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Somehow I made it back to my dorm. You were in your bed in your dorm. Misty was in bed. It was 2:30 in the morning. You had a massive headache. You saw a note, from Josh. 'Hey Cathy, you passed out from a bit too much drinking. But since your Oli's best mate, so I brought you home - Josh. How Sweet well I better get some sleep so my headache goes away.

~~~Few hours later~~~
Finally I woke up. My headache went away. It's 8 in the morning, and I need to go to university, and go to English 101. It's only 1 1/2 hours long and it's not that bad, trust me. Then after that class, I have Maths for 2 hours, lunch, and then History 101 for 2 hours. 

~~~After History 101~~~

I need to go back to my dorm, and do homework. Veep Veep. Your phone vibrates and see that you have you have a text from Josh. 'Hey cutie, just checking in on your headache - Josh' Aw how cute and thoughtful of him. 'Hey Josh, I'm fine the headache's gone. Feeling way better than this morning. Thanks.'

Grow Up With Me (a Josh Pieters Imagine) Where stories live. Discover now