Found-part IV

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  • Dedicated to my epic little cousin, Avielle

She’s out of it at first, asking what’s going on, and drifting of for moments. But then she puts it together, and is mad.

“Why didn’t you let me die?” she asks, glaring at me.

“I couldn’t, I care about you.” I say, trying to sit up.

“Well it’s better for everyone if I die, so how about you just kill me already!” she screams, and I take a step back.

“We can’t.” Skyler says, looking down. “To bring you back I had to bite you, you’re a vampire now.” She gasps, and I do too. Then I notice the little differences, how her eyes are just a bit darker, and her skin is paler. Things that, if I didn’t know better, would not be noticed.

            She stands up, and takes a few steps, before running around, trying her new strength, speed and balance out for a minute. Her run’s faster, probably about that of a sprite, and she looks stronger now, not as weak as she had before. I can’t help but notice this as she darts around us.

“Well, she’s faster, stronger, and needs to drink blood, but I guess things could be worse.” Juliette comments, sitting down and curling her knees up to her chest.

“How did you help her?” I ask, curiously.

“Well, you did you spirit thing, and her heartbeat got stronger, so I told Skyler to bite her, and kinda willed you out. Then there was this mist that looked like your body and I directed it into your body.” She says, blushing slightly.

“That’s amazing, you saved us.” I say, and her cheeks turn redder.

“Can I fly?” Arella says, stopping her dance for a moment.

“No, sorry.” Skyler replies with a smile.

“Oh, Kay… can I turn into a bat?” Arella blinks at us slightly.

“No, that’s a myth made up to creep little kids out. Like Barney.” I resist the urge to laugh at the analogy.

“Barney is creepy.” Arella agrees, “But can I bite people and suck their blood until they die, or make them and make them Vampires too?”

“Ummm, yeah, that’s what vampires do. And you can go out in the sun, stakes don’t kill us, and the coffin thing is a legend.” Skyler grins a bit.

“Oh, well that’s good, ‘cause if I didn’t get to kill people in a graphic and painful way my life isn’t complete.” She nods like an idiot at us, and I lean over and whisper to Juliette.

“What’s wrong with her?”

“I don’t know. Her brain seems normal, she’s just whacked out. We should bring her back and make her sleep for a bit.” She frowns, “Arella sweetie, maybe you should go to bed. I bet you’re really tired.”

“Yeah…sleepy…” Arella mutters, before slumping over, asleep.

Together we carry her body back to the base, and I wonder if she’ll be okay when she wakes up.

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