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'Hey, I am Justin and uhm... I bought this house and it's next to you so I wanted to say hi because I am your neighbor now!' He smiles. 'Wow,' I gasp. He laughs. 'Sorry, I get you.' I shake his hand and laugh. 'Yeah sorry, it doesn't happen everyday that someone famous will knock on your door and be your neighbor.' We laugh. 'I am (y/n), nice to meet you.' Those eyes, damn. Perfection. 'Can... Can I help you with bringing your stuff inside?' I ask smiling. 'That's very nice, but the van with my furniture is coming in a few hours and all my other stuff is already inside,' he answers. I nod. 'Can I help you? I heard you got here only three weeks ago or are you already done?' 'I am already done, I am sorry. I can show you the result if you want to?' Justin smiles. 'If there's no problem that would be really sweet.' I laugh. 'Follow me.' He closes the door and follows me upstairs. I feel his eyes burning on my butt. I can hear his voice in my head with "I am a butt guy" which he told in an interview. Once upstairs I show him my office. 'I have been a beauty/lifestyle blogger for 4 years now and it may sounds weird, but it's my job.' I smile. 'Now I remember it! I heard about your YouTube, that's why I thought I already met you!' Justin says. We laugh. 'But wait,' I say, 'do you watch my videos or read my blog?' Justin laughs. 'No, not really. But my mom does and my former girlfriend did. So sometimes you came by.' I smile and say: 'fun to know.' Justin looks around. 'Feminine,' he brings out. I smile.

After showing him my house we end up in the hallway. 'It was really sweet you showed me around,' he says. I smile. 'Thanks.' I don't know what to do so I just open the door and see what happens. He steps outside. 'If you need my help just ring the bell,' I say. 'I will,' he answers, 'see you later!' 'See you later,' I say while he walks away. Holy shit, that was crazy.

Later that night I sit down behind my desk and turn on my MacBook. Time to update my blog. Still shocked I type my post.

"Hi guys,

so as you might have seen, I moved! If you follow me on YouTube you'll know what has been going on the last couple of weeks. Well, from now I have my own house. That means I can do whatever I want haha.


So yeah, please leave some suggestions for videos and blog posts down below and I'll see what I can do. Thank you guys for making this all possible!

xoxo (y/n)"

I decided not to say anything about Justin because I thought that might harm his privacy rights, especially because he's a famous person. I publish the post and return to editing. I vlogged my entire three weeks of moving and want to putt all the material all in one video of fifteen minutes. I hope it will work but it probably won't. I think I'll make to parts.

After realizing it is 7 pm and I have been editing the vlogs for five hours straight I upload the first part and get down stairs. After almost a month I still have to get used to the fact that I have to do everything myself. What should I eat? I open the fridge. I think I am going to make some pasta. I get the ingredients and start cutting the vegetables while the meatloaf cooks in the pan. Once I want to cut the onions I realized I don't have any. What should I do? Cook without? I mean, the stores are closed. But it will taste so weird, like, not a strong taste. Maybe Justin has some left for me? I turn off the stove and get my keys. I put on a jacket and step out of the door, immediately turning right.

I ring the bell and wait for Justin to open it. I hear some sounds from inside and a loud 'fuck'. He opens the door. 'Hey,' he brings out, rubbing his head. 'Uhm... Hi! Did you hurt yourself?' I ask. He nods. 'Yeah, I bumped my head against the door. They're a lot smaller, I have to get used to that.' We laugh. 'So, why are you here?' I smile and say: 'Well, I am cooking and I don't have any onions. Do you have any you can give me?' He turns around. 'Come inside,' he says. I get inside. It smells freshly painted. 'I was actually painting and ordering some stuff. I did groceries today but I can't remember if I bought onions to be honest,' he says. I nod. 'Looks good,' I say. He painted the walls dark blue which matches the black wooden floors perfectly. Justin smiles. 'Thanks.' He walks towards the kitchen. I notice the red accessories. He looks through the drawers. 'Here!' he says and he grabs a bag. 'How many do you need?' 'Two.' He hands me two onions. 'Thanks! And by the way, have you already eaten?' He looks at me. 'Not really actually. If you can call a boil of cereal a dinner...' We laugh. 'I will make you some of my pasta. I'll bring it in fifteen minutes.' He smiles. 'Thank you so much, that's really sweet!' Suddenly I hear a sound coming from the stairs. 'What's that?' I say scared. Justin laughs. 'It's Karma, my dog.' He squats down and pets the dog. 'Hey Karma,' he says with a high voice, like all people talk to their pets, 'say hello to (y/n)! She's our neighbor.' I smile and squat down next to Justin. I pet Karma. 'I am planning to get a dog too,' I tell Justin. 'Sounds great! Why?' 'I feel lonely with no one in my house. So a dog will do miracles.' He smiles. 'Dogs are great company.' I get up. 'See you in a few minutes.'

Around twenty minutes later I stand for Justin's door with a bowl of pasta. He opens the door. 'Oh my God (y/n), that's really sweet. Thanks!' I hand him the bowl. 'You're a nice neighbor,' he tells me. 'You're an amazing neighbor too.'

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