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Demi's POV.

I was watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S on netflix while eating some ice cream,Suddenly my doorbell rang,I got up and headed to the door,"Oh hey Mr. and Mrs. Smith..." I smiled a little,"Is Aiden here?" they said,sternly,"No,he was,but he left because you guys wanted him home..that's been an hour ago?.." I looked at them,"Why?.."

"He got mad at us..and got in his car and drove off..we tried calling his cell,but he isn't answering.." Mrs.Smith said. I sighed,"Well,he isn't here..I can help you guys look for him.." I slipped on my coat,"You've done enough." his dad walked away,I sighed,I closed the door,I called Aiden.

"You have reached Aiden Smith,please leave a message and I'll get right back to you."

"Hey babe..it's me...Where are you?...Your parents and I are worried sick..Please call me back.." I said and hung up,"It's 11:21 pm...where can you possibly be?..I'm worried sick." I texted him. I grabbed my keys and got in the car and drove to Matt's house,hoping Aiden is there.

I pulled into the driveway and knocked on the door,"Hey Demi." Matt answered,"Is Aiden there with you?.." I looked at him,"No...why?" Matt said,"He's missing..he isn't answering my calls...I'm worried sick..Matt.." I said,"Demi.." he pulled me into a hug. "He's probably just driving around thinking.." Matt said,"But why in the hell isn't he answering his phone!?" I wiped a falling tear.

"I don't know..just go home and sleep on it..I'm sure he's fine." Matt comforted me,"Thank you,Matt..I'm going to go home.." I sighed and got in my car. I drove home,when I saw a truck in my parking lot,it looked like Aiden's.

I got out and rushed to the door,Aiden was just laying there."Aiden?" I looked at him,"I'll get a job,to sssshow youuuu daaaadd." he spoke out,"I'm your girlfriend,Aiden...are you okay?" I bend down and I smelt alcohol and his pupils were dilated,"Are you drunk?.." I looked at him.

"Who's a disappointment now dad!!" he laughed,"You're drunk..come on.." I helped him up and I helped him inside,"God,you reek with alcohol." I gagged and helped him upstairs to the guest bedroom,I helped him on the bed,"I'm not a disappointment!!" he slurred,"Shh.." I calmed him down and tucked him. I turned off the light and shut the door. I headed to my bedroom,and I shut my door.

I dialled up Mrs.Smith,I sat on my bed,"Hello?" she answered,"I found him..he came over to my place..but he's drunk,so I'm going to let him stay the night.." I sighed,I heard her sigh through the phone,"Alright. Thanks Demi." she said,"Anytime..Bye." I hung up and got up and headed to my closet. I changed in pajama pants and a maternity t-shirt. I got into bed.

Aiden's POV.

The next day i woke up with a pounded headache. I looked around and I realized I was at Demi's,then my stomach twist,"Shit." I ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up. I got up and flushed the toilet and washed my mouth,I headed downstairs,"Hey can you make me some toast?.." I looked at Demi,who was making herself cereal,"Hello?..Are you ignoring me?" I looked at her.

"You know where the bread is,you make yourself some toast." she glared at me,then headed to the living room,I followed her,"Why are you mad at me!? What did I do!?" I looked at him,confused,She slammed her bowl down,making milk and cheerio's fall out all over the table,"You seriously didn't ask me that!! YOU exactly know why I'm fucking mad. I don't like drinking,you know that." she crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry.." I looked at her,"Sorry isn't going to cut it,Aiden. You got me worred sick,but you were just out there partying and drinking...UNDERAGE!" she glared at me,"Can talk about this later,I have a major migraine." I rubbed my head.

"No. Cause it's over." she looked at me and got a table to clean up a mess,"What's that suppose to mean!?"  I looked at her,"It's over,Aiden. I regret everything. I regret ever meeting you,I regret ever kissing you,I regret ever making love to you,I regret ever carrying this baby...but most of all...I regret ever telling you that I love you." she looked me in the eyes,those words cut as knives.

"Fine.." I swallowed,"If you feel that way...I should go.." I grabbed my keys and headed out. I got in my truck and drove to school,I was late,but I guess it was better late than never,but I still have this migraine.  I sighed,I parked my car and headed inside,I checked in and headed to class. "You're alive!" Matt whispered,"Yeah." I sighed.

"You okay?" he looked at me,"I'll tell you later." I shrugged.


I sat at lunch,just eating some toast,"Really,that's all you're eating?" Matt looked at me,"I still have a hungover,dude." I groaned,"So you and Demi are over?.." Matt looked at me,I sighed,"Yep..she told me she regretted everything with me..so it's over.." I sighed.

"How do you feel?.." Matt looked at me,"It's depressing...but it's my fault and time to move on to another chapter in my life..plus my parents will be proud now..I get to go to collage.." I sighed. "Is Demi keeping the baby?" he asked,"I guess..I don't know." I sighed.

"Congratulations it's a boy." Demi texted me,I sighed and deleted the text.


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