best medicine in the world

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Everyone was at Zendaya's place for movie night. It was a usual thing the cast did at Tom's rental house back in Atlanta on Saturdays, since that was when they'll have a day off. Laura was there with a friend, Jacob and Harrison were preparing the snacks, while Tom and Tony were looking through the shelves to pick out a movie, since no one agreed to the one Laura picked out.

"We are not watching Inception again!" Harrison shouts from the kitchen, and Tom flips him off before turning back to find something for them to watch.

She knew that having a movie night around  this time wasn't the smartest, since they're starting so late, and Zendaya had to catch a flight to NYC again to start her training for her new musical.

But everyone was going to be doing their own thing, and it would make her feel a bit nice to spend some time with them, before her new project.

"Anything with Leonardo DiCaprio is worth watching, don't be a fool. I was doing you guys a favor." Tom explains, but Harrison dismisses him, laughing at something Jacob whispered to him. Tom mumbles something under his breath, earning a laugh from Laura and her friend.

"Don't worry Tom, my crush on Leo made it tolerable for me." Zendaya smiles, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder before falling back on the couch. Tom went to return the smile, but the moment was short lived when the doorbell rung, Tony and Tom running to the foyer to answer it.

It wasn't long until the smell of pizza filled the house.

"You guys ordered pizza?! Then why are we in the kitchen?" Jacob exclaimed, looking at the boxes of pizza as the guys placed them on the counter.

"We can't just eat chips, and candy. There has to be something else, besides, I wanted it so I ordered it." Tom opened the lid of the boxes, and everyone started to grab a piece as Z grabbed some plates from the top cabinet in the kitchen.

Tony went to put the film in after getting his plate, everyone taking their seats after they got theirs as well. Tom was the last one still piling up his plate, the sight making Z laugh. He could devour a full course meal, and he'll still stay tone.

"You do realize you're Spidey right? That body got to be on point." She says, poking his tummy with one of her manicured hands, as he playfully smacked it away.

Her hands reached to grab a piece of pizza out of the box, but the slice almost fell out of her hands when he suddenly raised his shirt up. It wasn't the first time that she has seen Tom without a shirt, but that was months ago, and the abs weren't as defined as they were now.

"Is this good enough for you?" He grins at her, before walking past her and into the living room with everyone else.

She scoffs, crossing her arms.

"Damn, those proteins shakes do wonders."


"I can't believe this whole time we were watching Chainsaw Massacre!"

"I showed the case before I put it on!"

"No you didn't! You told me it was Final Destination!"

Z laughed at Jacob and Harrison arguing, knowing that Jacob tricked him on purpose. It was almost close to midnight, and she knew that everyone should be getting ready to leave, since some of them had flights to take in the morning.

"You would think Harrison would catch on that Jacob finds joy in embarrassing him." Laura whispers to her.

"This bromance is rising."

The boys suddenly stopped arguing, and just stared each-other down. But it wasn't long until they hugged each-other, Laura and everyone else throwing popcorn at them.

"We're going to start heading back to the hotel," Tony tells her, everyone moving towards her to give her a hug. "Your house was the bomb!"

"Thanks for coming! I'll see you all soon!"

They all said their goodbyes, before heading out of the front door.

She went to clean up some of the things on the coffee table, but noticed Tom sitting in one of the chairs in the corner of the room, Harrison speaking to him from the side. Tom looked a bit agitated, and that only got her thinking to earlier.

He had to take a phone call towards the end of the movie, and the serious look on his face could only mean that it didn't end well.

Harrison noticed her staring, and walked up to her.

"We'll be leaving soon, he just needed a few minutes to clear his head."

"Is it something work related? I know he's been flying back and forth to everywhere, it's easy to feel jaded." She says.

"Nah, just something from back home," He explained, zipping up his jacket. "Tell him I'll be in the car, we have a flight to Berlin to catch in the morning."

Z nods, keeping her eyes set on Tom as Harrison left out the door. She bit her lip nervously as she made her way towards him, taking a seat in the chair beside him.

"So, you're going to Berlin tomorrow?" She asks.

His head shot up, sending her a smile.

It was fake.

"Uh, yeah...we have to film the last few things there, then we're back home." He let out a breathless laugh at the end, as she just looked at him.

His shoulders were slumped,

His eyes held nothing,

And his hands were slightly shaking

Those small observations gave all the answers she needed.

"Tom," She murmurs, her soft tone causing him to let out a shaky breath. It was the first time she was seeing him like this, but she can't say she isn't familiar with it. "Who hurt you?"

Tom's eyes slightly widened at her words, and he was quick to stand up from his chair.

"I-I need to start going, I have t-"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to word it like that!" Zendaya apologized.

"What were you even implying?" He shot at her.

"I'm not trying to imply anything, but I know that you're upset."

"That's all you need to know, goodnight Z."

He walked past her to leave, but Zendaya rushed to follow behind him. She debated whether or not she should say the next thing on her mind, but her lips moved on their own without any further thought before she can stop herself.

"We don't have to talk...but it sucks getting your heart broken, doesn't it?"

Tom froze, slowly turning around to face Zendaya, who was sending him a sympathetic stare.

He didn't say anything for a bit and she grew worried, thinking that she only made matters worse. But that was at the least of her worries when he suddenly hugged her, Zendaya giving him a reassuring squeeze.

"You're going to do great in Berlin, just think of all of the people you're making happy."

"Best medicine in the world." He says into her shoulder, his response making her smile.

She pulled away first to look directly at him.

"I'll see you in 2 weeks! Have a good night."

"Same to you."

He hugs her again before running out of the house. She dropped down unto the couch, the thought of him still running through her head. This always happens whenever she's with him. It's only a small exchange of words, but it made her excited to see where it picks up at the next time they see each-other.

And she absolutely hated that feeling.

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