chapter 10

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You slowly opened your eyes to see a dim light, after blinking a few times you could clearly see that there was a fire. You sat up and touched the back of your head, "ouch" you hissed. "hey, don't do that lay back down and you'll feel better after some rest." You lifted your head to see Daichi, you looked at him confused and with anger . "did you do this?!"you asked sounding a bit annoyed "yes, but i have a good reason why i had to knock you out" he said while chucking to hisself, then he whistled. Suddenly you saw green and blues eyes appear in the forest. A strong wind hit your face, blowing your hair over your eyes.

When you opened your E/c eyes up you saw many people sitting down, looking at you. A young woman with long blonde hair and red eyes came from the woods, she walked with a limp until she stood in front of you. "Y/n it's time for you to know the truth" she said looking straight into your eyes. "Eh? Who are you??" You asked confused. "You'll understand soon enough, how's your mother?" She smiled warmly at you.

"Good, i think. Wait how do you know her??" You asked a bit creeped out "well you see I and your mother are quite close friends, she was apart of our pack you see, and you are also part of our bloodline as well. But sadly you have hunters blood." She said. You looked at her confused, "so I'm a hunter and like you guys?" You said tilting your head "yes but you have to choose your fate weather you stay with us and get arrived to your mate or face the consequences" she said.

You just sat there quietly, you have always wanted to be a hunter and wanted to stay as a hunter like your farther. " You have till the end of the week and we'll meet you here again at midnight next time" she said and with that she vanished as quickly as she came.

You got back to cross academy and Zero was at the gate annoyed "where the hell did you go??!!" He looked pissed "sorry I had to do something. You walked passed him and went to your room. You told Tomi about everything.

"Y/n what are you going to do?" He looked concerned for you.....

Sorry I haven't updated I've been really busy with revision 😅

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