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Shout out to MontseBluePaws for voting on pretty much all of the chapters! XD

"Come on!  Do you really think you can get your precious Chat Noir, or Adrien back?" He wispherd Adrien's name.

"Of course i do!"

"Pfft!  Chat Noir is no more!  Say hello to Chat Blanc!" He rolled his yellow glowing eyes

"Chat Noir is weak.  He couldn't even save himself from those haters.  He's a weak piece of shit, and we all know it.  Look at this!  He couldn't even stop me!" Blanc laughed.

"Now, if you'd excuse me.  I have some destruction to do."

And with that he ran of.  Ladybug groaned as she stomped her foot on the roof.  Why?

"I'm so done with this now.  I hate my life.  I hate my life.  I hate my life."

And poor Adrien didn't want any of this bullshit.  He wanted a happy birthday, and a life where he didn't have to be scared of people cause they hate him.  Or living in fear he'll hurt her, or anyone.

"Ah!  This is all so fucking stupid!"


"Look!  Chat Noir!" Someone pointed at him.

"Hello citizens of Paris!"

People crowded around him.  They were curios.  What the hell was going on?

"Chat Noir is gone!  And me, Chat Blanc is replacing him!"

"What did you do to Chat Noir?!" Someone questioned him

"I just took over his body.  He's weak.  It was too easy.  You don't want a superhero like that?  Do you?"

Everyone went quiet.  Did they?

"He was chosen for a reason, Chat Blanc!"

"Ah, Ladybug.  How nice." Blanc smirked.

"He is so much more than you!  Everyone should at least try to be a little more like him.  The world would have been so much nice then.  We should all be more like him.  We should learn from him."

"He may annoy me to pieces sometimes.  He is far from perfect, but no one is perfect.  Every day he tries to be a better person!  Even if the world is against him."

"He's a cry baby." Blanc stated.

"At least he isn't afraid to show weaknesess in front of people, like some people do."

Chat Blanc scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"He has thought me so much...  And i can't loose him.  Not like this.  After all he has done for me..."

"Can't you just bring him back for me?"


And he ran off again.  To somewhere.  Probably to cause more destruction.

"This is all your fault!" She whined at the people as she swung after him.


They both found themselves on top of the Eiffel Tower.  Where they often sat together.  Alone.

"Stop it!"



"M'lady..?" He looked at her.

He groans holding his head.

"Stop it!" He cried.


"Chat, are you ok?"

He took a deep breath.  Seemed like he was gaining controll again.  Maybe there was hope after all?

"M'lady...  I...  I can't stop this!"

"Of course we can!"

"We don't even know what is happening!"

"We always find a way!"

"Maybe we can't this time!  Maybe..." Chat looked over the edge.

"Maybe i should just end it all?"

Ok.   Enjoy!

Have a good day or afternoon or night wherever in the world u r!
~ Maren-Emilie

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