Chapter 20

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Jr's POV

*Playing with Kitty and Monkey*

"You like catnip?? you like it huh?" I was playing with the cats because Katy Bought some catnip toys for them for Christmas and both of the cats love them. But they aren't to fond of me yet, they both loooovveeeee Katy.

"IMMMM HOOOOMMMEEE" My moms voice interrupted my thoughts.

"In the spare room!" I heard her coming up the stars.

"Do they like the Treats?".

"Yeah they do, but they love you more" Both of them left me and the toys and rubbed against her legs.

"Aww I'm sorry babe"

"It's okay they are just Cats!"

"You did not just say that! block your ears kittens" She bent down and covered their ears.

"I'm sorry mom"

"Uh-Uh, apologise to the cats!" she huffed.

So I bent down to apologise, Monkey was fine but it was Kitty who hated me. I went to pat her but she hissed and scratched me.

"Ouch! Mom! look what she did! I told you she hates me"

"Bad Kitty bad!"

"You okay baby?" She held my hand and saw the scratch.

"OMG! she really got you!"

"I'll be fineeee" Katy went to get me a bandaid even though it didn't really matter.



"Want me to Kiss your boo boos better?" she mimicked in a Baby voice.

"Yes!" I huffed and crossed my arms playing along.

"Oh don't be so grumpy!" She jumped on me and started tickling me,

"Mum stop it! please, stop!" I managed to get out In-between laughs.

"Are you still grumpy?" She asked, hovering over me while she had me pinned to ground.


"Okay come here" She got off me and embraced me in a hug.

"How was work?"

"Long and Boring"

"Oh I'm sorry"



"I Have THE best idea" My mom exclaimed, representing an excited school girl.


"Weeeeee are getting yoooou a new kitten!" Inside I was jumping for joy but I couldn't accept that!

"Noo you don't have to mom it's really okay"

"Don't even start with me! Cmon let's go! let's go! let's go!

*In the car*

*roar comes on*

"I USE TO BITE MY TON-" I begin to sing.

"Noooo. wayyy!". Katy interrupted and changed Chanel.

"Why? don't you like your own song?"

"Well it's embarrassing In front of my daughter!" I like the sound of that. my daughter

I played it again.



We continued changing for ages until the button broke and the radio stopped.

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