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"Fuck!" dan screams in defeat

"I beat you, I beat you" I obnoxiously while jumping in circles.

"You little shit!" dan yells, before we both burst into a pile of laughter.\

We are at san diego arcade, we are here for a tour.

we scavange for another game to play, we only have three tokens left.t

hat is until a man approached dan.

"hey!' dan chirped.

I looked at dan.

"hey, are you interested in catching a beer tonight?"

"Excuse me" I laugh.

"this is my boyfriend!" I laugh, silently growling.

"You're boyfriend?!" the man screams.

"I'm sorry" dan whispers in my ear.

"Okay, wow, have fun, faggots" the man stomps away, giggling to himself.

"So that happened" dan said, his tone neutral.

"what did I tell you?!" I snap, grabbing his arm and pulling it to me.

"are you angry?" dan gulps, his voice fulled with fear.

"Very, we're going home" i growl.

That One Time ~ Phanfiction (Sad at beggining, smut at end)Where stories live. Discover now