Chapter 1. How It Started And I Have A Mate?

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I was just sitting I'm the living room reading my book calmly, when my sister Renesmee walked in smirking. "What?" I asked her, knowing she was up to something. "Oh nothing." She told me as she walked over the drawer where the lighter and matches were kept, she pulled a match out and lit it. "Renesmee, what are you up to. You know we're not supposed to light them  unsupervised!" I told her as I put a bookmark in my book and set it down, I had a feeling I already knew what she was up to. She brought the match up in front of her face and looked at me, she grinned evilly and touched the lit match to her hand. "Ow!" She screamed as the match burned her, she quickly threw it into the vase of flowers where the water put it out. "Why did you do that Rosina?!" She yelled as she looked at her hand. "Me?!! I didn't anything! You're the one who lit the match!" I said as I stared at her wide-eyed. Soon enough, mom and dad came running up stairs with Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper. "Nessie! What happened sweetheart? We were out hunting and heard you scream." Mom said as she cheeked Renesmee for any wounds, Renesmee lifted her hand up to our parents and showed them her the top of her burned hand. "Rosina used her power on me and burned my hand." She told them innocently. "What? No I didn't! You lit a match and burned your own hand to get me in trouble!" I said. "Now Rosina, you know you're not supposed to use your power on anyone. Say you're sorry for hurting your sister." Dad said, ignoring my side of the story. "No, I didn't do anything!" I yelled upset.

"You heard your father Rosina. Now, say you're sorry." Mom said. "No, I will not!" I said. "Then go to your room, without dinner." Mom said as she pressed her cold skin on Renesmee's hand, Renesmee smirked at me over mom's shoulder. "Fine! You don't care about me! No one does!" I shouted as I grabbed my book and ran vamp speed up to my room. I slammed the door shut and went into my small 3 feet long and 2 foot wide closet and sat on the floor after I closed the doors, I huffed and opened my book again and began to read. I guess I must've fallen asleep reading because I jerked awake when I hard a knock on my bedroom door. "Rosina? Can I come in honey?" I heard my Aunt Rosalie ask, I sighed and tried to ignore her. "I'm coming in." I heard Aunt Rosalie say as I heard the door open and close. "You know Rosina, you really shouldn't hid in your closet. It must be hard to breath in there." She said as she walked towards where I was hiding, she pulled the doors open and looked down at me smiling sadly. "It's not that hard actually, I quite like it in here." I told her as I looked up. Rose sat down in the closet across from me and looked at me. "I'm sorry." She told me as she looked away, I frowned. "What do you mean? You haven't anything to be sorry for." I told her confused. "Yes I do." She said still not meeting my eyes. "What?" I asked her.

"I knew about the things Renesmee did to you, all the things she said you did, all the times she got you in big trouble with your parents. And I'm sorry I never did anything to stop it." She said and I knew that if she could, she would be crying right now. "It's okay Aunt Rose, I doubt anyone would have believed you anyway." I said sadly. She looked up at me and with a sad look on her face, she then pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry though Rosie. You were given a name much like my own and yet I didn't do anything to defend that name. But it's not too late for me to do something, Rosie, Emmett and I are leaving, we were wondering if you would come with us?" Aunt Rose asked me as she pulled away. My eyes widened in surprise, I hesitated a second before I grinned widely. "I'd love to!!" I said excitedly. Rose broke out smiling widely. "I'm so happy to hear you say that! Eminent will be thrilled when we tell him." She told me as we stood up. "Wait, what're we going to tell my mom and dad?" I asked her worried they wouldn't let me leave. "Em and I will take care of that, don't you worry about a thing." She said waving it off. "Okay." I said unsure. "When are we leaving?" I asked her. "As soon as you're ready and I've talked to you're parents." She told me. "Okay, let me go take a shower and get changed and then I'm all set." I told her as I ran around the room grabbing things and stuffing them into a bag. "Okay, don't take too long." She said and walked to the door, she opened it and left, waving as she did so and closed the door. I sighed happily and grabbed a change of clothes: grey sweater, dark red jeggings, black leather jacket and black knee high boots. I walked to the small bathroom attached to my room and Nessie's and locked her door do she couldn't come in, then I locked the door to mine and took a shower. After I was done I got dressed and put on some of the makeup Aunt Rose gave me, dark red and black eye shadow with black eyeliner.

