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Hi! My name is Kathrina Niomi Ashley Smart! I'm a YouTuber and my channel's name is Niomi Smart. My bestfriend is Andrew Taggart and he's a member of The Chainsmokers which is my favourite band because I love their songs not because my childhood bestfriend is in there. I'm a vigilante to New York like Spider-Man and any other hero in New York. But I originally lived in London but moved to America. Right now I'm with my bestfriend in Scottland.


alexpall: With this 2 dorks in Scottland :p

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alexpall: With this 2 dorks in Scottland :p. They made me feel like a third wheel....niomismart drewtaggart

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niomismart: its not my fault you thought of it.. alexpall

username: trueee...alexpall

phoberyan: NGL.....username

daya: completely agreeing..phoeberyan username niomismart

drewtaggart: Alex, you were flirting with a girl earlier....alexpall

drewtaggart daya phoeberyan usernamd niomismart

niomismart: you might be a DJ but you're not as smart as Tony Stark...
alexpall tonystark

tonystark: I have been summoned! niomismart

niomismart: YES! Alex is being a total d*ckhead again... tonystark

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Niomi was very sad not telling her two bestfriends about her secret... Well all secrets are not meant to be said so that's what she'd thought. But, News Flash Niomi! They'll find out sooner or later or you'll have to tell 'em. Niomi thought as she looked at a picture of her and Andrew back at Greece when Andrew and Alex were touring and she tagged along which the 2 boys didnt mind. It was much better to have at least a girl with them somehow. Still, she looks at the picture.

She then scrolled through her camera roll and saw this:

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She then scrolled through her camera roll and saw this:

She laughed uncontrably as tears start to form in her eyes

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She laughed uncontrably as tears start to form in her eyes. The 2 boys looked at Niomi as if she had gone mental. They rushed over to her and looked at her phone and looked at each other confused. "You can't understand it you muggles and No-Maj's!!!" She screamed laughing. Eventually her phone turned off and she passed out from laughing too hard. Andrew carried her to her bed and put her to sleep.

The two boys serched what a muggle and a No-Maj was and found out it was a Harry Potter reference. The 2 had a Harry Potter marathon from 5 pm to 12 pm the following morning and surprisingly, they enjoyed it. They were also gonna watch Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them with Niomi even though Niomi has watched it already.

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