Fight by candlelight

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I grabbed my favorite first day of summer outfit, a green sweater with blue skinny jeans and pulled them on. It was cold today in the Grimm house. Probably because of the prank Puck pulled on me yesterday. He just meant to freeze me, like I did him that one time during training, but he only succeeded in making a cold ring around the house. Daphne was thrilled, but I was not. I was planning to celebrate our newfound freedom by going to the public pool with my friend, Jasmine, daughter of the genie, but our plans were spoiled until it stopped snowing. Jasmine was the only normal person around here. Sure she was a Everafter, but she rarely used her magic around me. She also shared my hate of annoying faerie boys that go by the name of Puck. I adjusted my sweater and pulled on my converse. I opened the door and expected the doorknob to turn into a snooping Puck or at least for his chimps to throw some new goop at me. But strangely, the upstairs hallway was silent, which was unusual.
I walked downstairs and looked around suspiciously, checking for the fairyboy. He had never missed an opportunity to prank me. Something was different, and not in a good way. I walked to the kitchen, avoiding the stack of already made bright green flapjacks and got the cereal box down from the top of the fridge. I grabbed the bowl and poured the naturally colored cereal into it. Then went to grab the milk from the fridge just as Puck walked in. I grabbed the carton and buckled over the weight of the full carton. I thought Daphne almost finished it yesterday, looks like Granny Relda went shopping. Puck rushed to my aid and put the milk on the counter.
"Thanks Snot-breath." I said, waiting for a 'your welcome ugly' or at least, 'don't forget that I'm a villain Captain Doodieface' but she heard nothing. Weird, he always made time for a snarky comment. I looked at him, wondering if it wasn't really Puck standing there, but an imposter. No, it was the real Puck, but...cleaner. He had a scent wafting off of him and I sniffed it, tiring not to look suspicious. He smelled....nice. "Is that lavender?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Puck. He said nothing, but poured the milk into my cereal bowl. His unruly bangs fell in front of his gorgeous green eyes. Wait what? You did not call any aspect of Puck gorgeous ever! Stop it Sabrina, this is your enemy, your rival, your- He looked at me and leaned closer, a few inches away from my face. I blushed, thinking he was going in for a kiss, but he just out the milk in the fridge and closed it. Sabrina, you idiot. My brain screamed at me. Think clearly. I looked at Puck at realized he wasn't wearing his hoodie. He was wearing freshly washed jeans and a clean blue shirt.
He grabbed my arm and led me to the living room table, and ushered me into a chair, pushing it behind me. Snapping, he called his pixie servants who brang my cereal bowl over and laid it down in front of me. He sat down and Daphne walked in, a violin in hand. I glared at her, realizing this was her doing. Ever since I woke up Puck with a kiss, she had been constantly plotting to get the two of us together. It was her creepy little hobby.
"Look, Puck. This is really nice, but this needs to stop." His face fell, he looked crestfallen. I immediately felt bad as his wings droopedBut he was just caught up in the mess with Daphne. He didn't really feel this way, did he?
"This is not like you. This is Daphne's doing. She pulled you into this!" I stood up and pointed at Daphne, who brandished a angelic look that said, 'What ever do you mean'. "She convinced you to do this! It may have seemed like a good idea at the time but it's not! We do not like each other like that! Right?" I looked at Puck, who blushed and avoided my gaze and the question, fiddling with his bangs. His beautiful blond bangs.... Snap out of it! Anyway....what was wrong with him? Why was he acting like this? "Me and you, we are rivals, not a couple! This is something a boyfriend does for his girlfriend, not something you do for m-"
"Fine." Puck snapped, his face red and a tear emerging from his left eye. He snarled and wiped it away. "You want me to stop being nice to you? You want me to act like a jerk?!? I was trying to be nice to you, Sabrina. I was trying to clean up my act. I was trying to be nicer for you, Sabrina!" I felt like a jerk. He popped out his wings and flew from the room, crying.
"Puck." I whispered, watching as he flew upstairs and into his room, slamming the door behind him.
"Well, Sabrina, you've done it again." I turned to the nine year old who was taking the violin and putting it back into its case. I tilted my head at her and furrowed my eyebrows, frowning. She sighed and slammed the case down on the table, which caused me to whine at the loud noise. "Sabrina, you dumiot (her new word for stupid person), he loves you! Can't you see that? Sometimes you can be such a idiot!" She stormed out of the room, leaving the violin and its home behind. "Puck, come back!" I sat down and finished the cereal, putting the dirty bowl in the sink. Right after I washed it and did the rest of the dishes, the doorbell rang. I answered it and standing there was a boy, about 16, my age. He had wavy blondish blond hair that fell in his face and a splash of light freckles splattered across his nose. He wore a black leather jacket, white shirt, and blue jeans with combat boots.
"Hey, does Puck live here?" He asked, flipping his hair out of his face so I could see his eyes. They were bright green with tints of blue and grey in them. I nod and he places a finger under my chin, lifting it up and looking directly into my eyes. He smirked and all I could do was stare at him. "Thanks cutie." He walks past me and lets himself in. Puck flys down from upstairs, his hair once again unruly, and his jeans ripped and dirtied.
"Who's at the door Grimm? Probably your loser friend Jasmi-" He pauses, sees the grinning boy and his grimmace (A/N Pun intended) turns into a big smile. "Joe!" He flies down from the steps, pushes me aside and jogs over to the boy. They bro-hug and flop on the couch. I look at Puck and cough loudly. He looks at me then the boy. Me then the boy, back and forth again and again. He pauses and looks at me, tilting his head like a curious puppy. He is like a puppy, sweet, kind, nice, cute. I mentally face palmed myself and both the boys looked at me weird. I realized I had done it in real life instead of in my brain and I blushed. Great job Sabrina. My brain said sarcastically, You embarrassed yourself I front of a really cute boy, and that kid named Joe. Wait what? I shook the thought and looked back at Puck who had finally realized what I was hinting at.
"Joe, this is Sab-Grimm. Grimm, this is Joe." He says, not even bothering to get up from the couch. Joe, however, almost jumped up to shake hands.
"Hello, Sabrina. Puck's told me all about you." I feel his minty breath on my face. I look at Puck who is blushing profoundly with his arms crossed and a frown plastered across his face. He told Joe about me, why? I feel something hit my legs and sweep them out from under me. Joe catches me in a dip and stays there, smiling down at me. "Must have been that dog, what was his name? Elvis, that's it, right Puck?" I looked at Puck, who was now grinding his teeth and glaring at Joe, who was preoccupied with staring at my chest. That pervert. He no longer seemed like a class A act. I tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. Puck seemed to get angrier every second. I looked up at Joe who smiled and stroked my cheek with his hand.
"Joe, stop it."
"No." I looked up at him in horror as he touched my butt. He grabbed a piece of rope from his pocket and tied it around my wrists, He stuffed a bandana in my mouth and Puck jumped up with a sword.
"You heard the lady, un hand Sabrina." He growled raising the wooden sword to Joes nose. I looked at Puck with pleading eyes as Joe positioned me upright. He pulled all my hair to one side of my neck and led up a dagger to my throat. Pucks face immediately fell. "Brina. Let her go."
"Puck, Puck, Puck. You really think you can stop me? Soon, Sabrina will be my queen and I will soon have my vengeance on you." He pulled me closer and made me look right in his eyes. Then everything went black.

