Six: Pranks and Flour

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When I awoke the next morning, JARVIS was still there. It didn’t even seem like he’d moved since the night before, and he was still wide awake.

     “JARVIS? You’re still here?” I mumbled groggily, pulling myself into a sitting position. He nodded and smiled a little at me,and I couldn’t help but smile back.

     “Of course, Miss. You were whimpering and moving around quite a lot, but you didn’t start screaming at all, so I thought I should stay in case you did wake up.” He explained, standing up. I nodded and rubbed my eyes, ridding them of excess sleep and any remaining puffyness from my tears.

     “I will inform Mr. Stark that you are awake, and tell him what happened.” JARVIS said, about to leave the room.

     “Hey, could you maybe just keep it between us? I’d rather him not know that I started crying over a horror movie..” I bit my lip, hoping he’d understand.

     “Of course. I will not tell him anything.” He smiled and left the room, so I got up to get dressed. It seemed that Tony had gotten all of my clothes here back when we were working on JARVIS, so I had something that I felt comfortable in to wear every day. Pepper seemed to ignore me at all costs, and it didn’t bother me one bit. That woman was horrible, despite what everyone else thought. I got dressed and went downstairs into the workshop to find a note from Tony.

‘Hey Lexi,

I’m gone out on a mission for a while. Pepper’s somewhere around the Tower, JARVIS is doing whatever it is that a JARVIS does, and you’re free to go wherever. I’ll be back at some point this week. Don’t cause too much trouble.


I read the note and smiled a little, setting it down and looking around the workshop. I’d never really gotten much of a chance to look around during all of the time I’d worked here, so this would definitely be interesting. I pulled up the blueprint plans and looked through them, seeing not only Tony’s work, but some of my own. I had been down in the workshop for almost two hours when everything went dark. It was sudden and I screamed, not really expecting it at all. It must have been a power outage or something. There was a sound of someone running down the stairs and I tried to feel my way around, but it was too dark to even see my hands in front of my face.

     “Lexi? I’m over here, try to find my hand.” JARVIS said, and I realized that it must have been him who came downstairs. I felt around, finally feeling my hand connect with his and he tugged me forward a bit.

     “Alright, I’m going to lead you upstairs now. Just follow me, okay?” And I did, following everything he did until we found the stairs. I stumbled as my foot connected with them, but braced myself with my arms.

     “Are you alright?” He asked and I said I was. We continued up the stairs until we were finally in the living room, which was also dark. There were a few candles glowing softly, and this made it easier to see, but it was still so quiet and dark that it almost seemed deserted. He sat me down on the couch and then sat beside me and picked up a flashlight from the table. JARVIS turned it on and set it back down, so the room was illuminated with the bright glow.

     “It seems there’s been a mass power outage from the thunderstorm outside.” He said, and I sighed. I hated being stuck without power. No internet and complete, absolute boredom. It was silent in the room, as it usually was when JARVIS was around. I had a thought and sat up a little straighter, turning to him.

      “Hey JARVIS? Ever pulled a prank on someone before?” I smirked. This plan was brilliant, and if JARVIS agreed, it’d be even better. He shook his head.

     “No Miss, but I’ve observed Mr. Stark on many occasions. He has his fair share with Colonel Rhodes. Do you like to play pranks?” He asked, tilting his head a bit. I laughed and nodded, remembering all the awesome ones I pulled during high school.


     “Oh yes, I’m the prankmaster. They’re pretty funny, actually. Except for this one, I’m going to need your help. Can you do that?” I asked, hoping he’d say yes. He thought about it for a moment, but agreed.


     “Alright, so we’re going to pull it on Pepper. Basically, I’m going to start screaming for Pepper to come quickly, and you’re going to hide behind the couch with a bag of flour. When she comes into the room, hopefully running, you’ll throw the flour in her face. Nothing dangerous, just some good old fashioned fun.” I grinned, hoping JARVIS found this as funny as I did.


     “But won’t that upset Miss Potts? I’m sure she wouldn’t appreciate it if we threw flour at her.” He stated, looking kind of confused.


     “Oh, my dear JARVIS, that’s the point of a prank. They don’t enjoy it, but we think it’s the funniest thing in the world. It’s just flour, it won’t hurt her. I promise.” I smiled, and he reluctantly agreed. I jumped up and ran into the kitchen with the flashlight, finding a bag of flour and bringing it back to him.


      “Alright, so you take this and hide here. Make sure you’re hidden, but can still get her with it. Keep it open.” I instructed, and took my place lying on the floor. JARVIS gave me the thumbs up and I took a deep breath and screamed.


       “PEPPER COME QUICK, HELP ME, PLEASE!” I screeched, my voice echoing through the tower. I heard Pepper running down the hallway and I kept screaming, only stopping once she showed up in the room and JARVIS attacked her with flour. I sat up and shined the flashlight at her, illuminating the fact that she was absolutely coated in flour once the cloud settled. Pepper had the most shocked expression on her face, and it was absolutely priceless, especially with the flour stuck in her hair and all down her shirt. Even JARVIS was laughing, and my sides hurt, but Pepper was furious. She didn’t even say anything, just stalked off down the hallway.


      “That. Was. PRICELESS!” I gasped, laughing so hard that I almost fell to the ground. JARVIS grinned and set down the now empty bag of flour on the table, sitting back on the flour coated couch. I sat down beside him and a mushroom cloud erupted, but we didn’t care.


    “Was that a prank done well?” He asked, and I nodded, giving him a high five.


     “JARVIS, that was a prank done perfect. I’m proud of you for that, even if Pepper’s probably going to hate me for the rest of my existence. Not that I care.” I smirked, and wiped flour off of my shirt. JARVIS reached out and touched my face, much to my surprise, and I realized that I was probably sitting there with my mouth gaping open like a fish.


     “There was flour on your face, Miss Lockwood.” He said, holding up his hand which now had white powder on it. My face flushed crimson and I nodded, looking back over at the wall.

        “Right. Flour.”

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