TTB Three - Own Territory

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My eyes are heavy, to heavy, almost like they are matted shut. Slowly I pull against the force to open my eyes, the bright light hurts. I slam my eyes shut and take a deep breath, smelling the scents around me, trees, water, nature with a faint scent of my brothers. "Damon." My voice is rough and my throat aches from the effort. Memories of last night flood back to me and a pain rips through my chest at the thought and scenes that play in my mind. I force my eyes open, ignoring the pain constricting my throat I let out a blood curling scream, "DAMON!" My heart was hammering widely in my chest as rapid footsteps approached me. Fear was taking over drowning out everything but my quick raspy breaths and thundering heart.

"Daph Daphnia!" Swinging my head towards my brothers voice I watched as Derek and Damon appeared with panic faces. Damon crouched beside me scanning the area for any threat while Derek bent over and wrap his arms around my shoulders holding me tight to his chest as my tears stained his shirt. I wasn't even aware I was crying until Damon's sooth voice was in my ear, "it's okay Daph, we are here, nothing's going to happen to you, it's okay, calm down Daph." I felt my body being lifted and knew I was cradled in Damon's arms, even if she was only two years older then me he was a lot bigger and stronger. Derek rubbed my back talking softly to me, "it's okay sissy, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I didn't think you would wake up soon."

Once my sobs stopped and my eyes burned from to many tears I pulled my head out of Damon's chest and looked up at my two brothers. Both had pain in their eyes but the way they looked at me was the way mom and dad would look at me, their gazes full of devotion, safety and love. My head hurt from the memories and unasked questions, I knew the answers to. I was to scared to ask them, to hear it out loud would make it real, it would make the pain dig deeper In my chest and that is something I am sure I can't handle yet. "You okay Daph?" I focused my eyes on Damon and gave him a weak smile and faintly nodded. "Good come on we have to keep moving."

That night I bunched up Derek's sweatshirt for a pillow before I snuggled into a blanket that Damon had stole from someone's close line earlier that morning. I laid there and looked at Damon, my older brother, the one with a bright future and so many plans was now resorting to stealing blankets and odd clothes from yards so we had some slight comfort. It made my heart ache but I was grateful he was here. My eyes drifted towards Derek as he spoke and again my heart clenched, no Derek has never been my biggest fan but he was aiming for a football scholarship everyone knew he would get. He had plans and goals not taken over the pack like Damon wanted but still stuff he had wanted to do.

And me, well I honestly didn't care what I had wanted or planned any more. After today and talking with my brothers I only wanted one goal in my future and that was revenge. Revenge for my mom and dad for the betrayal of my pack but mainly revenge for them completely screwing up my brothers lives. No it no longer mattered that Derek ruined my dress or pushed me down any given chance, nor did I matter that Damon picked on me or ratted me out for stuff all that mattered now was they are all I got left. Wearily I rubbed my eyes, I felt like crying but I was literally out of tears. "Daph get some rest we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." I looked down at Damon who sat by my feet, the fire light flickered across him and I seen just how much older the past twenty four hours have made him. His face was drawn tight no longer light and full of laughter, his eyes were dark and hid the darkest memories and thoughts.

I felt his hand squeeze my foot reassuringly and shoved my thoughts aside, I attempted a smile but I am sure I failed miserably. I gave him a simple nod turning my attention to Derek who sat by my head, I knew they were guarding me and the thought alone made my love for my brothers swell more than ever. Derek's eyes pierced mine, like Damon's they were different, hard and almost cold, like he had flipped a switch on his emotions almost completely turning them off. High eyes met mine and I seen his face soften slightly before he pinched my nose. "Go to bed sissy, we start training tomorrow." I scowled as he pulled his hand back but smiled none the less, I knew it was Derek's way of showing me no matter what he was still going to tease me which in its own way, made me relax more.

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