Welcome To The World Claire Cavanaugh

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1 Month Later...
Toby and I were preparing for Claire's arrival about 24/7 and we were always stressed out along with my raging hormones made it awesome. I was packing the baby bag that I bought, I don't even remember how long ago. Toby said he was going to build all the baby's stuff since he had some free times since he didn't work on Wednesday or Thursday. And I was going to stay home since I'm not going to college until Claire is older. It was 3:30 in the morning and Toby was working on the last piece of furniture for the nursery, a rocking chair. I was preparing the last of the things to bring to the hospital when all of a sudden a warm liquid ran down my leg. Shit. Did I piss myself?! I look down and the liquid is clear and looks like water, then everything clicked...my water broke. Then the first contraction came along and it felt like everything in my stomach was pushing against my organs and ribs. It hurt like hell and I screamed, Toby came running into the room and his widens as he ran up to me holding me up. Sweat dropped down my face "T-Toby the baby's coming." I managed to get out and Toby was on it, he grabbed all the bags and then rushed us to his truck.
I hopped into the passenger side a gripped onto the dashboard hard, until my knuckles turned white. The pain was agonizing and Toby could tell, he looked at me worried as he called Melissa and my friends. We sped to the hospital as Toby rushed us up to the front desk and next thing I know I was in wheelchair and headed to a room.
(Toby's POV)
Spencer was being wheeled to one of the Reims on the 3rd floor while I patently waited for Melissa and her friends, god I haven't seen her friends in forever, especially Emily. Emily was my best friend and my companion when it came to outings or Spencer. I loved her like a sister and I was very protective of her, I remember this one time she started dating this girl named Paige and I did a Military inspection on her, Emily is dating this girl named Maya now after Paige and Emily's horrific breakup. I remember the inspection like it was yesterday...
"Toby you don't have to do this, I love you for doing this but you don't have to." Emily said nervous, I just shook my head "Emily you're like my sister and I want to protect you. I want to protect you like one, so please just let me inspect her okay." I say genuinely. She smiled and hugged me "Toby you are like the brother I've never had." She kissed me on the cheek and let my arm go as I walked up to a girl with long honey brown hair and pretty brown eyes, with an athletes body. I sit down across from her and stare her down as she looks at me like I'm crazy. "Um...can I help you?" She asks uncomfortably, "yes, actually you can. I'm Emily's... brother." Paige looked surprised "oh! Emily never mentioned she had any siblings." Paige stated and I was feeling a bit guilty for saying that.
   "Look I'm just gonna ask you a few questions if you don't mind and I'll let Emily in here." I state confidently. She just simply nods her head and I start asking a lot of questions.

About 20 minutes later she's about had enough and Emily was waiting at the doorstep to the rester aunt waiting impatiently to come in. "All right is that the last question?" Paige said a little annoyed, I nod my head "she's all yours!" I signal for Emily to come inside and they get to their date.
Flashback Over...
Soon after I reminisce about that event Melissa shows up and breathing heavily like she ran here. "Melissa everything okay?!" I asked panicked she held her stomach as she breathed "sorry I ran here. I know I wasn't supposed to but I was next door when you called so I ran." She stated. "Oh okay. Where's Wren?" I asked and she shrugged "he got sick and couldn't make it." She said sadly. "Oh okay." Then Aria, Emily, and Hanna show up not long after Melissa and I walk up to greet the flabbergasted trio. "Is the baby here yet?!" Hanna yells in panic "no Hanna, but she'll be here soon." I chuckle at her reaction. "Okay thank god i got here on time!" She exclaims. Everyone laughs, " do you know when she'll be giving birth?!" Aria asks a little panicked. I shrug "I'm not too sure but I'll find out." I say hobbling up to the front desk, "do you know what room Spencer Hastings is in?" I ask "give me a sec." she types away at her computer and then gives me a room number "aha! She's in room 213." She states as I run to the room leaving everyone behind rushing to the room heart pumping faster than it ever has before.
When I enter the room Spencer is pushing and I quickly grab her hand as she squeezed it so tight I thought it was numb.
After 2 hours we heard a little wail and cries coming from the doctors arms "she's here!" The doctor exclaimed, Spencer's eyes widened overjoyed Spencer was covered in sweat and they brought out beautiful bay girl up to us as Spencer reached out to hold her and my eyes started to well up with tears at how beautiful she was. She had big blue eyes and Spencer's nose with Spencer's chin and my mouth. She was beautiful.
(Spencer's POV)
After the doctors washed and swaddled her they gave her to me and Toby and walked out of the room. I was covered in sweat, blood, and tears but I didn't care all I cared about was the little girl in my arms, my little miracle. "She's beautiful." I say stroking her little cheek. "Yes, both of my girls are beautiful." Toby said kissing my hair, I smiled and gave her to Toby "want to hold her?" I ask "of course." He says quietly as he takes her from me.

A/N (Hey guys! Welcome to the world Claire! What did you guys think? Tell me in the comments and I'm happy to tell you guys I'M DOING A SEQUEL! So for everyone who's been reading for this long I'm grateful for all of my readers and I appreciate you reading my story. I love you all, so much! Xoxo Natalia❤️️)

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