New Begin

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I give my dad one last hug and wipe my mom's tears. 'I love you,' I say. Mom smiles. I turn around and walk towards security. I wave and blow one last kiss towards my family.

Two hours later I walk through the plane, trying to find my seat. Row 9, seat 11. The numbers make me shiver. Not that I lost someone during the attack, but just... Whatever.

I count the rows. 7, 8, 9. This should be it. 'Is this row 9?' I ask the flight attendant. She nods. I take place near the window and hope nobody will take place next to me.

The plane starts moving. Nobody took place next to me, thank God. Quietly I listen to the instructions.

Once in the air, I take one last look at the environment. My safe home, leaving it after years to start a new life in Canada. A small town called Stratford to be exactly. It seemed a really nice place to start a new life. And Justin Bieber was used to live there before his career. I really like his music since the release of his first album. I am definitely a belieber. And there was something else... Uuhm... Whatever.

While "Hold Tight" plays in my ears, I read a magazine. I turn the page and my eyes lock on the words "Justin Bieber goes back home". I read the text underneath. "After almost 10 years of career, Justin Bieber decides to take a break for 1 to 2 years. He recently told in an interview he'll be going back to Stratford within a few weeks with his family. His mother, Pattie Mallette, confirmed this and said: 'Justin's house in California is on sale and we're looking for a new house in Stratford.' Hopefully we'll see him at the Avon Theatre again :)" I couldn't believe what I just read. How the hell? Is this on purpose or something?

After a few hours of reading magazines, listening to music, staring out of the window and watching movies I finally hear the pilot saying the famous words.

Holy shit, this country is cold. I knew we had bad winters, but this, wow. And it's just the end of October... I zip up my jacket and step out of the plane. Some people, including me, are confused there's no tube or anything. The passengers have to follow some people when we're finally inside. Once inside I reach for my phone and call my mom.


'Mom, it's (y/n)!'

'Oh, hey! How was your flight?'

'Boring,' I answer while walking towards the baggage pick up.

'How is the weather?'

'Really cold, it's like already February here. It's crazy.'

'I don't want to brag about anything, but I am walking in shorts.' My mom laughs.

'Haha, true true. Anyways, I have to pick up my baggage okay?'

'That's okay. Good luck! Call me when you arrive at your little house okay?'

'I will! Love you.'

'Love you too.'

I hang up and try to look for my baggage.

After 3 hours of picking up baggage and taking a taxi I finally arrive in Stratford. The taxi driver stops in front of my new home. It's a normal house, not small but also not really big. It has a white path leading towards it. I see almost all the other houses are on sale. It's a small street of around 20 houses on each side. The taxi driver helps me with my luggage and drives of after I give him $50 cash. I pick my suitcase piece per piece and place them in front of the door. Then I search for the keys in my bag. I close my eyes and breathe in deep. I open the door. The smell of paint burns in my nostrils. I place my stuff in the hallway and slowly walk through my new house. In the hallway you can turn right to go upstairs. Next to the stairs is a door which leads to the toilet. I open the door straight ahead which leads to the living room. I notice there's already some stuff. A couch, table, chairs etc. Left is a fire place and in the back is the kitchen. The floor is white and so are the walls. I walk up the stairs and find three doors. The most left door leads to a room with an beautiful, big window. I open the middle door, it's a really big room. Right is the bathroom, everything included. 'Thank God, they have a bath tub.' I smile.

O yeah, did I tell you I am a beauty/lifestyle blogger? I have been making videos on YouTube since I was 14 and I am 18 right now. In those 4 years my YouTube page has grown from a few subscribers to 1 million. It's amazing to be able to help people with their daily life.

'Shit,' I say. I forgot to call the move van. All my already bought furniture is in there!

Almost 3 weeks later my whole house is finished. My car arrived and with some help from amazing people I have met so far everything was done quicker.

In the hallway I have a really big mirror and a really cute peg. My whole house has a light grey, baby -pink and blue theme. But anyways, the toilet in the hallway has a really cute grey and baby blue design. I bought a baby pink cover for the chairs and couch, a white coffee table, a closet for books etc. I gave the kitchen a finishing touch with cups, plates etc. in the theme.

I made from the bedroom upstairs with the big window my office. I put all my recording stuff up there, made a small studio with a little table and candles, bought a dresser with my make up, desk and chair. Also a lot of organizing furniture. The big room I made my bedroom. I bought a beautiful big bed with cute sheets. A big closet from my clothes and a cute, small nightstand. The bathroom has baby pink and grey towels and other blue decorations. It looks so cute.

It's 10 am in the morning. I am sitting down stairs, ready for the day. 'Can you check if the Wi-Fi works now?' the guy asks. He's kneeling in a corner to fix the Wi-Fi. 'Sure,' I answer. I log onto the Wi-Fi and open Twitter. It finally refreshes the 3 week old tweets. 'It works! Thank you so much!' I say. I give him money. The door closes and I jump on my couch. 'YEEES!' I scream, 'I finally have my own home!' I call my mom.


'Hi mom, it's me!' I answer.

'Hi honey! How is your house doing?'

'It's done mom!'

'No, what?! That's amazing! How?'

'I made friends and got some help.'

We laugh.

'That's great. How does it look?'

'I will FaceTime you later, okay?'

'That's okay.'

'O yeah, I was thinking about getting a dog or a cat.'

'Sounds good! Why?'

'Well, I miss having something around I can take care of...'

'Ah, that's cute. But do you think it will be clever?'

'Yes, I thinks so. You know, than I have something to do.' I laugh.

'But a cat or a dog?'

'I am not really sure.'

'If you get a dog you get out of the house three times a day so...'

'Yeah, that's a good one. I will think about that.'

The bell rings.

'Ah mom, the bell rings. I have to go, I will FaceTime you tonight!'

'Is good (y/n). Talk to you later, love you!'

'Love you too,' I answer and hang up. Who could it be? I walk through the hallway and open the door. My heart jumps into my throat.

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