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White walls, white sheets, white ceilings. Most everything was a clean, pristine white that clashed against the grey to black color range of whatever clothes they were supplied.

It was so bland. The only reason he remembered the other colors was because of the staff's differing wardrobe and the books located in the small self proclaimed 'library' which was really just one or two shelves of outdated books.

He didn't want to be here, or at least not anymore. At first it was just something he had done on a whim after graduating. Well not directly after graduating, the time was spaced out a bit after when he had taken refuge in his parents basement for almost a year. He eventually got tired of hiding away from the monsters upstairs that he jumped at the chance to get away. His supposed rescue took the form of an advertisement in the media.

About to turn twenty in only a number of days combined with his naturally reckless personality landed him in a rather unfavorable situation. He'd planned to stay in the facility for a month or two and the faculty had cleared it at the time saying that it was acceptable. A month later after trialling a few drugs and the outcome being favorable, he was ready to check out with a couple of well earned bills in his wallet. That never happened, as he was told he was not eligible to leave the facility and when he made a deal out of it, was sedated.

He woke up in his room on the bottom bunk of the bed, his roommate absent. His movements were sluggish and his vision was blurred like a filter on a photo that he couldn't seem to remove. His muscles ached and his head pounded but never ceased thinking.

He'd been here for about a year now, his twenty first birthday approaching quickly with the promise of not having to do drug trials that day. In a place like this that was something of importance and worthy of celebration. Not the birthday it's self, but the promise it carried.

That day he had picked himself up with the realization that this wasn't optional anymore and that they - these monsters that dare call themselves people - had him in their grasp with legal documents, all with his sloppy signature on the marked lines.

He shouldn't have been so stupid. He should've weighed his options better. He should've read between the lines. He shouldn't have been so naïve.


The food was a bland as it was a year ago, which is why he refused it so often. Some of the faculty had threatened him with a feeding tube but it didn't deter him. He often believed that a tube was better than the slop they served. No food was better than disgusting liquids and semisolids. Sometimes they would have cereal in the mornings and Calvin found himself getting out of bed before the morning workers came by just to get to the off brand fruity pebbles that almost didn't taste stale. Or other times at lunch or dinner, they would have some kind of bread that he didn't mind eating. Other than that, he was supplied vitamins to keep him somewhat healthy as if the staff knew their food was absolute shit.

Although most of the staff were non caring pricks, some of them were much more human than others. When he first arrived, he was assigned to a man, something of a pharmacist but also someone to talk to. Calvin's 'someone to talk to' happened to be a blue eyed Brit with short brown hair and enough common sense to be a lawyer if he wanted to which brings us to where he was now, sitting at the opposite side of an oak wood desk .

Oliver, the pharmacist, studied him from across the desk.

"So other than the obvious, did anything else happen after you took the pill?" Oh yes, the 'obvious' was that a pill made to prevent seizures had actually caused him to have a minor seizure.

"No not really, I just felt a little lightheaded." He looked up from the form he had been watching the other man fill out. "So.. can I have the rest of the day off?"

Oliver's pen moved a few more times before he sighed and made eye contact. "Just one more for today.. then you can have tomorrow off."

Calvin's eyebrows raised in surprise. An entire day off and it wasn't even his birthday. There had to be some kind of downside. Maybe it had a high chance of killing him?

"What is it?"

Oliver looked away for a moment before answering. "Just a pill for headaches, nothing serious."

Calvin was a bit skeptical but still continued on. "Just headaches?"

Oliver nodded.

"Will it kill me?"

The British man let out a laugh before replying. "It shouldn't. You never know, that is why we test it after all."


"I fucking hate this place." Calvin groaned weakly, staring up at the ceiling as he heard a book close next to him.

"It wasn't supposed to have that effect, Calvin."

"Doesn't matter. I just want to get out of here. I've been seeing the same faces for a year now, Oliver. It's all so stale and boring now."

"I'm sorry Calvin but you can't leave.." His eyes fell onto the younger man's bare torso. "Still not eating?"

Calvin scoffed. "Like I would poison myself with that shit, that's what the drugs are for."

Oliver sighed. "I'll tell you what, tomorrow I'll get breakfast on my way here, alright?"

"Isn't that against protocol?" Calvin said attempting to sit up but failing due to the weakness that ate at his muscles.

"I've known you long enough to know you don't care. I truly am sorry about the drug though. I talked to my boss and she said you could have the next two days off since it's the second seizure you've had in the past week, not to mention this one was far more serious than the last."

"Does every drug you guys make cause seizures? Because it definitely feels that way."

"Well.. They aren't supposed to. For some reason, you always react much worse to things than the others. It's quite strange." He said as he stood from his chair and picking up his book that he had placed on the table next to the bed.

"You're leaving?"

"Sorry, Cal. I've got paperwork to do."


Oliver hated his job. He hated his boss. Most of all, he hated paperwork.

Checking small boxes next to even smaller text really strained his eyes, even with his reading glasses. The white of the paper clashing with the wood of his desk made room for something of a minor headache that definitely should not be remedied with that of Typhomil, the drug that Calvin had just sampled.

Calvin. He felt terrible for making friends with a 'patient' and not keeping his work life completely separate like everyone else seemed to do. His coworkers had absolutely no connections to the volunteers despite being around them constantly and somehow he came to the conclusion that they are all just completely inhuman.

Going through the records that he kept of Calvin he'd noticed that the man had either reacted badly to everything or would have no reaction at all - immune, if you will. It was strange, even his boss had said so when it was brought to her attention. This just added to why they didn't want to let him leave. He was different from the other patients, something about his immune system working in odd ways. Oliver wasn't completely sure of the situation but was curious nonetheless.

His boss was planning  something, he just knew it. That bitch worked in mysterious ways that he couldn't seem to decipher, despite her being much younger than him. The story was that after the coincidental death involving her father and a staircase, she ended up taking over Corbis Pharmaceuticals. She was surprisingly efficient in her work and took it rather seriously, reevaluating everyone in her main office to deem whether they were worthy of their place on the workplace food chain.

Though Oliver was more fit to be a psychologist than a makeshift pharmacist of sorts, she had hired him. He still had yet to figure out why. Only recently had he found out something about her planning a duel experiment including Calvin and another patient. He wasn't sure of the details, but he knew there was really nothing he could do to influence her otherwise. She was an intelligent woman who despite her age, could not be swayed or manipulated.

He just hoped Calvin would be alright.

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