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Justin's P.O.V
Me and lauren are cuddled up in my bedroom watching pretty little liars I think that's what it is she said she loved it so I let her put it in even tho I have no interest what's so ever in it but whatever makes her happy.
I start to play with her hair I put my lips to her ear and whisper "I love...... Chicken strips" she turns to look at me and gives me a kinda look like she wants to laugh but what's to hit me if you get me "no seriously I want chicken strips so bad right now" I bring my lips back to her ear and of course I say "I love you more tho" I plant a kiss on her a cheek and continue to play with her hair.
"JUSTIN" Lauren shouts causing my to jump out of my skin well in reality causing me to fall off the bed "hmm yeah" I pick my self up off the floor "it's half eight were going for food you coming" I nodd and Lauren continues speaking to whoever she was talking to and telling then we'll be outside in a minute.
"Boys you two drive together and then the girls will drive together since Katherine isn't coming" Christina says me and nick look at one another and nodd. We walk out to nick's truck it was kinda awkward because I've none Christina all my life and she's been dating nick for a year and a half now I've never really spoken to him I dunno what kinda stuff he likes and I guess this would be a good time to ask "so nick" he hums in response "you like basketball or any sport like that" he shakes his head "I like fishing" "same I used to go with my dad all the time" he smiles "maybe one day when the girls go off we can fishing or something" I nodd. I thought that car ride would have been more awkward nick is a chill guy he has really bad taste in music but other than that he's pretty chill and once he treats Christina good I don't care. We walk in and get us all a booth the girls aren't here yet so we kinda just sit in silence until nick speaks "so since when did you like Lauren?" He asks flipping through the paper "em I liked her for about 2 months and yeah we're dating a month now" he nods slowly "where are the girl there taking forever" I shrug after another ten minutes of waiting we hear the girls I lift my head to see Lauren looking absolutely stunning I mean she always does but now she looks breath taking

 We walk in and get us all a booth the girls aren't here yet so we kinda just sit in silence until nick speaks "so since when did you like Lauren?" He asks flipping through the paper "em I liked her for about 2 months and yeah we're dating a month...

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She gives me a small wave I Stand up and walk over to her "why don't you two sit at that booth" Christina points at a booth in the corner "Do you wanna?" I ask "sure" we walk over and sit down.
"You look absolutely stunning" she starts to blush "so what do you want to eat?" She takes another quick look at the menu "em I'll get a bacon and cheese burger and fries" okay I'll go up and order for you I stand up a kiss her on the cheek.
*walks up to cashier*
"Hey dad can I get a bacon and cheese burger and em fries and a bacon big boy with fries" he starts typing away on the register "what drinks you want" "em just give me one large chocolate milkshake" he smiles and nods "I'll bring it over to you" I nod and walk back to Lauren. "So what did you and Nick talk about?"
"Em we talked about fishing and stuff like that" she just nods and smiles.
My dad brings over our food and we begin to eat "So you know how valentines day is tomorrow" I say "Yeah"
"I'll pick you up at 6:30 is that okay?"
She smiles "yeah"
*next day*
6:29 I'm standing outside Laurens house I've got a big plan for tonight I really hope she likes it I knock on the door and dani opens it "hey dani" She puts one hand on her hip "okay so listen this is what's gonna happen your gonna have Lauren back no later than 11 I me-" she gets cut off by Lauren "shut up dweeb BYE MOM I'M GOING" "BYE SWEETIE AND JUST IN THAT 11 O'CLOCK THING DANI SAID STICK TO IT" her mom shouts back I let out chuckle "WILL DO LYNNE" I take Laurens hand in mine and bring her to the Truck i open her door and help her in i jog around to my side. "So bieber what you got planned for tonight" I smile and don't say anything. I stop on a hill top you can see the whole city from here I set up candles and fairy lights hanging from tree's I get out and pull the blanket out and lay it flat in the back of the Truck and set some pillows up. I help Lauren out and turn on music "so Lauren cimorelli can I have this dance" I put my hand out which she takes we begin to slow dance "did you really set all of this up for me"
"Yeah I wanted out first valentines day to be special". After and hour and half of dancing we climb up in the back of the Truck and look out at the city I take a deep breath and out my hand in my pocket "Lauren" she looks up at me "Yeah"
"I love you more than words can describe and hope tonight was the best night ever and I want to end it off with this i take a small white box out of my pocket and hand it her. She gives me a confused look but she opens it

It was a valentines Pandora ring she gasps "Justin this this is to much" "OH shush and out put it on" I take it from her and place it on her finger I place a kiss on her forehead "you know it's 10:30 I should probably get you home before your moth...

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It was a valentines Pandora ring she gasps "Justin this this is to much"
"OH shush and out put it on" I take it from her and place it on her finger I place a kiss on her forehead "you know it's 10:30 I should probably get you home before your mother beheads me"
*skips car ride*
"I had a great time tonight Justin thank you" ."so did I so will i see you tomorrow?" She nods we both start to lean on and we kiss it turned into making out and all we heard is "ohhhhhh" coming from the upstairs window we pull away and both look to the ground "I'll see you tomorrow" "Yeah bye" she smiles as I get back in my truck

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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