
18 1 0

"40 years passed, and I am still trapped, huh?" Joel said, tied up in a white bright room.

Its walls were full of writings and Joel was right in the middle. Joel was pale skinned with long white hair, green eyes and medium height. He seemed depressed and in need of sleep but his eyes were full of hope.


35 years ago
"Where is that little disgusting dog?" said a huge round guy, walking in as he laughed.

A strangled little boy who seemed dead teared up as he said, "here I am."

The round guy Mark started pulling out his teeth one by one making him count them. Lots of screaming could be heard but something was off about the boy; he seemed not to care as if he found out he can reverse time?


I am Joel and let me tell you a story which YOU will decide how it ENDS.

As a child, I grew up in a village called Zaun. All I dreamed about was to go to the city one day and change how people see the world. Yeah, i was tortured by a guy called mark who claims he found me in the woods in a weird looking broken small ship.

I was tortured every day and night till I escaped and went to the city, 'Shurima'.

It was hot and sunny. I was 10 with no food no water, I wore only a shattered pair of pants and had no one.

A middle aged woman who looked like a goddess came up to me with a wide beautiful smile saying 'hi little one'. She hugged me and I felt the warmth for the first time. I felt like someone who matters. I started tearing up mumbling 'I am tired'. She took me in and gave me a home, food, water, fresh new clothes. The most important thing she gave me was a mother and a real one too.


8 years passed I was 18, standing waiting for the traffic light to go green so I can go to my job as a janitor at a company called 'bright future'.

I kept standing there for half an hour but it didn't turn green. I looked around and saw that every one was standing still except for a short red-headed girl with a big white lab coat, crying and running as it seemed. She screamed and fell to the ground.

I ran towards her and picked her up crying for help..but she was dead!

I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, I saw the lights turn green. I was confused. haha, to be honest i didn't have much sleep that day. Plus, red hair? Yeah sure haha

I ran to the company saw my best friend Cody waving at me.

"Hi JOEL, have you heard?" He asked.

He was dark skinned, tall and bulky. The exact opposite of me fun, energetic and strong.

"Heard?" I said,

"Yeah. People have been saying this company has some really dark and disturbing secrets," Cody said.

I laughed at him then he continued, "and they say that all the child-disappearences that have been happening for the past 10 year in Shurima is their doing."

My laughter started decreasing till i was giggling before he added, "the first girl who had gone missing was red-headed, haha."

I stopped laughing and looked at him, "Cody watch less movies and cartoons."

I left to my room to get dressed and get started at cleaning the floor and serve anyone who needs any kind of help.


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