Chapter 3

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Larissa's POV

"I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T A GOOD IDEA!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. They were infuriating. I knew that she wouldn't have wanted to go along with it, but did anyone listen? NO! Did Alissa pick up the phone or answer any of my texts warning her? NO! But I'll tell you what they did do: they hurt her beyond the hurt that she was already feeling.

And, lets be real. HARRY FUCKING DESERVED IT! HE was the prick that cheated on her. HE was the bad guy. But they cast it in a light that made him look like the victim. I was practically shaking with rage.

"Larry, calm down." Emma said, laying a hand on my shoulder. I swung around.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" I shouted. I was out of control. This was bad. I couldn't see past the red. 

"Calm down!" someone shouted, though I didn't bother to look and see who. My voice got quieter, but it was cool and icy.

"Who gave you the right to go and hurt an innocent girl who only felt hurt. I know you all love Harry and seem to look at him as if he's a fucking god or something. I hate to break it to you, but he was the one who hurt Alissa, not the other way around. All that Harry's feeling right now is guilt, something that he should be feeling, because he did something horrible to a girl that might've loved him. Don't tell me to calm down, and don't you dare expect Alissa to ever forgive any of you. Good night." I spun on my heel and walked up the stairs and to my bed. It wasn't until I had pulled the curtain closed, pulled the covers over my head, and stuck my face in the pillow that I let the first sob out.

What made me feel even worse- selfish, even- is that I wasn't crying for Alissa, or what they- we - had done to her. No, I was crying for my stupid self.

I wasn't even crying for myself, even. I was crying for stupid Peter Cooper, the one and only boy I had ever been in love with. I shut my eyes tight, trying to make the thoughts of him go away.

"So, do you think he'll ask you to prom?" Aj asked as she dug through her locker. I was leaning to the side of it, clutching onto my books for dear life. 

"I don't know. Maybe. Hopefully." I grinned, sliding my glasses up my nose. To be honest, I wanted more than anything for Peter to ask me to junior prom with him. It was almost unheard of for a lousy freshman to be invited, plus, I thought it might be a good night to, you know, take our relationship to the next level.

"Larissa Michaels, its official: your're smitten." Aj turned to me and smiled, slamming her locker door shut.

"So what if I am? I'd like to think he's smitten with me. I mean, we've been going out for three and a half months." A smiled and shrugged, a faint blush tickling my cheeks.

"I wish I had a junior boyfriend like Peter. Hell, I wish I had a boyfriend period." Aj whined, practically stomping her foot.

"Its pretty great." I bit my lip before laughing. All of a sudden, Aj tensed up and her eyes got as wide as saucers. "Aj? What's wrong?"

She recovered herself, though her eyes were still bugging. She quickly shook her head, shrugging it off, but I could see she was looking at something behind me.

"Nothing, it's nothing. C'mon, we have to get to class." she grabbed my arm and tried to pull me along with her, but I knew her better than that and turned around, trying to see what she was looking at. 

My own body tensed up this time, and a lump formed in my throat, because right in front of me stood my boyfriend of three and a half months with his tongue down Amy Miller's throat. I immediately turned back to Aj.

"Lar, I'm so sorry." I pushed past her, not wanting her pity and wanting to be alone. Tears began slipping down my face before I made it to the bathroom.

Everyone in the bathroom practically ran out when they saw me, not wanting to have to deal with the crying girl. I walked over to the handicapped stall and pulled the seat down, sitting on it and lifting y feet to rest on the door so that no one would find me. Sob after sob wracked through me as I felt a pain in my chest, a pain I had never felt before. My heart breaking.

Why would he have wanted me, anyway? I was just a freshman with frizzy hair, glasses, and a chest so flat you could write on it.

 Damn Peter, damn Harry, damn stupid fucking cheaters all straight to hell. I was practically screaming into my pillow I was crying so hard.

The pillow was wet with tears, sweat, drool, and snot by the time I had finally calmed myself down.

Peter was the reason I had changed. He was the reason.

The night after I had caught him swapping spit with Amy, I called him and told him I wanted to break up. I didn't give him a reason, not wanting to dignify his cheating one bit.

That day something broke in me. I wasn't sure what, all I was sure of was that I was never going to fall like that again, and I sure as hell wasn't going to be the vulnerable one in a relationship again.

I started taking proper care of my hair, washing it with salon shampoos and conditioners and blow drying it instead of air drying. I started wearing makeup and darker clothes. I went to parties and drank, not caring about responsibilities. 

That summer I lost my virginity to some guy in a bedroom at a reak rager. i don't even know his name. I was on a downward spiral, and I didn't see myself coming out of it anytime soon.

One thing I did know for sure, though, was that I never wanted to be heartbroken again. So, I became a heart breaker.


I suck I suck I suck I suck

I suck I suck I suck I suck

I hope this chapter was worth the long ass wait. I'm really sorry, but I love you all so much. You're the best fans in the world.


~Hannah Stypayhorlikson

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