How Did Everything Turn Out Like This?

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Chapter. 1

By: GD

March, 20, 2010

School, ugh. How I hate it. Those early mornings, those tough classes. But they also gave my mind peace from all that wrecks havoc on my mind. I made sure that I got A's in all my classes. But sometimes it was never enough. Sometimes my mind would wander, and I couldn't help it. All I wanted was for my mind to remain blank. A nothingness. That would be so much better than 'this'

I was snapped out of my reverie by obnoxious giggling. Out of my corner of my eye I saw who the giggling belonged to. Christian, the school's 'popular' note I say that sarcastically. And but of course she was flirting with the school man whore. Ryan. I didn't know what girls saw in him. They practically threw themselves at him and he would just use them. Where is there self preservation?

I quickly tried to tune them out and focus on Mr. Martin's words. I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I turned to see who was touching me.

"Hey Clara" I faced my best friend Isabella. I could honestly say that this girl was more of a sister than anything else. I truly loved her like my own and would definitely do anything for her. And she would do the same.

"Yeah" smiling slightly.

"Do you have a pencil I can borrow?"

"Uhh...Hold on a second" twisting in my seat I rummaged through my bag. "Here" I said after a second of looking. I extended my hand to hand her the pencil.

"Thanks" she snatched the pencil from my hand. I stifled a laugh. She looked at my questioningly. I just shook my head in response. Isabella just smiled and returned her focus on her desk. I could tell it had nothing to do with English, which we were currently in. Only she would not do her homework. I laughed lightly.

I glanced at the clock. Just now remembering it was the last class before school ended. The bell was suppose to ring. Like it could read my mind, the bell rang. Funny how that works...

"Hey Clara, thanks for the pencil" I swiftly glanced at her hand with the pencil in it. And glanced away returning to packing my bag.

"Keep it" I said. "You need it more than I do" Remembering how focused she was with her homework.

"Okay!" Isabella said perkily.

I smiled shaking my head. Only she could make me feel better. I grabbed my bag heading towards the door.

"So, what are our plans for tonight?" Isabella asked.

"Oh... I haven't thought that far ahead." I answered truthfully. Isabella patted my back comfortably. She knew all about my life.

"Don't worry everything will be okay, me and Alex are here for you"

I smiled at her. Just as I was about to say how much I loved them for that, I was interrupted by Mr. Martin. "Ms. Sideris, can I have a word please?"


"Hey Is, I'll meet you by my car could you just tell Aiden?"

"Okay!" She sang happily, if you haven't figured it out. Is was my happy go lucky friend, and she and Aiden have a thing for each other but it more of a love hate thing. Aiden is my little brother well he's not so much little but he will always be my little brother even if I'm only older by a year.

I walked back to where Mr. Martin was sitting behind his desk. I waited patiently for him to begin. I had to admit Mr. Martin was one good looking teacher. With his black hair slicked back you could see his straight features perfectly.

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