Chapter 16: Nemeton

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  Thomas, Sarah, Malia and Stiles were sat flush against each other on the sofa as the McCall Pack and the Bordens got acquainted. Once the introductions were done John, Scott and Deaton stood before the floor to ceiling window ready to address the two Packs.

  Scott, and indeed the rest of the McCall Pack, kept glancing at Stiles, his familiar and the two wolves beside him. The Spark and gone and sat amidst a load of Borden's with Malia and a wolf in his late twenties, called Leo, on one  side and his two new friends on the other.

  "So, we have been having these attacks from other supernatural creatures these past few years. They have slowly been getting more frequent and so we have reached out to you for help," Deaton said to the Bordens.

  The wolves, because the only non-werewolves in the Borden Pack were Mitchell, Stiles and Malia, were all piled into the room. They were leaning against pillars, sat on the few chairs present or crossed legged on the floor, either leaning against some piece of furniture or another from the Pack. Stiles was glad that they were there, he was close to them all after so many years- although still closest to Tommy, Malia and Sarah.

  "We have no idea why this has started and we had heard that you and your emissary- or emissaries?- were knowledgeable about the rarer supernatural creatures and occurrences," Scott said.

  At that moment a piercing pain split through Stiles skull. So used hiding sudden pain after all the time with the Nogitsune, the only outward sign he showed was a sharp intake of breath. It wasn't lost on Malia or Tommy who were closest- it didn't help that Ide had let out a small whine, feeling the same pain that Stiles had.

  Malia squeezed his hand, which she had already been holding, and moved closer into his side- which he hadn't thought was possible.

  "What's wrong?" she whispered into his ear.

  "Nothing, don't worry about me," he said, turning his head slightly to whisper in her ear before pressing his lips gently to her temple.

  When he turned back, he saw both Isaac and Lydia had seen the exchange, their gazes briefly meeting before he looked back at the alphas and the emissary. That was when he saw him. The Nogitsune. Stiles was semi-aware that he must have shown a visible reaction to this because both Malia and Tommy were whispering his name. He didn't respond though because the dark kitsune was moving towards him, he walked right between Deaton and Scott who were oblivious of its evil presence- continuing to describe the attacks to the Greenwood wolves.

  It moved forward jerkily, past Borden wolves, so close to Lydia that it could have reached out to touch her, and stopped a foot away from Stiles. The Spark's attention was focused fully on the subject of so many nightmares while the still rational part, small as it was, was grateful for the fact that no one seemed to have noticed anything was up. Except for Malia, Tommy... Lydia and Isaac.

  "It's all because of the Nemeton Ssstiles," the Nogitsune hissed.

  A cackle escaped between the twisted, inhuman teeth and then he was gone.

  With the departure of the creature Stiles found he could breath again. He let out a long breath, feeling very light headed.

  "Stiles?" Malia whispered urgently.

  "I'm fine, promise," Stiles whispered back, offering her and Tommy a smile.

  He turned back to the front yet again, ignoring the worried looks from the banshee across the room.

  It's all because of the Nemeton


  There was enough room in Derek's apartment block to house the entire Borden Pack. So that was where they were.

  After awkward, incredibly awkward, goodbyes from the McCall Pack, Stiles and Malia retired to a room that they had been designated. 

  "So, about earlier?" Malia said as Stiles slumped down onto the bed.

  "I was just stressed, people kept looking at me like I was... some ghost. It just got to me," he lied. He hated lying to her but he might have been telling the truth, it might have been an apparition brought on by stress.

  They got ready for the night, brushing teeth and pulling on pajamas before falling bed. Stiles was feeling irrationally cold and was so grateful for the shared body warmth and Malia wrapped herself around him.  Ide crawled up onto the bed to form a furry water bottle at their feet.

  "You need to make sure you are okay. I don't want to see you hurt," Malia breathed into his neck.

  "I'll be okay, I promise you," Stiles murmured.

  "I love you Stiles."

  "I love you to Malia, so much."


  He didn't remember dreaming. Nothing. It was strange, for most people it was normal but for Stiles, ever since he had unlocked his powers, he had dreamed. That night there was nothing.

  Despite the lack of dreams, Stiles woke with a perpetual sense of terror. That was when he realised that he wasn't in bed. That Malia wasn't there. Ide uncurled with a distressed whine, as confused as he was as to where they were. Her gaze met his, the companionship calming them both.

  They both then looked around them. A forest. Not there forest. Not the forest where Ide came into being. But he knew it.

  His hands curled in the bed of leaves beneath him and shivered as the cold bit at his bare arms and through the thin material of his night clothes. There was a cold breeze and the leaves were damp, the moister soaking through his clothes, only helping to drop his body temperature further.

  Stiles pulled at the power inside of him and sent fire coursing though his veins, warming him instantly. Little green flames flickered at odd points on his skin, singeing the leaves around him but leaving his clothes unharmed at his will. 

  It was then that he pulled himself to his up. His bare feet sank slightly into the dead foliage and damp dirt but he just stood there. Ide to had gotten on her feet, pressing herself into Stiles' leg as they both stared ahead of them. The whole thing felt to real to be a dream, the damp, the cold, the feel of Ide's fur against him. 

  But there it was. No longer a stump. The branches twisted and spread out for a huge trunk. The leaves let the moonlight dapple through them onto the ground below. It was stunning and the power... it was drawing him in. Drawing him in.... 

  That was why there was so many creatures, they were being drawn to Beacon Hills.

  It's all because of the Nemeton.

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