Twenty-Two┃Do Dirty Things To Me

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Nerve endings were on fire when Vicente later bound my wrist to the bed, my feets too. There was a blanket bound so I was blind to Vicente's movements. Nostrils flared when his scent closed into my own. Musk, dirt, blood and a strong oil smell. When we had walked the stairs earlier, his hand covered my room and threw me into one of the room I am in now.

Thereafter, Vicente bond me and no protest left my mouth. Now, let go back to the thing going on. That's really turning me on, by the way. Ten of ten stars. "I am going to tell you how we go through this," Vicente said in a low voice. Struggled to get my thoughts in the right direction. My breath came in short gasps.

Vicente's hand closed around my neck if I had a heart rate it would probably being at its limit right now. "I need your safe word," Vicente whispered close to my ear. Where we really going to do what I think we are doing? Holy hell, I am not ready for this.

Throat felt dry. "Is this where I scream 'vampire on the loose'?" I said to avoid the question. One of Vicente's fingers caressed my ear. The sensation alone, made me want to scream out in delight. I could imagine a smile playing on his lips. It stirred a beast inside me I didn't know I had.

"No, Ethan. This is BDSM sex," he tapped my chin. "And you are my submissive, what is your safe word?"

I rolled my eyes. Just my luck. "Uh, my safe word is going to be..." Hmm. That was a hard one. Red is too common, like come on. Dick is out of the question. Ah, I got it. A smile revealed on my lips. "Pokemòn."

Vicente chuckled. "I should have guessed." He moved away. The sound of footsteps filled the room. I knew exactly where he was but the vampire skills didn't let me know all details. Things motioned in many directions. Metal, iron, leather were some I detected. A frown appeared on my face. What was he doing? I had no idea.

Finally, the silence descended eased into the room again. Then Vicente's closeness almost made me gag out in surprise. "What I have in my hand right now, is called a paddle. It's mostly leather but has some points with metal. How do you want it, Ethan? Rough, soft-"

"Get on with it!" I abrupted him. Vicente's hand hovered over my chest. A smack hit me, the pain flared up to my face. "W-what?"

"Answer." Vicente's palm titled my features towards him. I shivered underneath his every touch.

"Soft, please, master?" I pleaded, my cheeks burned in shame. However, my nipples hardened. "Damn it."

"Language," Vicente said, his lips touched mine. Quickly his tongue crushed all resistance I wielded. Body sank deeper into the bed, a moan escaped my mouth.

A slap collided into my chest. Again. And again. "Relax," Vicente soothing voice reached my ears. "If you did not let go, the pleasure won't be the same," his hand curled into mine. Then he repeated the progress.

At one point the burn abandoned my bones a bliss in its place. I writhed underneath it every blow. Vicente touched my chest as it heaved up and down. I blinked behind the blindfold. His lip licked my neck, airs raised over my body. "Good God-"

"He isn't here to witness you sin for me," Vicente mumbled against my skin. Now ripped at the edges from his now biting. Blood drizzled out my flesh. My shaft perked up in interest. "You belong to me and I belong to you. Each time you will remember this. Of us."

Vicente is a serial killer. Sent by Afrodite. He should be illegal. "Yes, yes," where the only word I could put together. "Anything you want."

Vicente flipped off the blindfold in one swift motion with the back of his hand. His eyes met my own and I grinned as a mad man. "You like what you see?" I wiggled my eyebrows. Vicente's eyes knit together. He dug his fingers into my scalp. I whimpered as a hurt dog.

"I thought I already told you to talk when talked too," Vicente's fangs nipped at my earlobe. The pleasure hit new heights. I cursed barely audible for human ears. "You never learn, do you?" His nails scarred through my flesh.

I was seeing a rainbow behind my eyelids. White sparks everywhere. My dick screamed for attention in my boxers. My hands twitched to touch myself but my wrists were bound. Damn it. "Please," I begged.

"That's better," Vicente purred. He kissed me again, he rubbed his hands into my jeans. A soft hitch ran out of my throat. "You like it?" Vicente raised his eyebrow and pushed my pants down.

Suddenly I felt exposed in new ways. This wasn't like the time in the woods, this time Vicente held the control or did he...? I scanned my brain for answers one my girlfriend might have told me. Nothing came up.

Vicente's eyes studied mine for awhile before he caressed my forehead, confusion invited his own. "I will stop when you want to." The genuinely almost sparkled out tears out my eyes. I smiled sadly at him.

"I know." Fuck. That was a lame response. But I don't have any better up my sleeve. And I think our friends definitely are worried no matter how much I wanted to jerk off. My eyes moved to the bound wrists. Vicente got the sign and let me free but not before hugging me tightly to his chest.

"I am sorry," he said. Vicente ordered my hair and looked at me. "I should ask you for permission before hand-"

"Yes but this is now and we are needed."


"There is something changing inside me and I don't know what it is," my eyes pleaded at Vicente.

✓ Savory ⚣ | First DraftWhere stories live. Discover now