised to see Niall Horan smirking, as he seemed to finish the last question and he too leaned back in his seat as though happy with his effort. I could see how his muscles moved under the fabric, how enchanting his appearance was.

My jaw dropped. We had only had the paper for fifteen minutes or so and he had already finished. That had to be some kind of record. What on earth was up with those guys? I thought taken aback, as I followed Niall with my gaze. And he was probably going to get 50/50 correct - as per usual. 

The obviously blonde-dyed boy was wearing a v-neck woollen black shirt that fitted his upper body nicely. Along his neck I could just make out the black symbols of one of his many tattoos. He handed in his paper and to my astonishment, escaped out of the silent classroom just like that. I could barely hear his footsteps, as I watched after him in awe, frustration and jealousy. 

I just managed to wonder whether the new guy in their 'gang' could possibly finish a quiz test just as quickly, before my teacher told me to keep my eyes on my own piece of paper. I bent my head and tried intensely to focus on the French Revolution instead of the possibility that they might just be vampires after all.

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