When I was happy with how it looked, I unlocked Ness's door and exited the bathroom back to my bedroom. "I sat down on my bed and waited for Aunt Rose or Uncle Em to tell me we were good to go, I used my advanced hearing to listen in on the conversion downstairs. "You are not taking one of our daughters away, she is OUR daughter, not YOURS. So do not even think about taking her, Rosalie." Edward said. "You can't stop us Edward, if she were your daughter wouldn't you treat her like a daughter? And not a outcast in her own family? You are blind if you do not see what Renesmee does to Rosie." Uncle Emmett said. " We can very well stop you, she's OUR daughter. We treat her like a daughter, so don't even go there. She's not an outcast, she just doesn't fit in. We are not blind, it is you two who are blind to not see what ROSIE does to Nissie. Now, leave if you must. But you ARE NOT taking Rosina." Balls said angrily. I stopped listening as I heard someone knock, thinking it was Aunt Rose and/or Uncle Em I said come in. Boy was I wrong, it was Ness. "What do you want?" I snapped at a smirking Renesmee who was standing in my doorway. "You hard them, your own parents think you don't fit in. You should just leave, Anutie Rose and Uncle Emmett will get tired of you after a while. So might as well save them the trouble of dealing with you." She told me. "What are you saying?" I asked her knowing full well what she was getting at. "Why don't you go and die." She spat with a hateful gleam in her eyes. "Out. Get, out of my bedroom. Now!" I said standing up as angry tears streamed down my face. "Fine. Bye, bye sister." She said and left slamming  my door. I walked over to my mirror on my dresser and stood in front of it, tears streamed down my face, but scared me was that they red red.

I screamed as I let all of my anger out in that scream. The house shook and the mirror shattered. I could hear everyone downstairs screaming as the house shook, the screaming downstairs stopped suddenly and the house stopped shaking as I stopped screaming. My chest heaved up and down as I tried to catch my breath, I stared at the pieces of shattered mirror on the floor and dresser as I breathed heavily. "Whoa, you just got like, 7 years of bad luck." Said a male's voice from behind me, I jumped and spun around to face the stranger. "Who are you?" I asked alarmed as I wiped the blood tears away, the guy looked about 18/19 with black hair, sliver eyes that had a small circle of blue around the sliver, he was wearing black jeans, a blood red V-neck t-shirt, a black leather jacket and dark red converse. "I'm Link, Link Greyheart. And you're Rosina Cullen." He said with a sideways smile. "How do you know my name?" I asked him alarmed. "I know all about you. Wow, that sounded more creepy then I intended, sorry about that." He laughed a little, and I couldn't help but notice how cute he was. "Listen, I'm just gonna come right out and say it. We're mates." He said simply as he walked towards me slowly, my eyes widened and I took a few steps back. "What?! How do you know that. We've only just met, that's impossible." I said shaking my head as I stepped back again. "Because I can feel it, can't you? The pull of mates. Are you sure this is the first time meeting? I mean, doesn't it feel like we've know each other our whole life's? Don't deny it." He said as he continued to walk closer and closer to me, we were only a foot away now. "No! We can't b-" I said but didn't finish as I backed up again but this time I managed to back up into the dresser, resulting in me getting a large piece of glass from my mirror in my back.

I gasped as I fell forward from the pain, luckily Link caught me before I fell onto the glass all over the floor. He quickly put me on my bed so he could look at my back, "No." I heard him mumble under his breath as his ice cold fingers ran over my back. "Ahh!" I yelled as it stung and my heart felt like there was something scarp poking it, black spots filled my vision. "I'm sorry my darling." He said before he flipped me onto my back, he put his hand over my mouth to muffle my screaming as he bit into my neck, it hurt. But then I felt nothing, no pain at least. I did feel like I was flying/running, all I heard before darkness and coldness took me over was Link saying how sorry he was.


Word count: 1,822.

Hey my Fandom Friends!!
This is my first Twilight fanfic.
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Bye, bye!
Caitlyn (TheWhovianHalfBlood). 😎

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