Pucks POV
Sabrina went limp in his arms. I gasped and reached for my sword, but he glared at me and pressed the dagger on her wrists, while a fresh stream of blood fell. She gasped and withered around in her unconscious state.
"Please, don't hurt her. I surrender, just don't hurt her. What do you want me to do?" I put the sword down and Joe smirked, setting Sabrina down on the couch and walking towards me.
"I want you to forget." He grabbed my shoulders and opened his eyes wide. I struggled under his grip trying to get away. He dug his nails into my skin and made me look into his eyes. His green swirly eyes that seemed to have the blue streaks spin and spin and spin and spin and everything went black.

Sabrina's POV
"Hello Sabrina. Puck's told me all about you." I feel his minty breath on my face. I look at Puck who is blushing profoundly with his arms crossed and a frown plastered across his face. He told Joe about me, why? I feel something hit my legs and sweep them out from under me. Joe catches me in a dip, and stays there, smiling down at me. "Must have been that dog, what's his name? Elvis, that's it, right Puck?" I looked at Puck, who was now grounding his teeth and glaring at Joe, who was preoccupied staring into my eyes. I blushed and Puck jumped up and pushed us apart, shoving Joe. I grind my teeth at how idiotic I was being. I hated blushing, it made me feel weak, like a stupid girl who couldn't defend herself. A phone from my room rang and we all turned to it upon silence.
"I-I need to get that." I stammer, heading up the stairs, which seemed longer today then any other day. Joe smiles at me, and Puck frowns at him, clearly mentally lazering him. I blush and tuck a hair behind my ea with a shaky hand.

Authors note. What is going on with Puck? What did Joe do and why did Puck and Sabrina forget? Who is Joe and what does he want? Read to find out. Please review, thanks for reading!

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